HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/11/1972 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesFebruary 11, 1972 A special meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Art O'Neal, Arnold Stevens, Ed Rich, Doug Hanna, Cliff Tvedten; Attorney John Carlson and Clerk Dorotha McGee. ' Mayor Lannoye presented a letter from Munson- Nash, Engineers recommending the bid on the Baker Street project be awarded to the low bidder, Graves, Burke, Selland, Inc. for the amount of $253,256.Go. Ed Rich made a motion that the bid be awarded as recommended; seconded by Doug Hanna and passed unanimously. A discussion was held regarding the award of a contract for Constrniction Engineering on the Baker Street project. Two proposals had been presented at the February 7, 1972 meeting. Doug Hanna inquired if a change in Engineering firms was legal; John Carlson replied that in his opinion a change would be legal. Mr. Eason, representing Munson -Nash & Associates, stated his firm would do the work for 10% instead of the 12% in the original proposal. Cliff Tvedten moved to accept the porposal presented by Munson -Nash for the cost of 10%; seconded by Arnold Stevens and passed by a majority vote. Voting for were Arnold Stevens, Ed Rich, Cliff Tvedten; opposed Art O'Neal and Doug Hanna. Art O'Neal stated that he felt the Engineers should not be permitted to change their proposal. Mayor Lannoye stated that Joe Carl wished to submit his resignation as Chief of Police. He'reques`6s:-an -appointment as a uniformed Patrolman. After a discussion, Playor annoye ingwired if Assistant , Chief Clifford Hahn would accept appointment of Chief of Police. After further discussion with Officer Hahn regarding operation of the Police Department and with the approval of the City Council, Mayor Lannoye appointed Clifford Hahn, Police Chief and he was sworn into office by the Clerk. Chief Hahn reported to the Mayor and Council that beginning Monday a telephone will be installed in the Wenatchee Police Dept. for the East Wenatchee Police and from that time both radio and phone service for East Wenatchee Police Dept. will originate from that location. Arnold Stevens moved to adjourn; seconded by Cliff Tvedten and passed unaninously. -7 ft.t ze.z7 , Mayor�— C lerk sole •ATenoulTueun Dagssd Due uoiN pg Aq papuooas '.uanoCpe oq panoui magpany 33iTO •44sedojd aTpueN auS .TOT peep aqq ajedajd uosTjPO ugor gegq pagsanbaa adouuuq joAuki 96Tsnouitue4n passed Due uoiN pH Aq pppuooas :uagpany 33tTO 6q apem seM 2uiiaaw ZL/iT/7. au TT u uoTaonagsuo0 jog goejquoo 3o pjeMP euodgsod oq uoigoui y •2uzgaaur Z /TT/Z egg ge anuiguoO TTZM sTPsodojd pees uo uoisenosiQ •00'911T`SZ PaaOxa oq you 'gsoo uozgonjgsuoO TeUTI To 4%SL•L jo3 saOznjas jiagq pasodoad 2uij99uz2uH antgaas0 !%OT 3o sesuadxa A-TPTPR-UOU 439jip snTd gsoo d.zeTPs samiq +l•Z uo paseq 993 P snTd qsoo uoigonjgsuoo TengnP TPUTT aug To %ZT jo3 sT Tesodoad gseH-uosunlj •2Uzj8aui2u9 uoigonjgsuoo jo3 sTssodojd auq D9SU29a.Td aAouue7 joAuw •aOznjas sigq apnTout saop 2utja0ui2u9 AJvutmTTajd agq gPgq pazTdaj uosPH •aUl •aouegdaOOe pzq agg 3o •g•y•n agq 9uiAjTgou sapnTOUT 2UTa9@Ui2ua AaPuiiuzTajd aqq .IT pajtnbui a.iouue7 IoAL-W •ajngn3 aqq so3 puss 2uTTTd KOogs jo3 s9T4TTzgtssod agPJtgsanui TTTA 9OTH pH pus JOAUJl agy •sauigOsm Noago oq ' pagonjgsui sPM NaaTO auy *ITPH �gi0 aug jo' autgoeui Adoo Mau s 3o assgoand aTgissod aqq passnosip saagmaw TTouno0 pus a6ouue7 joAPW •goeCojd gaaagq jaxeg aqq uo uoT4Tsinbos 6gjadoad 3o ssaz2osd uo pagsodea uosTavo ugor •6Tsnouziusun Dagssd pue euueH 2nog Aq papuooas :•A•y gszjl uioj3 TTTq aqq 3o uotgdaoxe aqq ggTm siT?q aqq bed og panow VDIR PH OE'RZ'l`il sagetOossy -1 gseN - uosunyq 00'00£ ggTmgG aiuMojg ST'£E pTaoM aagogsuaM agy 47ZT - 77T .you squeaJEM .g•y•q Z£'9 aaeMpssH aPUM '8 sTTaM 2209CT •0ui 'sgjsd ogny jaPTH R'7'5Zi a2sje0 apTq gseg £7.•*/T guejnPgsaN siy S agy 5170££ aotnjas sUUTOTSAgd u042utgseM 05'0R u042uzgsLpm 3o Nueg 64tjnoas OT'6Z •gdaQ psog Aquno0 s�eT2noQ 96.0T •Oui 'aotnjas ajiy s,22ns £Z09£ •OuI ' •00 Aaauigosyl ujapoyq 00002! •m0 2utuz3au '2 TTO aTguinH 5905Z Tana 90 a2gi0 1 9'1'T£T •Ou= Oexay L61T - WIT *sou gauejdum gaajgs 0040T T 'OBI 40tj49TG aaMas AWnOO ssT2nOG 00 0£ anzTO •r gjagjaH 0000Z uo. a StpagO OOpad