HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1975 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesDecember 15, 1975
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called
to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Ray
Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Doug Hanna and John Willeford;
Attorney Neil Fuller and Assistant Clerk Grace Crawford.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
The bills were presented to the Council
as follows;
Current expense warrants nos. 6353
- 6375
Don Whitaker
Law Enforcement Retire. System
Valley Auto Co., Inc.
Eastside Mobil
Speidel*s Dept. Store
Sugg's Tire Service, Inc.
Wenatchee Police Dept.
Charles K. Walker
Dennis A. Mengelos
Dorotha McGee
Harold G. Kirby
Robert A. Kinkade
Washington Physicians Service
Security Bank of Washington
Libke, Jones & Mitchell
Bbttrey Food Stores
John C. Carlson
Herbert J. Olive(for posting only
Dorotha McGee
Pedco Credit Union
Wm. M. Hamilton
Robert H. Scott, Jr.
Thomas P. Winter
Jimmy Glen Smith
Street warrants nos. 1825 - 1833
Morrill Asphalt Paving Co.
Scotty*s FFeneral Welding
Thomas P. Winter
Jimmy Glen Smith
Eastside Paint & Glass
Grant Road Hardware
Security Bank of Washington
Washington Physicians Service
Stan+s Merry Mart, Inc.
Doug Hanna moved that the bills be paid;.
motion seconded by Ed
Rich and passed unanimously. There was
a general discussion on
two bills presented in the Hahn matter.
The Mayor requested that
the Council check these bills before authorizing
payment, as bills
contained charges for two trips to the psychiatrist
for the months
of November and December and expenses for
said trips. Also
discussed was the medical perscriptions.
Ordinance No. 216 was presented to the Mayor
and Council. Said
ordinance is for the purpose of establishing
salaries and wages
for the year of 1976. Ray Duncan moved
to approve and adopt ord-
inance no. 216; seconded by Darrell and
passed unanimously.
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