HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/21/1976 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesJune 21, 1976
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was*called to
order by Mayor Arthur Johnson. Present were Councilmen Ray Duncan,
John Wille£ord, Hartley Beeler, Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich; Attorney
Neil Fuller and Clerk orotha McGee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
The bills were presented to the Council as follows:
Current expense warrants Nos. 6698 - 6722
Union Oil Co. 42.77
Central Communications 67.57
Law Enforce, Retire, System 357.01
Wenatchee Police Dept.c 200.00
Charles K. Walker 798.46
Dennis A. Mengelos 703.02
Dorotha McGee 438.99
Harold G. Kirby 5.57
Harold G. Kirby 724.47
William B. Brooks 690.07
General Telephone Co. 68.52
Security Bank of Wash. 808.53
Washington Physicians Service 475.25
Douglas Co. P.U.D. 21.00
East Valley News 36.75
Arthur D. Johnson 141.22
Neil Fuller 400.14
Herbert J. Olive (for posting only 50.00)
Herbert J. Olive 300.00
Dorotha McGee 353.68
Pedco Credit Union 69.92
Wm. M. Hamilton 150.00
Robert H. Scott 140.00
Jimmy Glen Smith 231.50
Michael D. Woodworth 193.17
Karen Ili. Little 339.68
Street warrants Nos. 1918 - 1925
Modern Machinery Co., Inc. 105.34
Douglas County P.U.D. 957.00
Union Oil Co. 42.78
Washington Physicians Service 27.60
Security Bank of Washington 157.45
Michael D. Woodworth 386.74
Jimmy Glen Smith 467.99
Dept. of Highways 2,221.16
Ray Duncan moved that the bills be paid; motion seconded by Ed Rich and
passed by a unanimous vote.
' Ed Rich reported that he is preparing spec. for seal coating Main and
Baker Streets.
Ray Duncan made a motion to sehedule the next regular meeting of the
City Council on July 7, 1976; seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
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Dennis Mengelos requested that the City pay for the physical exam
taken by Wm. B. Brooks, approximate cost $150.00. No action was
Darrell McNeill moved that the meeting be adjourned - seconded by
Ed Rich and passed unanimously.