HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/16/1975 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesJune 16, 1975 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Doug Hanna, Ed Rich; Attorney John Carlson ' and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented tothe Council as follows: Current expense warrants nos. 6077 - 6099 Clerk, E. Wenatchee Post Office $ 54.20 Firestone Stores 364.37 Wenatchee Police Department 200.00 Law Enforcement Retire. System 325.95 Kustom Signals, Inc. 66.50 Charles K. Walker 734.92 Dennis A. Mengelos 650.17 Dorotha McGee 373.04 Robert A. Kinkade 614.87 Lafe H. Myers, M.D. 40.00 Washington Physicians Service 432.48 Security Bank of Washington 932.67 Chelan -Douglas Health District 916.00 Don Whitaker 300.00 Wenatchee World 7.50 East Valley News 20.30 Herbert J. Olive(forposting only 10.00) John C. Carlson(for posting only 425.00) ' Dorotha McGee 357.48 Pedco Credit Union 75.90 Wm. M. Hamilton 150.00 Thomas C. Warren 35.00 Suttrey Food Stores 45.21 Thomas P. Winter 197.05 Jimmy Glen Smith 197.65 Street warrants nos. 1744 - 1748 Thomas P. Winter 370.80 Jimmy Glen Smith 397.34 Dept. of Highways 505.20 Security Bank of Washington 103.20 Washington Physicians Service 47.46 Doug Hanna moved that the bills be paid; seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. After a discussion, the Council decided the trees in the park should by sprayed. Mayor Lannoye conducted a public hearing on the Douglas County Solid Waste Management Plan,. and Resolution no. 1050. After a discussion Ray Duncan moved that the city approve the Solid Waste Management Plan and Resolution no. 1010. Doug Hanna seconded the motion under protest ' and it was passed by a majority vote. Ed Rich voted no and Darrell McNeill abstained from voting. 1 �.zaiD a nvl � 1 . •6Tsnow?upun passed pus qo?g pg 6q papuooas !pauznoCpp aq 2u?gaaw aqg gegg panow TT?aNOW TTGJJBQ •paTgpg spM jaggew s?qg `uo?ssnostp e sagjV ava6 e 3o uo?gsod e .to3 asuao?T aouep ga.zegeo a wagg WuaD T?ounomo ALTO aqg pagsanbas Cu.ianey suu?W 3o s.zauMo 'uMoag 2910 *JW pue 6s9xozp Tae7 &JW •po?aad Aauuoigegojd sgguow x?s a so3 sspTo puz uew -iojged Aga?3I pioju,, pagu?odde osTV au !po?sad Ajuuoigvgosd sgguow x?s a zo3 ao?Tod 30 3a?q0 aONTebl saTavgO pagu?oddd adouuvq joAuW 66Tsnowzueun passed Pup TT?aNOW TTOJJVG Aq papuooas :5L6T `L iTnr JOJ UuTd'p?es uo 2uTipaq o?Tgnd aqg aTnpagos og uo?god[ a apew qo?g pg •T?ounoo aqg og ueTd gaasgg an?suagaadwoo sea6 q aqg paguasajd jofvW aqj, •agog snow?upun a 6q passed pup euueg 2noQ 6q papuooas :uo?gop p?es anoidde og panow qo?H PS •s.zauo?ss?wwoO aqg 6q uaxeg seM uoTgop ou gnq Aj sno?nasd ao?Mg gsanboa s?qg apew seq Ag?o aqy •sMaN 6aTTeA gseg pup PlaOM aagogeuaM aqg og saidoo paeMso3 pue 'fig?O aLP og pa6anuo0 aq sgtw?T A4TO aqg og gsaM •gS s831eg woa3 04C q46 3o uo?gaod aqg gpgg 2u?gs9nbas ssauo?ss?wwoO KqunoO ' suj2noQ aqg og saggaT p pugs og XJaTD aqg pagonjgsu? aAouuuq so6eyl •6Tsnow?ueun passed pme go?g pd Aq papuooas !*wed 00:p 3o snoq aqg ge 5L6T `L ATnr ao3 sauoTgigad aqg qg?M 2u?gaaw a jo3 agep aqg gas og pup uo?g?gad aqg gdaooe og panow iT?allolnI TTazzpQ •uagpany 33?TO 6q pou2?s sum ao?gou p?pg •T?ounoO pup joAeW aqg og paguas -aid uaaq peq s�u?paaoosd uo?gpxeuuu aouawwoo og guagu? 3o ao?goN y