HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/5/1973 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesMarch 5, 1973
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called I
to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Doug
Hanna, Ed Rich, Cliff Tvedten, Darrell MaNeill; Attorney John
Carlson and Clerk Dorotha McGee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with the following
amendment; on his trip to Bremerton, Charles Walker was to check
with the State Patrol regarding the purchase of another automobile.
The bills were presented to the Council
as follows:
Current expense warrants nos. 4810
- 4839
C.N.A. Insurance Co.
$ 50.00
Dennis A, Mengelos
Texaco, Inc.
F. Morton Pitt Co.
Guardian Life Ins. Co.
Mid -State Cleaners
Central Communications
East Side Garage
R.M. Church, Inc.
Law Enforcement Retire, System
Union Oil Co.
Law Enforcement Equip. Co.
Eastmont Pharmacy
Dick+s Service
Standard Oil Co.
General Telephone Co.
Security Bank of Washington
Elder Auto Parts, Inc.
Washington Physicians Service
Douglas County P.U.D.
Grace Crawford
Wells & Wade Hardware
Knutson Lumber Co.
Eastside Paint
Cascade Natural Gas Corp.
Grant Road Hardware
Wenatchee Lumber Co.
East Wenatchee Plater District
Kuske's Peter Rabbit
Douglas County Treasurer
Street warrants nos. 1355 - 1362
Washington Physicians Service
Security Bank of Washington
Texaco, Inc.
Davenport Realtors
City Ice & Fuel
Shoreline Concrete Co.
Dept. of Revenue
John E. Liek
U.A.B. warrant no. 176
Transamerica Title Ins. Co.
Ed Rich moved that the bills be paid; seconded by Doug Hanna and
passed unanimously.
' Mayor Lannoye reported three wires protruding through the didewalk
crossed by heavy equipment used in the shopping center construction.
Graves and Burke and shopping center officials are to be contacted
regrading replacement of this sidewalk area.
Darrell McNeill reported that 20 trailers from the Airstream caravan
could be parked in the City parking lot area and an additional 20
could be parked at Eddie Mays. Mayor Lannoye stated that the school
facilities will be used for the caravan at this time, but the City
will extend an invitation to Floyd Andrew and his group to use city
facilities any time they are in this area.
The City Council postponed action on the proposed transportation
ordinance for 2 weeks pending a decision by the legislature.
Disability insurance for Officer Kinkade was discussed by the Mayor,
Council, City Attorney and said officer. Council agreed to apply
for a policy that will pay 66% of salary in case of disablement.
City officials and Pearl Murphy discussed the change in zoning
requested for the Murphy property. Council members present are in
favor of zoning said property commercial, if owner Murphy deeds
10 feet of right of way on 1st St..S.E. and 20 feet right,6f way
on Roc# Island Road to the city for the purpose of widening the
' streets.
Ed Rich moved that the city purchase 20 silver delineator buttons
at 220 each; 16 guard rail posts at 6.20 each; 12 sections of guard
rail at 15.75 per section; 2 guard rail end sections at 6.00 each
at a cost of $304.00; seconded by Cliff Tvedten and passed unanimously.
Said supplies will be purchased from the State Highway Dept. and used
in the installation of 150 feet of guard rail at the end of 5th st.
After a discussion, the Council decided to have installed, 5 street
lights on the upper side of 4th street on P.U.D. poles.
The City Council authorized the Mayor to call for bids for black-
top on 4th street N.E. Ed Rich made a motion to call for laid bids
seconded by Doug Hanna and passed unanimously. The Mayor & Council-
man Rich will prepare the specs and bids are to be opened at the
March 19, 1973 meeting.
Mayor Lannoye presented a letter from Bruce Kuske requesting permission
to have style shows and old time movies at the Little Viking.
Council members gave their approval to this request.
The Telephone Co. has requested permission to bury a telephone cable
on the south side of Grant Road behind the sidewalk. Cliff Tvedten
moved that said permission be granted for that area within the city
' limits; seconded by Ed Rich and passed by a unanimous vote.
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