HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/17/1974 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesJune 17, 1974 The regular meeting of the East Renatchee City Council was called to ' order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Ray Duncan, Doug Hanna, Darrell I`icNeill, Ed Rich; Attorney John Carlson and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented to Current expense warrants Clerk, East Wenatchee Charles Kay Walker Dennis A. Mengelos Dorotha McGee Charles S. Syring Robert A. Kinkade Herbert J. Olive(for Pedco Credit Union the Council nos. 5523 - Post Office posting only John C. Carlson(for posting only Dorotha McGee Wm. M. Hamilton Pedco Credit Union Jimmy Glen Smith Thomas Patrick Minter Street warrants nos. 1554 - 1555 Jimmy Glen Smith ' Thomas Patrick i;inter Darrell McNeill moved that the bills be paid; and passed by a unanimous vote. as follows: 5535 $ 58.00 613.80 492.39 313.36 522.25 512.25 50.00) 26.92 400.00) 338.40 242.47 50.00 192.26 165.20 384.00 307.22 seconded by Doug Hanna Kenneth Racus requested approval by the City Council for the employment of I'ir. Girard as a part time Merchant Policeman. Council members gave their approval. The bids for the three street improvement projects were read to the Council as follows: S & D Paving Co. - 17,218.95 with a bid bond enclosed. P•--orrill Asphalt Paving Co. - 14,815.00, bid bond not enclosed. Ed Rich moved that John Carlson check the statutes for the bid bond requirement before the contract is awarded; seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed by a unanimous vote. A Public Hearing on the Mann -Farrington annexation was held. Guy Glenn, Douglas County Deputy Prosecutor, spoke on behalf of the County Commissioners. He stated that the Commissioners opposed this annexation for the reasons that it does not include Grant Road and that it is not in the best interests of the City. Mayor Lannoye replied that Grant Road from the river east to the Little Viking Tavern is in the City limits, and that Mr. Farrington had requested the annexation and that the city is interested in all annexations. Mr. Farrington spoke in favor of the annexation. After further discussion, Darrell McNeill moved to approve and pass Ordinance NO ' 198; said Ordinance relates to the approval and acceptance of the annexation; motion seconded by Ray Duncan and passed by a unanimous vote. 7 7 L r •dTsnomiueun passed puE TTTaNDW TTaddEQ Aq papuooas !paudnoCpE aq 3uTga9w aqq gvg4 panom EuueH 2nod •g46T aunt uo mnidogTpnE •00 seo apeosEo aqq qv 2ut49am e gonpuoo TTTM •gdaa Aexq�TH agegS aqq 4Egq paqugs a6ouuE7 dOAPW 0940A snowTueun E Aq passed pup goTH PH Aq papuooas !apeTq AOTd Mous a aevgoand A4Tq aug gEuq panom uEouna APV •agon snomTueun a Lq passed pup gotH pH Aq papuooas uoTgom asegoand pTEs o4 spde2aa ggTM Aoua2E d4dadodd snTddnS agrgs agq goeguoo og pazidoggnE oq dofeUj au4 4Eg4 panow aeouna APH •aTes do3 Pa,z433o sNondg pa4oadsut anEq ueound Avu puE doAvw o u •agon snomTueun a Aq passed pup ueouna SEH Aq papuooas !IL61 `T 6Tnp uo 2uTdeaq oTTgnd aqq do3 TTEo og pup paguasadd sE ueTd aqq gdooOE 04 Panom goTH PH•TTounoo aqq 04 ueTd 49ad4S aetsuagaddmoo deaX xTS aqq paquasadd a6ouuvq dodeK •uotssTmwoo a oTndaS TTATO aqq g4TA doTTod ddeuoTgomodd aqq. ssnosTP TTTM JOABW agg 4eu4 paptpap sere IT `uoTssnosTp E da43tl •aoTTod 30 3aTg0 E 30 4uaw4utoddE agg 2utpau2ad uoTuTdo sivamTTounoo pagsanbad sLouuuq do6Ey1 suo14Tsod '4uawgsnCpy 3o pdeog paqutodde afouue7 doAPW :TTounoo •mdag JE94 omq E do3 gOEa `S pup I agg 04 TTTddoW NOTQ puE sTTTH anEQ aq4 3o TEeodddE snowtueun aqq ggTIA OATsnowTueun passed Pup TTTaNOW TT9dauG 6q papuooas :aTgETTEne opEm guTEd 3o sadAq aqq xoago og paztdoggnE aq doAuW aqq geg4 panom ueOuna kVH •TE2 dad 0z•9 @ guTEd pup •E2 dad 98•1 @ daTEas 000 dagamZ uanedo •xeq snid 9T•980 3o Teg04 E 4E •TE2 dad 95•9 9) guTEd •910 # Pup •Teo dad aZ•+1 p daTeas •sTE2 IT - ssETO �R 4uTEd apTs4sEg •96•STZ$ 3o TE404 E 4E 09Te2 41Z - guTEd Pup daTEas do3 •TED dad LS•a - oodaMS :sMoTTo3 sE adaM saoTdd •uoTgtpPe TTEu A4T0 aq4 do3 daTeas pup fluted do3 smdt3 aadu4 �q Pag4Twgns adaM saoTid •auTgoEm Adoo aq4 do3 PanTaoad aaam spTq oN •040e snomtueun E Aq passed pup gotH ps Aq papuooas uot4ow '4uawasTapE dapun PTq ago axE4 TTounoo aqg 4eg4 Panom euueH 2nOG •00.00I$-39 PTq e poggTwqns sdaugndEO PTodEH •aED aoTTod aq4 do3 pantaoad sem pTq ou0