HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/3/1975 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesSeptember 3, 1975 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called ' to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Ray Duncan, Doug Hanna, Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich; Attorney John Carlson and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The Public Hearing on the petition for annexation to the City was convened at this time. The following persons who identified them- selves, spoke to the City Council regarding the proposed annexation: Mr. Roger Bennett, Mr. Ken Getty, Mr. Hu 131onk, Mrs. Patty Curtis, Mr. Dave Ross, Mrs. Delores Kane, Mrs. Liv Shivley, Mrs. Ralph Aiken, Mr. Donald Wall, Mr. Jim Bryant, Mrs. Jackie Lee, Mrs. Betty Lee, John Tontz and Mr. Cliff Tvedten. Mr. Hu Monk and Mr. Getty have petitions containing names of persons opposing the annexation and Mr. B'lonk presented a map relating to the description of the property involved and stated the descriptions in the petition were not correct. After a lengthy discussion, Ed Rich made a motion to continue the public hearing until tt,e next regular meeting on September 15, 1975 for the purpose of checking the legal description; motion seconded by Doug Hanna and passed by a unanimous vote. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Ed Rich moved that the City accept the 14th Street improvement project; seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. The bills were presented to the Council Current expense warrants nos. 6197 Central Communications Cashrs Cleaning Ctr, Lafe H'. Myers, M.D. Guardian Life Ins. Go. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Gellatly Agency Kinka des Acme Gleaners Texaco, Inc. R.M. Church, Inc. Nudelman Bros. Texaco, Inc. General Telephone Go. Cascade Natural Gas Corp. Douglas County P.U.D. Municipal Revolving Fund Grace Crawford Buttrey-Osco Food Store East Wenatchee Water District as follows: 6214 $149.8899 .68 50.00 77.12 18.22 7.00 2.95 296.15 24.64 701 12.44 49.96 51.35 48.00 19014.49 68.26 4.78 6.00 Federal Shared Revenue warrants nos. 028 Grant Road Hardware Eastside Paint & Glass L.W. Koch Co. ' Street warrants nos. 1172 - 1780 Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Cascade Natural Gas Corp. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co. Columbia Concrete Holland-Pybus Machine Shop E.T. Pybus Co. Texaco, Inc. - 030 28.50 37.93 658.78 229.14 4.24 3,184.79 55.13 61.43 55.50 98.72 1 1 �.zeTD 0 a40A snowtuuun u �q passed pus TTTaNOW jTaajPa fq papuooas !pau.znoCpe aq 2UT48aw agq gegq panow ueouna AuU •sgaaals .za3.zapupgS pup uTPW qu pagszTgeqsa aq og 6,zaTTUD IJV up ao3 uopno7 -ja oq aoue2..Ipn e P91UL-JV quawgsnCpy 3o pseog aagogpuaM gseg agq `agep stgg uo 2ut4aaw JGTTsea up qy 02utgaaw gxau aqq qe awes uo gaodai pup 6AgT3 aqq zoj ppo,z agq 2uzgdaooe oq sp.zp29a gqzM sgaa.zgs ggzi Pup ggTT uaaMgaq peoi Mau aqq xoago u8wTtouno0 pagsanbau a6ouupj .zoAuW oaaggew 2utsnq aqq 2uip.ze2aa ggSz .zagwagdas uo asnoH gano0 .kWno0 ueTags agq qu pjag aq TTLM 2ut48aw e gpgq pagpgs osTe aH •fpp;4d uo 2uzuado 92pt,zq aqq oq P94TAUT aJ@m sTezoi33o Agt,0 gegq pagEgs .zofvw aqy •asEo aqg uo NJOM quaTTaoxa stq .zo3 &GUJ oggy AgTD agg paxuEgq aq pup 'gseN-uosunW pup goaCo.zd gaaagS uiuW aqq 2uipsp29.z q.zno0 ' ,zoz.zadnS ui gtns aqq uoM Agt0 agq gpqq pag.zodai a6ouuuq .zoAvW OATsnowtueun passed pup TTTGNOW T19JJPG 6q papuooas uotgow !suotgpotunwwo0 Te.z4ua0 wOJJ TTTq agq 3o uotgdaoxa agq gqzM peed aq sTTTq aqq gpqq panow ueouna AUpj `uoissnoszp E .zagjv 617OR •o0'R xongaog sueaS 00*�56 'Q'Il'd 6qunos spT2noa