HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/8/1976 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesSeptember 8, 1976 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayon Arthur Johnson. Present were Councilmen Rqy Duncan, John Willeford, Hartley Beeler, Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich; Attorney Neil Fuller and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council as follows; Current expense warrants nos. 6841 - 6875 Lafe H. Myers M.D.. $100.00 Texaco, Inc. 273.61 Valley Auto Co., Inc. 38.97 Guardian Life Insurance Go, 77.12 The 5 Tts Restaurant 27.32 Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 66.10 Eastside Paint & Glass 7.89 Trick & Murray 101.08 Wenatchee Police Department 290.00 Douglas County Auditor 3.00 Ina Ruble 8.00 Sherry Magrini 8,00 Fred Schlenz 8.00 Fay D. Bowers 8.00 Betty L. Knapp 8.00 Robert Ackerman 4,00 R.M. Haase 4.00 Nudelman Brothers 148.82 Millers Camera Co. 13.28 Grant Road Hardware 7.63 Clerk, East Wenatchee Post Office 74.00 General Telephone Co. 97.03 Trick & Murray 191.32 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 78.14 East Valley News 4.20 Grace Crawford 65.9E DeForest N. Fuller 87.50 DeForest N. Fuller 30.00 East Wenatchee Water District 12.75 Grant Road Hardware 24.24 C'raveh Lumber Co. 8.47 Wenatchee Spray Service 239.40 Grange Supply Co. 4.41 Brownson Lumber Co. 2.73 James B=, Drewelow 75.00 Street warrants nos. 1952 - 1958 East Wenatchee Water District 11.40 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 10.66 Texaco, Inc. 91.20 S & D Paving Co., Inc. 7.88 James A. Byers 147.11 Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 91.01 Douglas County Auditor 6.10; Federal Shared Revenue warrant no. 035 Airways Rent -a -Car 5,567.79 •ATsnowtusun passed pus TTTaNOW TTaddsQ Aq papuooas :qzZ •ou eouputpse ' gdops pus anoddds oq panom pso3aiTTM ugor :satgTO ao3 sapo0 oT33psy TapoW aqq 2IIYgdops jo asodand aqq soj sT aousuTpuo pTsS •TTounoO og aoAvW aqq oq qZZ •ou aousuTpaO paquasasd saTTnd TTaN •ATsnowtusun passed pus g3Tx pS 6q papuooas :LZZ •ou aousuTpaO gdops pus anoadds 44TO agg gegq panow TTTallofi TTasapQ •uotgTPa 5L6T `s9po0 sxdoM oTTgnd Tsdioiunli aqq 2utgdopp jo asodand aqq so3 st aousuTpao PTuS 'TTounoO pus aso�agg oq Lzz 'oN aouputpa0 paquasasd aaTTn3 TTaN •m•d 00:? qs 9L6T °q sagogo0 uo pauado aq 04 spTg •6TsnowTup -un passed pus goTd pH Aq papuooas uoigom !sptq.TT? so bus goaCad oq 4g2lta aqq 2uTndasad 64TO aqq ggTM `Agaadoad snTdans pTsS -[Tag oq spTq ao3 TTeo AITO aqq gpgq panom usounQ Api 'agon snomtueun s Aq passsd pus goiH pS Aq papuooas uoTgow :6gaadosd snTdans ss auT2u9 0017 Tapow s pus dnNOTd p `saso £ aqq BJUToaP oq uoTgow p appw usouna 6su •aTotgan anTap TaagM -1 aqq daax pTnogs 44TO aqq qugq pagsgs pao39TTTM ugOr PueugoTH Pa •dnxoTd aqq Pus aTotgan anTdp TaagM '7 `sdeo aaagq agg TTas pTnogs 64TO aqq gsqq pagsqs ao6eW aqy •agon snowTuuun u 6q passed pue-goTd pg Aq papuooas uoTgow :gona,4 agg uo aouednsuT AgTTTquTT pup saso aqq uo aoupinsuT 92pa9n00 TTn3 esegodnd AgT0 aqq "" panom upouna 6su •Konag aqq soJ pantaoaa uaaq ansq sagpmtgsa oN •aso goea ao3 ie96 sad 00'Z$T `ATuo AgTTTg2TZ •apo gosa ao3 apa6 sad W'6L£ 600T OTToo pup anTsuagaddwoo ggTM `92pa9no3 TTn3 :sMoTTo3 sp aoupansuT so3 sgsoo paquasasd ads •ps£ aegwagdaS uo auop gem STgy -sago Mau aqg 3o auo oq paaajsupaq aq ognp 92poQ auo uo aouuansui aqq pagsanbad psq daxTpM saTJEAO gpgg pagpgS xaaTO OU •pasegoand 6T4u9a8a xonag pao3 aqg pup sapo aotTod aqq so3 pauTuggo aq oq aoupansuT do ad6q aqg 2uTpap2aa PTaq sum uoTssnosTp y •gaaags aqq aapun utuap aqq uado oq quawgasdaQ ast3 aqq gat oq aTgTssod aq 4VTm qT 4ug4 Pagpgs do6pX aqy •sgaadgS uTpIJ pus ggil qe suTpdp wsogs aqq g4TM waTgoad aqq 4daeg xoTH ggTM passnosTp `TTounoO aqy 'Q'II'd agq PaTTTgou Suq aH •uui 64uno0 aqq pup sdeas Jo Agtutntn aqq ut gno'gg2TI gaaags p pagdodaa aaTaag AaTWPH •aTpdas pup uotgouddoo asTeaadns oq 42utuado dagjs 'apsw ads saTPdaa uagM quasoad aq uossad ppoumTaadxa up gpgq sgsanbaa aH •N89m sTug s2utuado gaaags 2utgoadsut aq TTTM aq gsqq pagegs paoJaTTTM upwTTounoO '9L6T `0£ aagwagdas uo adtdxa TTTM msa2oad •y•y•X•O aqq gsqq pag4odaa uosugor soAslq 0 6T9getpamwt paatq aq pTnogs 2uTstnsadns Jo aTgsdso uosaad p gpgq sTaa3 TTounQO flgTO aqy •guawgasd'aQ gaaagS aqq ao3 padtq uaaq qou ppq aa6oTdwe uu 6qM oq su pasinbut goTH uswTTounoO pup aq ggoq pup paupaTo aq oq papeou sgaadg's f4TO aqg gegq pagsqs TTTaNDW TTaaapQ •ATsnomtusun passsd pup pao39TTTM ugor Aq papuooas uoTgow :pTed aq sTTTq aqq gpgg panom goTH P51 Neil Fuller presented Ordinance no. 231 to the Mayor and Council. Said ordinance is for the purpose of setting the tax levy for the ' year 1977. Ed Rich moved to approve and adopt ordinance no. 231; seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Ed Rich stated that it would be necessary to allocate at least 20% of the sales tax to the street department budget for 1977 if the 6 year street program is to be kept on schedule. Ed Rich made a motion to allocate 20% of the sales tax for 1977 to the street department. The Mayor stated that he would like to see the budget before any decision is made. Motion failed for lack of a second. 1 John Willeford presented his resignation to the Mayor. The resignation was not accepted.at this meeting. Darrell McNeill made a motion that the meeting be adjourned4 seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Clerk