HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/18/1976 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesFebruary 18,. 1976
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called
to order by Mayor pro-tem Ed Rich. Present were Councilmen Ray
Duncan, Darrell McNeill, John Willeford, HhVtley Beeler; Clerk
Dorotha McGee. Attorney Neil Fuller was excused because of illness.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrected as
follows; Officer Mengelos stated that the costs to paint the
cars would be $20.00 per car and 18.00 for paint.
The bills were presented to the Council as follows:
Current expense warrants nos. 6470 - 6492
Douglas County Auditor $ 6.10
Dept. of Revenue 60:.75
Central Stores Revolving Fund 10215.00
Law Enforce. Retire, System 465.55
Wenatchee Police Dept, 200.00
Charles K. Walker 798.46
Dennis A. Mengelos 703.02
Dorotha McGee 440.89
Harold G. Kirby 655.15
Harold G. Kirby 2.43
Robert A. Kinkade: 664.79
Security Bank of Washington 688.48
Washington Physicians Service 569.25
Hierbert J. Olive(for posting only 50.00)
Arthur D. Johnson 141.22
John C. Carlson 49.28
John C. Carlson 400.14
Dorotha McGee 354.43
Wm. M. Hamilton 150.00
James B. Drewelow 25.OG
William J. Smith 75.00
Pedco Credit Union 69.92
Jimmy G. Smith 231.50,
Michabl D. Woodworth 145.98
Street warrants nos. 1857 - 1860
Jimmy G. Smith 467.99
Michael D. Woodworth 291.91
Security Bank of Washington 134.60
Washington:,, Physicians Service 27.60`
Councilman Beeler made a motion that the bills be paid; seconded
by John Willeford and passed by a unanimous vote.
The proposals of the law. firms of Eelley & Blinn and Robert H.
Scott,Jr. to represent indigent defendants in Municipal Court were
discussed. A letter was presented withdrawing the offer made by
Kelley & Blinn. Darrell McNeill moved that the City accept the
proposal submitted to the City on February 11, 1976 by Robert H.
Scott in the amount of $140.00 per month; motion seconded by Ray
' Duncan and passed unanimously. Court appointed attorney services
to begin on March 1, 1976, and extend to December 31, 1976.
Mr. Ed Dillon was present with a notice of intent to commence
annexation preceedings on 55.9 feet of his property presently adjoining
the City and signed by the owner of 100% of the assessed property
valuation. Mayor Pro-tem Ed Rich stated that ameeting would be held
with the petitioner at 8:30 p.m.
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