HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/16/1976 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesAugust 16, 1976 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Xrthur Johnson. Present were Councilmen hay ' Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Hartley Beeler, John Willeford, Ed Rich; Attorney Neil Fuller and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Current expense warrants nos. 6813 - 6838 Lafe H. Myers 50.00 Valley Auto Co., Inc. 30.81 Law Enforcement Retire. System 452.23 Charles K. Walker 798.46: William IL Brooks 639.07 Dorotha McGee 439.00 Wenatchee Police Dept. 185.00 Wenatchee Police Dept. 200.00 Dennis A. Mengelos 703.02 Harold G. Kirby 711.25 Karen M. Little 2.59 R.M. Church, Inc. 44.20 Washington Physicians Service 489.05 Security Bank of Washingt n 771.78 Wenatchee World 37.20 East Valley News 35.00 Waterville Empire -Press 25.10 Douglas County P.U.D. 29.00 , Neil Fuller 400.14 Herbert J. Olive(for posting only 50.00) Arthur D. Johnson 141.22 Dorotha McGee 353.68 Pedco Credit Union 69.92 Wm. M. Hamilton 150.00 Robert H. Scott 140.00 Michael D. Woodworth 193.17 Karen Marie Little 339.68 Street warrants nos. 1946 - 1951 James A. Byers 48.25 Mike R. Brown 75.32 Security Bank of Washington 84.00 Washington Physicians Service 13.80 Michael D. Wood worth 386.74 Douglas County P.U.D. 957.00 Darrell McNeill moved that the bills be paid; seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Councilman McNeill stated that he feels the street cleaning should be speeded up. Ed Rich inquired when the new street maintenance man would be hired. The Mayor replied the dept. is using two part men at this time. No date was given for the hiring of an add- itionalI full time man. John Willeford reported that he and the City Ettorney have reviewed Ordinance No. 222 and some changes have been made. Neil Fuller stated that he has prepared a new ordinance which does include these changes. Jean Smith, representing the Douglas County Park Board, requested that the City participate in payment of the Recreation District Bonds. After a discussion, Mrs. Smith stated that the increase in taxes for city residents would be approximately $4.76 per 10r666.00 of assessed valuation. Ed Rich stated that he feels a public hearing should be held for the purpose of allowing local residents to express their feeling on this matter. Ed Rich moved that a public hearing be held on September 20, 1976; motion seconded by John Willefdrd and passed by a unanimous vote. A discussion was held regarding the park at 9th and Baker streets. Darrell lkcNeill stated that the park had not been mowed, and inquired as to whether the park could be leased to Mr. Calarossi if he would agree to maintain it. He also reported that the nark should be sprayed. Ray Duncan made a motion that the park be sprayed; motion seconded by Ed Rich and passed by a unanimous vote. A discussion was held on the need for a traffic signal at Main and 5th streets. John Willeford stated that he feels the city should install a traffic at this location. He also stated that he had not been aware that local businesses had donated funds toward the construction of Main Street. The Mayor reported the State Highway Dept. requests a letter from the City on the request for a grant ' to aid in payment for traffic signals. Bids for police cars were opened by the Mayor as follows: Wenatchee Jeep 3 - 1975 Matadors at 03,300.00 each plus tax Airway Rent -a -car - 1976 Mavericks at 93,599.00 each John Willeford moved that the City accept the bid of Wenatchee Jeep at $3,300.00 each; plus tax; motion seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. One bid for a truck for the street department was received as follows: Airway Rent -a -car - 1976 1 ton Ford truck , $5,298.00 Ray Duncan moved to accept the bid as presented, subject to inspe- ction; motion seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Payment to be made from Federal Revenue funds. Neil Fuller presented Ordinance No. 230 the the Council; Said ordinance is for the purpose of declaring an emergency exists and increasing the budget for the police department for 1976 in the amount of $11,000.00. After a discussion, Ray Duncan made a motion to approve and adopt ordinance no. 230; seconded by Darrell McNeill a nd passed by a unanimous vote. Harold Kirby requested permission to increase the Reserve Police from the current 4 reserve officers to 10 reserve officers. After this matter was discussed; Darrell McNeill made a motion to allow the increase of 6 reserves; motionseconded by John Willeford and passed by a unanimous vote. Darrell McNeill made a motion that the Clerk be granted permission to purchase an additional type -writer for the City Hall; motion seconded by John Willeford and passed by a unanimous vote. i' •agon snowiueun s 6q passed pue gong pa Aq papuooas uotgow :pauznoCpe aq 2ulgaaw eqq gsgq uozgow e apew TTtalloNI TTazzeQ •aagogeuaM 30 64to agg MOJJ xeg sates aqg 2ut409TToo p,zeMoq apew 2uiaq st ssas2osd awos gsgq TTounoo aqg pauijo3ui zaTT 3 TiaN •uoigeutwsxa Teots.Cgd sxoosg wetTTTM JOJ Led qou TTTM Auedwoo aouejnsut aqg gegg pagags osTe aH •pooT3 4u9094 aqg 2utznp goT 2uixzsd swag aqg uz aVewep aqg uo pagsodea soAvW aqy *Al snowiueun passed pus ueounQ 6sH Aq papuooas uoigow !s92uego posodoid g4Tm 6zz •oN aoueuipao gdope pus anojdde �4T o aqq gegg panow paoQaTTTtA ugor •ssagwaw TTounoo Aq pagsanbea asaM s62uego ' awos paMoTTo3 gsgg uoissaostp aqg 2ut1ng •Njumapts ao gaaags 6gto s uado og uotsszwsad 2uigsanba,z swaTJ Te301 !q 2uipuoq jo3 squawasznbaj pus salvdas gaajgs oq spjue au ui si aoueuzpso piss !TTounoo aqg qq 6Zz •oN aoueuipso paquasazd saTTnd TTaN *Al snowzueun passed pus TTT9NOW TT8JJBG Aq papuooas uozgow !qq? aqg jo3 paTnpagos aq sagwagdas jo3 2uigaaw gsjTj aqg gegq panow ueounQ AeH