HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/21/1975 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesApril 21, 1975
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee
City Council was called
to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present
were Councilmen Doug
Hanna, Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Oliff
Tvedten, Ed Rich; Attorney
John Carlson and Clerk Dorotha McGee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were
approved as read.
The bills were presented to the Council as
Current expense warrants nos. 5991 -
Leonard Evans Chrysler Plymouth
Charles S. Syring
Charles K. Walker
Dennis A. Mengelos
Charles S. Syring
Robert A. Kinkade
Charles K. Walker
Dennis A. Mengelos
Dorotha McGee
Robert A. Kinka de
Law Enforcement Retire. System
Security Bank of Washington
Washington Physicians Service
Herbert J. Olive(for posting only
John C. Carlson(for posting only
Dorotha McGee
Wm. M. Hamilton
Pedco Credit Union
Jimmy Glen Smith
Thomas P. Winter
Street warrants nos. 1717 - 1720
Thomas P. Winter 360.80
Jimmy Glen Smith 389.68
Washington Physicians Service 47.46
Security Bank of Washington 120.86
Current expense warrant
Charles S. Syring (vacation pay) 564.40
Doug Hanna moved that the bills be paid with the exception of the
bill for Charles Syring vacation pay; seconded by Ray Duncan and
passed unanimously.
Mayor Lannoye reported that the parts for the sander have not been
received, and requested Cliff Tvedten to check with the Sales Company
in Spokane on this matter.
The Mayor also reported that the street lights on Baker St. from 9th
to Standerfer and the City parking lot are out.
Mr. Pawley, representing petitioners, presented a Notice of Intent
to commence annexation preceedings to the Mayor & Council. At 8 15
a hearing was held with said petitioners, and the following items
' were discussed. (1) Will the City accept the annexation? Ed Rich
moved and Darrell McNeill seconded the motion that the City accept the
proposed annexation; passed by a unanimous vote. (2) The City will
require the adoption of the proposed zoning regulation as it is set
forth in Ordinance No. 138, the Suburban Comprehensive Plan, and that
the property will be zoned, if annexed, as General Commercial except
Lot 40, which is zoned Commercial resdiential.
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