HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/15/1974 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesApril 15, 1974 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Doug ' Hanna, Cliff Tvedten, Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich; Attorney John Carlson and Grace Crawford. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. At this time, a discussion was held regarding the proposed annexation. Approximately 15 families are involved; those present were Otha Holcomb, Mr. & Mrs. John Deal Mr. & Mrs. Monte Olson, Mr. & Mrs. Vines. Items disnussed were 4) Will the City accept the proposed annexation? (2) Zoning regulations (3) City indebtedness. John Carlson explained Ordinance No. 129. Zoning in the area will remain as presently zoned -.R-1 Residential. Mayor Lannoye stated that the City would accept the annexation and that the city has no indebtedness. He also explained that taxes and mire rates would be lower, but those annexed would lose their library privileges, at North Central Regional Library. Also, citizens would not be required to pgy &or street improvements or sidewalks, and burning barrells will be permitted. Street lights will be installed without charge to the residents. Before a public hearing can be held, a petition containing the signatures of owners of 75% of the assessed valuation must be presented. Mayor Lannoye will inquire as to the cost of installing a fire hydrant. Mr. Wayne Atter discussed with the Mayor & Council, a proposed street for the area in which he is constructing some houses. He was advised to contact Herb Olive regarding this matter and report back to the Council. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Current expense warrants nos. 5443 - 5454 Sears Roebuck k. Co. $127.24 Mott W. Liek 154.66 Charles Kay Walker 613.80 Dennis R. Mengelos 574.78 Dorotha McGee 313.36 Charles S. Syring 522.25 Robert A. Kinkade 459.17 Herb. J. Olive(for posting only 50.00) Pedco Credit Union 26.92 John C. Carlson(for posting only 400.00) Dorotha McGee 338.40 Wm, M. Hamilton 242.47 Pedco Credit Union 50,00 Jimmy Smith 113.69 Street warrants nos. 1525 - 1527 Douglas Co. Road Dept. 89.bb Mott W. Liek 308,71 Jimmy Smith 327.27 A discussion was held regarding the payments to Mott Liek. A ' check of city records show that he was employed by the city on the latter part of April 1965 and received first pay irom the City on May 4, 1965. He was employed by the city for 9 years and so is e ntitled to 15 days vacation pay. Ed Rich moved that the pills be paid; seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. 1 aoAe •ATenomTupun passed pup goTH pN Aq papuooas uoigow !pauanoCpp aq SuTgaaw agg gpgg panow uagpans, i.TTTO '•gaaags aaxpg uo asnoq agg uo sguawanoadwT uT 9a og sT goango upseggag agg gpgg pagaodaa uosTapo ugop •AgToudpo sTgg UT anaas og paguasuoo uwouTQ AuH upmTTounoo •paeoq agg og aagmaw auo goaTas og aae suT2noa uT salgTO aqg 3o saoApli eqs •papog AgTTTgesTQ Agunog suT2nOG aqg ,To uptux pgg 'Toggoag TTTg moa,T aaggaT e paguasagd aAouupq aoAuW •agora snowTupun a Aq passpd pup goTH pg Aq papuooas !panoadde aq uoTgpoTTddp paps gpgg panow TTTGM3W TTaaapQ •s3jaoMaaT3 sups pup a3ps TTas og uOTssTwaad ao3 uoTguoTTddp up paggTwqne saaoApp guomgsug aqy •ATgnomTuuun passpd pup uagpany ,;.TTTg Aq papuooas !Novp ate up esegoand og aoAPTT aqg azTaoggnp og UOT40UI p eppw upouna APE •gg2TT sTgg gnogp •gdea AuMg2TH agpgg aqg goeguoo TTTg aH •gs qg5 Pup utpIq ge gno gg2TT gaaags u pagaodea puuuH 2noa •uoos Napd aqg uo pueads aq TTTM JgZTTTg,za;# aqg Bugg Pagpgs TTTaNOW TTaaapQ •ggTmg AwwTr aaAoTdwa a3mpuaguTpw gaaags Mau aqg uo sgaodea aTquaonp,T ST ATaguwTxoaddp panTaoaa spq aq pagaodaa aAouuvq aoAvW t •agora QnowTuwun p Aq passed pup uagpany ,;.TTTg Aq papuooas !pTaq aq 2uTaeaq oTTgnd u awTg gpgg gp PUP PauOTs aneq uoTgenTun passassp aqg JO %5L 3o saauMo Ou.PTnoad 'TuTquapTsaH T!H pauoz aq paap agg pup paguesaad se -uoTgTgad uoTgpxeuue pasodoad aqg gdaoop TT3un0D aqg gugg panow TTTallo14 TTaaapa