HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/1/1976 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesMarch 11 1976 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Art Johnson. Present were Councilmen Ed Rich, ' Rqy Duncan, Darrell MaKeill, Hartley Heeler, John Willeford; Attorney Neil Fuller and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Current expense warrants nos. 6493 - 6515 Dennis Automotive Electric $ 5.83 Texaco, Inc. 233.40 Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 67.84 Zimmerman*s Gun Shop 87.40 Calif. Electronie.Police Equip, 25.11 Mike Caling 7.00 Paul H. Hbok Sales 39.18 Central Communications 47.89 Calif. Electronic Police Equip, 8.82 Cash's Cleaning Center 3.00 Wenatchee Police Dept. 25.00 Tbxaco, Inc. 9.45 Gsco Drug Co. 9.43 Midelman Bros. 84.56 General Telephone Go, 134.04 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 92.60 John Lanik 83.10 Grace Crawford 37.66 aebpco 70.37 N.C.W. Council of Mayors 7.00 Douglas County P.U.D. 25.00 Wash, State Magistrates Association 30.00 East Wenatchee Water District 8.50 Federal Shared Revenue Warrant no. 033 327.96 Street warrants nos. 1861 - 1871 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 34.10 T7•ansport Clearings 9.67 Washington Belt Co. 9.01 Modern Machinery Go. 104.97 Truck Insurance Exchange 53.50 Douglas County P.U.D. 967.00 Dept. of Highways 44.93 Wells & Wade 46.90 Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 57.45 Te xaco, Inc. 77.75 East Side Garage 40.95 Highway Safety Products 77.12 Ed Rich moved that the bills be paid with the exception of the bill from Highway Safety Products; motion seconded by Ray Duncan and passed by a unanimous vote. A discussion was held regarding the damage to the park fence and ' tree. Ed Rich reported an opening made on llth street and replaced unsat- isfactorily, and inquired if that part of llth street was in the City limits. After a discussion, copies of the two annexations descriptions adjoining llth street were given to the City Attorney for an opinion. as 0 aolp •6Tsnomtueun passed pus gotu pg 6q papuooas !pauanoCps ag2utga9w agq gpgq panow up.7unQ ABU •swasTp aeT2anq pup 9at3 3o aTus aqq uo Ttouno0 aqq oq axods 'su014p21499nuT dgtanoaS 2utquesaadaa 'uognoH uvA sgtuV •guafi[gapdaQ a�)tTod aqq 6q paspgoand guawdtnbe pup aso aotTod aqq 3o sgsoo aqq uo pagaodaa aaxTsM 99Tae4D •uaxeg evm uotgoe oN •quawdtnba 2utpTaM and sootad aqq uo pagaodaa ggtwS wtP •agon snowtusun a 6q passed pup gotu pg 6q papuooas uotgow !uotgpxauuu aqq 2utA0adde ,to asodand aqg ao3 st ' aousutpa0 paps :OZZ •oN aouputpap aeoadde pup uotgpxauup aqq gdaoos Agt0 aqg gegq uotgow p appw ITtaMOK TTaaapQ :64aadoad uoTTTG •2•Z aqq ,to uotgpxauup pasodoad aqq uo pTag ssM 2utap9q ZtTgnd v •agon snowtusun s 6q passed pup gotu pg dq papuooas uotgOW !6TZ •ou 9ousutpa0 anoadde oq panow TTtaNOW TTaaapQ •90uputpa0 asn pus? antsmagaadwoo $£T •p.r0 oq quawpuawu up st 6TZ 'ou 80uputpa0 0Aj snowtusun passed pup ueoung Avu 6q papuooas uotgow :$TZ eouputpa0 sspd oq panow gotu pg 02UTUOZ ut 92uego le og segpTaa pup 6ZT 'Pap og guawpuaws up st ?TZ •ou aousutpa0 •TtounOD pup aofsN aqq og 02:2: pup 61Z - FTZ -sou saouputpa0 paquesaad aaTTnJ TtaN 000.00£$ 6T9gewtxoadde aq og 4so0 49go4 enowtu -eun passed pup paojeTTtfd ugop dq papuooas uotgow :s4g2TT Tuu2ts ao3 spun3 Tsaapa3 ao3 uotquotTdds s dgto aqq ao3 papeou aq TTTM gunoo pass !gaaagS uteyq uo qunoo otjjvaj p ao3 •gdaa AsMg2TH agPIS aqq oq gsanbea a u2ts oq paztaoggnp aq aodeN aqq gpgq uotgow a appw gotu pg •agon snowtusun p Aq passed pup TTtaNOW TTaaaeQ 6q papuooas uotgow :9L61 'ST goapini OAT408JJO 92uego :aTgtssod 3t s6ep 0£ 3o potaad p ao3 uotgtsbd ut utpwaa su2ts asegq gpgg pus sa2upgo aqq 3o uapM os oq DIJJUag aqg ao3 paptnoad aq su2ts 2utuaum gegq pup !paatnbaa Mou st sp gaaJIS gouaa3 uo suotgoaatp 6Taag4nos ' pup 6Taaggaou aqq ut 2utddo4s usgq aaggpa gaaagS aa3aapus49 uo suotgoaatp ATaagsat& pup 6Ta949pa agq ut doqs og paatnbaa aq TT?M ot3Tpag gpgg os `otTgnd agq og aotgou 3o uotgsotTgnd aqg aaq,te aTgtssod se uoos sp Maao peon ALTO aqq dq pa2upgo pup paaagTu aq sgaaagS aa3aepupgS pup gouaad 3o uotgoasaaqut aqq qv su2ts dogs aqg gpgg panow gotu pg •aaqueo 2utddogS aqq 2utns9T pup 2utaagua *JIG g3uaa3 uo ot33pa4 3o MOW aqg 2utpap29a pTaq set& uotssnostp d