HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/7/1976 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesJune 7, 1976 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Abthur Johnson. Also present were Councilmen Ray Duncan, John Willeford, Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Hartley Beeler; Attorney Neil Fuller and Clerk Dorotha 14cGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Current expense warrants nos. 6671 - 6697 Libke, Jones & Mitchell 20.00 Nudelman Brothers 9.48 Valley Auto Co., Inc. 43.07 Osco Drug No. 922 18.18 Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 60.96 Mid -State Cleaners 13.33 Eastmont Pharmacy 1.05 Mid -State Electronics 1.54 Paul H. Hook Sales 58.34 Dennis A. Mengelos 15.75 Texaco, Inc. 272.00 Dick's Service 46.43 Wenatchee Police Department 115.00 Herb's Rent -all 77.10 General Telephone Co. 77.05 R.M. Chruch, Inc. 66.51 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 14.97 Grace Crawford 31.78 East Valley News 9.52 Stan's Merry Mart, Inc. 8.34 East Wenatchee Water District 11..50 Douglas Co. Sewer District No. 1 17,00 Brawley Plumbing & Electric 5.27 Wells & Wade 1.68 United Supply Co. 10.85 William J, Smith 175.00 Evan E. Sperline 95.00 Street Warrants nos. 1914 - 1917 Depattment of Highways 516.20 Grant Road Hardware 8.11 Texaco, Inc. 90.68 East Wenatchee Water District 9.60 Ray Duncan moved that the bills be paid with the exception of the bill from the State Highway Department; motion seconded by Ed Rich a nd passed unanimously. Neil Fuller will contact the Highway Dept. regarding the difference in the estimated costs and the charges presented to the Council. A discussion was held regarding the easement the City has granted to the Stephens at 909 No. Baker. Darrell McNeill stated that he is favor of giving said property to the residence owner. Neil Fuller will check the legality of this proposal and report at the next meeting. Sq papuooas .pauanoC•STsnomtuaun passed pma ueouna Sug Pe aq 2uigaam agg gegg uotgom a apam gong pS guomgseS agg jo aagmam Suaouog up paezeTooad saHs u•saaoSer osugor sodeLl •TTounoo Sgto aqq oq uotguxauua pasodoad aqq pauieldxa aoAvW aqy •agpn snomiupun u Sq passed pup ueouna Spg Sq papuooas uotgom 'Paeoaddu aq ZZZ •ou 83UVUTPao gpgq uotgom e apem goig p� p •sgaaags Sgzo uz s2uzuado ao3 satudaa oq gaglaa aouuuZp�o PIPS •Tiouno0'sg aoSay� agg og ZZZ •ou aoupuipao paquasaad JaTTn3 TTaN •paeog aonbT7 agpgs aqg moa3 uozgeotTddu agg 3o Sdoo a panzaoaa qou sug Sgto agg se TTouno0 agq Sq ua�fuq sem uotgou ON •malgoad 2uixaed agg o0 SPngs a Pagsa22ns saagmam Tzounoo •uotgpngzs 2utxaud agg gnoga SaTtmoag •aye pauoigseb zquol ugor •2utpTTnq uotgeaa -oag aptS gsuS PTO agg aq pTnom. ssauzsnq pasodoad auq 3o uotgeooT agg •uopaoo anagS 'Jig Pup uoTTTG sa2og •gaW V ^aye 'daTzmoag •ayj Sq PagszTqugsa aq oq gueanegsaa e ao3 asuaoiT aonbzT H sseTo e ao3 Tenoadde aiagq 9ez2 Tiounoa agg gugq pagsanboa 'iTtmoag N-IT31 •aW •patuap sum gsanbaa pup uotgom agg 04 apem spas puooas ou 'uotssnostP e aagjV •paquea2 aq gimaad plus gagg panom TT?aNOW TTaaauQ •Peog queao TT ge sxaoMaat3 TTas og gtmaad e aa3 'uosdmogs paegoig moa,� pantaoaa uaaq spg uozgeozTddu uy •STsnomtueun passed pup ueoung Sag Sq papuooes•uotgom !paquea2 aq uotsstmaad Piws gagq uotgom a aPgm TTTaNOW TTaaaaa 'qg+7 STnr uo pTag aq oq squana aaggo uo pagaodaa osTu OH '9G6T '£ STnr uo pTag aq og appaud Tezuuaquao-Tq e ao3 uotsszmaad pagsanboa zquol ugor aotnaaS TiezO aagogeuaM gseg agg uo maaq auaS •uotsszmmoo Z p ogs2uzuuar pSoTd •aTi Pup maag aeaS I e oq ogmnal •S•0 *JW paguiodde uosugor JOAVW •gaaagS pa£ oq o2vwvp- 33o-una amos pagaodea ogle a,H •uoigeooT aaum4D4eH gsuag aqg :beau Saenaaguns Tuangpu agg uo agspM gTegdse 2utdmnp sz aogoeaguoo e qugq pagegs JOAPW agy •siTedaa Tuuotgippe spaau peog queao 5TZ qe uoz -gpooT V •sazgiTzgn ao3 sgaaags 2utuado aagTp saogoeaquoo Sq appm sazedaa gaaags paxoago seg ag gegq pagaodaa pao39TTM uumTTounOD •spzq ao3 TTeo e aiatnbaa pTnOm ogle silty •paopjans -aa aq og spaau ganoo utnTV gegq pea sgaaags aaxug pup queao 'uzey� 2uTTpas and spzq aoj TTeo 04 amtg sz qT qugq pegegs uosugor aoSVW