HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/5/1973 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesFebruary 5, 1973 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called ' to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Doug Hanna, Darrell McNeill, Cliff Tvedten, Ed Rich, Arnold Stevens; Attorney John Carlson, Clerk Dorotha McGee and Charles Walker. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with the following amendment; problems with the 1972 Dodge police car ocurred within the first 10,000 miles. The bills were presented to the Council as follows; Current expense warrants nos. 4759 - 4796 Texaco, Inc. $129.15 Errol P. Downs 153.00 Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 3.35 Kinkades Acme Cleaners 32.58 Stan's Merry Mart, Inc. 21.67 Flanigan, Libke & Jones 10.00 East Side Garage 343.57 Nancy P. McDonnell 4.00 Millie Wright 4.00 Ardell McNerney 4.00 Magnuson Salvage Sales 7.28 Texaco, Inc. 3.31 Law Enforce. Retirement System 336.46 Olympic,College 347.00 Jones So. End Chevron The Craftsman, Inc. .42 2.88 ' R.M. Church, Inc. 11.15 General Telephone Co. 47.01 Western Copy Products, Inc. 25.20 Washington Physicians Service 383.50 Security Bank of Washington 476.60 Chelan -Douglas Health District 11138.00 Grace Crawford 21.25 Webpco, Inc. 92.23 Wash. State Magistrates Association 15.00 R.L. Polk & Co. 47.75 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 34.80 Trick & Murray 61.10 John C. Carlson 82.80 Terry L. Giese 9.14 St. Paul Stamp Works 11.60 Ronald E. Smith 135.19 Grant Road Hardware 14.35 Craven Lumber Go. 434.94 Bagdones Supply 24.72 East Wenatchee Moulding 20.81 Douglas Co. Sewer District No. 1 10.00 Surplus Property Section 58.96 Street warrants nos. 1344 - 1353 Exxon Co. 20,00 ' Davenport Realtors 50,00 Texaco, Inc. 43.05 Standard Oil Go, 5.04 Wells & Wade Hardware 9,06 Douglas County Road Dept. 5.10 1 1 •6Tsnow?ueun passed pup suanagS pTouay 6q papuooas :waag apaIL Z 'aanog4a3 •S•0 :waaq aea6 'I 'uuwaaxoy gaagog :waag apaA 9 'aaoolq a?uaH !paeog ao?naag T?n?o aqq og squawqu?oddu 2u?MotTo3 aqq ao3 panow uuupH Onog •40 u?nTd STTT - aaeoqf�a3 •g•0 Pup pueTgsd '0N GTZT - upwaaxoy gaagoH :aaxpg *ON ZTZT - aaooW a?uag :uo?ss?wwoo ao?naaS T?n?O aagoquuaM gspg up 3o saagwaw an?goadsoad su T?ounoo agq og saw-eu 2uTAOTT03 aqq paquasaad adouuvq aodpw •940A snow?upun p Aq passpd pup EuuEH Onog Aq papuooas !qo?H pg Xq appw sEM uo?gau2?saa s?qq gdaooe oq uo?gops •uo?gpu2?saa daq do ao?gou Tugaan 9np2 aa0oW EggoaOG aau?wexg 3a?go pup 6ap4aa0aS •ATsnow?uuun passpd pup TTT9NDW TTaajua 4q papuooas !suo?gEu2??saa p?Es gdaoop oq panow suanagS pTouay •uos?aaow TTaaaEQ 'r 'aQ `TT?aaow xo?Q `saa3jer papgo?H saagwew paeog aotnaaS T?n?O aagogeuaM gseg agg 3o uo?gpu2?s8a aqq ppaa 86ouuEq aoAEW °•uataT?ouno0 pup aoApW eqq jo uo?goaTa-aa aqq uodn 9n?409d39 awooaq 6Tuo TTTm T?ounoo pup ao4uK aqq ao3 sa?aETes 2u?g499 '£8T •ou aoupu?paO gegg pagpgs uosTavD ugor •q? ao3 saMo fLTIVOOT 64?O agq gEqq ao pan?aoaa SPA 48NOPC aqq gpqq paquasead sT 3ooad i?qun PTag aq TT?q s?gq gegq pas?npu uosTaeo ugor •Tauosaad 6q?o quaaano 6q paa?aoaa qou 6Tquaapddp pup pageooT aq gouuEo gegq gaxopC aaggpaT e ao3 paTT?q uaeq spq 4q?o aqq gpqq pagaodaa aAouup7 ao6pw •ATsnow?ueun passpd pup qo?H pg 6q papuooas :00'£ST 3o qunowp aqg u? w?ETo aqq fed og panow suanagS pTouay •00'£ST 3o qunowE aqg u? aq PTnoM 'p?ed 3? 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Mr. ' Starkey stated that his company was interested in opening an office in East Wenatchee, Arnold Stevens made a motion in favor of the establishment of a local office by said association; motion was seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed by a unanimous vote. The Gouncil gave approval for the purchase of a crystal for the police radio. The Mayor inquired whether the Council wished to repair the Chevrolet Police car or try to purchase another surplus auto Arnold Stevens will check the date for the auction to be held at fakima next month. John Carlson stated that the Civil Service Commission will need additional time before holding the hearing on the dismissal of Clifford Hahn. John Carlson is also to advise the Clerk regarding insurance for Hahn. The New Civil Service Commission members were introduced to the Council by Mayor Lannoye. John Carlson stated that Title Insurance Co. reports that 1st St. S.E. is only 30 feet wide on the west end from the Murphy residence to Rock Island Road. After a discussion, the Council decided to zone the Murphy property commercial, only if 30 feet of right-of-way is ' donated to the City for the purpose of legally widening the street. Arnold Stevens moved that the meeting be adjourned; seconded by Cliff Tvedten and passed unanimously. Mayor 1