HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/1973 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesNovember 19, 1973
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called
to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Ray
' Duncan, Doug Hanna, Ed Rich, Cliff Tvedten, Darrell McNeill; Attorney
John Carlson and Clerk Dorotha McGee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
The bills were presented to the Council
Current expense warrants nos. 5196 -
Dennis A. Mengelos
Charles Kay Walker
Dorotha McGee
Charles S. Syring
Robert A. Kinkade
Herbert J. Olive
John C. Carlson(for posting only)
Pedco Credit Uation
Dorotha McGee
Wm. M. Hamilton
Mott W. Liek
Street warrant no. 1451
as follows:
Mott W. Liek 394.17
Doug Hanna moved that the bills be paid; seconded by Cliff Tvedten
and passed unanimously.
Ed Rich presented a letter from Mrs. Riddle requesting that a stop
sign ahead sign be posted at the approach to the stop sign at llth
and Baker. After a discussion the Council decided that such a sign
was not necessary.
Darrell McNeill reported that the park tables are stored and covered.
Cliff Tvedten reported that Mr. Rovang will try to spray weed killer
along designated city streets this week. Costs for this are to be
$765.00 + Washington State sales tax, and weed control is to be
effective for 1 year.
John Carlson presented Ordinance No. 192 to the Mayor & Council.
Said ordinance relates to the establishment of Ramaker Way as a one
way street. Ed Rich moved to approve and pass Ordinance no. 192;
seconded by Doug Hanna and passed by a unanimous vote. This ordinance
will become effective when street is signed and posted.
John Carlson presented Ordinance No. 193 to the Mayor and Council.
Said ordinance relates to the P.U.D. franchise. Ed Rich moved to
approve and pass ordinance No. 193; seconded by Doug Hanna and passed
Mayor Lannoye stated that the sidewalk mn Simon Street had been
repaired by the contractor. Ed Rich moved that the City accept the
' Simon street project; seconded by Cliff Tvedten and passed by a
unanimous vote. Final payment may be made to the contractor in 30
days if no liens have been filed.
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