HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/5/1975 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesMay 5, 1975 1 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Ray ➢uncan, Darrell McNeill, Cliff Tvedten, Doug Hanna, Ed Rich; Attorney John Carlson and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council Current Expense warrants nos. 6010 - Automotive Electric Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce Eastmont Pharmacy Texaco, Inc. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Lafe H. Myres, M.D. Gellatly Agency Sebpco Adams Sport Shop Kinkades Acme Cleaners Dick's Service Northwest Law Enforce. Equipment R.M. Church, Inc. Wenatchee Police Dept. Wenatchee Police Dept. General Telephone Co. Halls Fire Extinguishers Grace Crawford Cascade Natural Gas Corp. East Valley News Wenatchee World Johnson Is Inc. Douglas County P.U.D. East Wenatchee Water District Grange Supply Co. Eastside Paint & Glass Clark Boardman Co., Ltd. Street Warrants nos. 1721 - 1733 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. E.T. Pybus Co. Douglas County P.U.D. Standard Oil Co. Wells & Wade Hardware James Leon Barnaby S & D Paving Co. Douglas Co. Road Dept. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Texaco, Inc. Modern Machinery Co. Wanda Martin Dept. of Revenue Ray Duncan moved that the bills be paid; and passed unanimously. as follows: 6036 2.73 75.00 35.49 209.69 59.58 160.00 106.70 38.17 12.74 5.31 22.89 9.01 7.63 200.00 130.00 57.82 2-9.93 35.31 89.13 4.20 15.00 44.10 36.00 6.00 5.15 25.14 4.50 29.24 201.60 958.00 102.22 10.87 78.85 21.71 1113 52.47 69.90 121.55 25.00 1.25 seconded by Cliff Tvedten Cliff Tvedten reported that he has contacted the Agency in Spokane regarding the sander. Mayor Lannoye also reported telephone calls to the manufacturer. A letter has been received by the City authorizing the expenditure of $175.00; this was the amount of the estimate for bringing the screen up to specifications. Said amount will be deducted from the purchase price. saa ,� xo6eyq •agon snomTusun E Aq passed pue uagpaay 33TT0 Aq papuooas !pauanoCpe aq 2uTgabu aqq gegg panom uEOuna A?H •aaggem STgq uo 6gi0 aqq jo gaoddns pagsanbea puE uoigaasaaguT snopaezeq a se papae2aa Si STgy •AEMg2Ljj gasunS PuE q46 4u 4g2TT TOa4uOO OT33eag E JO uOTgeTtegsui aqq oq spae2aa ggTM •gdoa AVIAViH aqg pagoEquoo seq aagmeg0 aqq gEgq pagegs zguoy •aye 'A4TO TeTuuaguao-iq a aagogeuaM gsEg 3uTaPTPGP sO3 aOAPW aqg paxuegg OR '93aamm00 3o aagmeg0 aqg 3o guaPTsaad 9y 'g4O2: 6eW uo pTaq aq og uOTgoaTa puoq aqq 2uTpaE29a axods paeog Toogog quomgsua agg ,To uEmaivq'J 'zguoy ugor •uado Mou sT uemToaged aoTTod ,To uoTgTsod aqg gEgg pagaodaa osTe aH •slop 2uTxaOM OT Jo maag e xO3 sT quamquTodde puE AgaiX pToaeH sT aaquiodde pTes `.sseTO puz uemToaged e ao3 quamquTodde A miodmaq a apem aq gegq pagaodaa aoAvW aqy ' •agon snomiusun a 6q passed puE goTu pd 6q papuooas :passed puE panoadde aq quampueum pTEs gEgg panom euueH 2noQ •queuagneiq a aO3 gas Mou sE qunomE ames aqq qe aoTTod jo 3aig0 e ao3 AaETES aqq qas TTTM aousuTpao pies og quampuamy •2uTgaam gxau aqq aO3 guampuame aoueuTpaO 6aeTEs e puE saGAOTduta ao3 amiq uoTgeoen oq 2uT4eTaa aousuipaO uE eaedaad oq pagsonbaa sEM uosTaeO ugor •6eMg2TN gasunS aqq moa3 gsea •qj 0' og 0£ 6T94emixoadde jo auTT aaquao s quied og pagonagsui 9a9m S90AOTdma gaaags A4T O aqq 'uoissnosTp e a94JV •gaaagS qg£T uo paquied aq og auTT aaqueo a ao3 isanbaa e sEq aq gegq pagegs a6ouuuq aoABW •Vuigaam gxau aqq qv ames gaodaa pue sgsoo agemixoadde aqq puE papaau sguamaeoadmT uo Noago oq pagsanbaa sEM.gPTu pg •peon puETsT xoou 3o 2uipea2dn aqg possnooip saagmam TTounoO aqy •agon snomTueun a Aq passed puE EuuEH Snoa Aq papuooas 15L6T '6T APW ao,i paTnpagos aq 2uTae9H OTTgnd agg gegg panom ROTH pd •6Tsnomiu4un passed puE uagpany JJTT0 Aq papuooas !uoigTgad aqq gdaooe 44TO aqg gEgg panom TTTONOW TTaaaeQ '%16 ATagemixoadde ao '00'099'L£*/ qe passassu .Cgaadoad 3o saauMo 3o seangeu2is aqg pauTEguoo uoigTgad aqy '00'042 'S9" sT uoigexauuu 2uigsanb9a eaaE aqq 3o #0TgenTE4 passasse Tegog aqy •sgTmTl A4TD guasaad aqq oq gsaM ' pue `•any quomgsea og gsea puE peou gusaD oq •a•N 'qS Pa£ moa3 eaae aqq 3o uoigexauue ao3 uoTgTgad E paquasaad a6ouuuq aoAvw •agon snomTueun a Aq passed pue goiu pa Lq papuooas uoigom :sxaoMaaTJ auvs -V a3eS 3o aTEs aqq aOj saeoxur quomgseu aqq 3o SuoTgEOTTdde oMq aqq anoadde 04 UOT40M E apEm uagpanl 33TTD