HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/4/1974 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesFebruary 4, 1974
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called
to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Ray
Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Cliff Tvddten, Doug Hanna, Ed Rich;
' Attorney Hohn Carlson and Clerk Doro wia McGee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
The bills were presented to the Council as follows:
Current expense nos. 5314 - 5339
Kinkade's Acme Cleaners $ 27.36
Law Enforce. Retire. bystem 372.07
Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 2.11
A-B-C Communications 115.78
East Side Garage 67.53
Texaco, Inc. 44.00
Jim's Body & Fender 75.98
Eastmont Pharmacy 2.08
Union Oil Co. 12.03
Union Oil Co. 146.85
Eastmont Sports Center 12.01
Herbert J. Olive 2.11
Automotive Electric, Inc. 39.97
Western Copy Products 41.95
General Telephone Co. 47.60
Washington Physicians Service 487.85
Security Bank of Washington 838.90
Herbert J. Olive 1.95
' Grace Crawford 17.50
Sears Roebuck & Co. 74.10
Eastside Paint 8.66
Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 62.05
Stants Merry Mart, Inc. 4.01
The Craftsman, Inc. 12.29
Trick & Murray 37.05
Clark Boardman Co., Ltd. 15.00
Street warrants nos. 1489 - 1498
Security Bank of Washington 54.80
Washington Physicians Service 10.97
Texaco, Inc. 14.65
Union Oil Co. 48.96
Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 102.28
East Side Garage 197.80
John E. Liek 51.78
Michael L. Crawford 11.77
Darrell ['iayne Gooch 115.33
Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 37/15
Doug Hanna moved that the bills be paid; motion seconded by Cliff
Tveaten and passed unanimously.
Mayor Lannoye reported that he has been advised that attendance at
Fire District meetings by City Officials would be welcome.
' A discussion was held regarding the proposal by Bell Telephone Co.
to bury the cable on Rock Island Road. Mayor Lannoye has been in
consultation with telephone officials on this matter.
John Carlson advised that the Planning Commission be notified that
the City plans to widen Rock Island Road by 20 ft. The Clerk is to
notify Herb Olive.
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