HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/19/1977 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesDecember 19, 1977 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Ed Rich. Present were Councilmen Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Forrest Lannoye, Hartley Beeler; Attorney Neil Fuller and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Current expense warrants nos. 7733 - 7761 Hiram W. Thomas $ 42.37 Hiram W. Thomas 98.86 Chevron USA, Inc. 17.42 Wenatchee Police Department 200.00 William B. Brooks 742.31 Gary W. Shaw 937.43 Richard W. Cawood 656.02 Dorotha McGee 508.15 Fedco Credit Union 50.00 Harold G. Kirby 724.21 Dennis G. Endres 673.92 Dorotha McGee 646.09 Texaco, Inc. 15.99 Wenatchee Chiropractic Clinic 213.00 Clerk, East Wenatchee Post Office 65.00 Washington Physicians Service 686.70 Security Bank of Washington 888.20 Douglas County Auditor 212.00 Dorotha McGee 475.78 ' Webpco, Inc. 130.78 W.I. McKenzie 188.30 Herbert J. Olive 53.65 DeForest N. Fuller 470-75 Dorotha McGee 373.68 Wm. M. Hamilton 176.05 Pedco Credit Union 50.00 Robert H. Scott, Jr. 140.00 Clark Boardman Go., Ltd. 24.45 Michael D. Woodworth 236.00 Danny E. Reeves 213.00 Street warrants nos. 2227 - 2236 Security Bank of Washington 276.40 Washington Physicians Service 64.80 Danny E. Reeves 344.06 Michael D. Woodworth 341.51 Roy A. Freeman 694.60 Pedco Credit Union 311.00 Dennis Automotive Electric, Inc. 2.48 Scotty's General Welding 8.41 S & D Paving Go., Inc. 1,840.20 Buttrey Food Stores 25.37 Ray Duncan made a motion that the bills be paid with the exception of the bill from Wenatchee Chiropractic Clinic, questioning the ' portion from 1976; seconded by Forrest tannoye and passed by a unanimous vote. Harold Kirby was instructed to check this statement. Neil Fuller presented a legal opinion from AWC and Dr. Campbell regarding the status of Evan Sperline as Mayor elect. The opinion stated that Mr. Sperline had not met the residency requirements 1 'agon snowzueun a Aq passed pup aAouupq gsassod Aq papuooas uotgow !95Z 'ou aoueuipso gdope pup anosdde oq uotgow a apew ueoung npg 9�L61 so3 salsuTEs 2ui4gas 3o asodsnd aqq so3 sz 9ouuuips0 PTES 'Izounoo pup soAeW aqq og 95Z 'ou a3upuzpu0 paguasasd saTTnd TTOM 'ATsnowiueun Passed pup TLTaNOK ITasspg Aq papuooas 155Z 'ou aoueuzpuo gdopp pup anosdde oq uotgow eaRe- gsauso3 •spuoq Tood 2uiwwimS Aquno0 SuTWnog aqq uo Agto agq"�q Opiq squawAvd oq sageTau aoupuzpuo pips 'TTounoo pup soAeW aqq og 55Z 'ou aoueuzpuo paquasaud saT.Tn3 TTaN 'ATsnowiuuun passed pup TTTaN3W TTasspg Aq papuooas uotgow !GSz 'ou aoupuzpuo pup paquasasd se ga2pnq aqq anosddp oq uotgow u apew upoung AEg '�L6T so3 ga2pnq aqq 2uigdope 3o asodsnd aqg so3 sz aoupuzpuo PTuS 'L5Z 'ou aoupuzp?p Pup •2ulauaq e so3 ?L6T so3 ga2png Ieut3 aqg paquasasd gozg soAUW 'asngeu2lts siq so3 saggaT e asedasd xsaTo aqg qugq pagsanbou gozg soApW •sagaEosdde pup 92pisq agq uo 2utgg2TT TuTgsed so3 2ui3tsE quawgsedag Avm421H 94RIS aqq og Was aq saggaj a pagsanbas a6ouue7 gsasso3 RL61 `fi Asenuur uo plaq aq TTTm gsanbaswsagqouo 2uiueaq oilgna aqg geqq pagegs soAeW aqy 'auozau so3 gsanbau uaq uo 2uzspaq-as p so3 gpusy utgsew EpuuM wou3 gsanbas a paquasasd goig soAeW 'ajgeTtene 20T aotTod aagogeuaM gsEg ue 2uiaeq up gsauaqui stagq passasdxa ssagwaw TTounoo 'quawgsedag aotTod aagogeueM aqq w0s3 920T ageuedas gsanbas oq MegS Ajuo pagonsgsui aAouuvq uuwTTounoo 02uigaaw qxau aqq qe gsodas pup sajoigan pies uo Noago oq ase squawgsedap aotTod pup gaaugS aqy 'Agsadosd agentsd pup ozlgnd uo sajoTgan pauopuege Vutpse2as aoueutpso ue aneq saop Agzo aqq qeqq pauTvTdxa saTTn3 TTaN AausoggV 'qoT Vuixsed Agto aqq uT passed aq Aew saTozgan awtq 3o g42uaT agq 2uz4eTn2au aoueuzpuo Agto E gnogp pastnbut 9Aouue7 uuwUounoo 'ATsnowiusun passed pup aAouuvq gsasso3 Aq papuooas uotgow !RL6T `I Asenuer so3 paTnpagos aq 2uigaaw Aspnuer gss23 agq gpqq uotgow a appw TTTGNOW ITassEg 'wsaq pautdxaun aqq so3 uoAuW E quiodde oq aq TTTm 2utga8w Asenuur aqq qu wage 49ut3 aqq geqq paptoap TTounoo aqq uoTesnosip uaggsn3 s9g3tl 'saggew agq uaptsuoo oq awtq awos papaeu aq gpqq pazjdas gozg uoAuw 'uoAEW se 2utnuTjuo3 ui pagsasaqui aq gg2Tw goig pg qugq pagsa22ns aAouue7 uewTTounoo 'saaM aqq 3o pua agq qu ATgZssod uotgoE asneo Mogs e aT?3 TTTm aq gegq Paqeqs osTE OH 'aoi33o geqq ploq og aTgT2TTa Mou sT aq su 'soApjq se wTg 2uzquioddE sapzsuoo jtounoo agq geqq p9498d2ns allTTiadg ueng 'aTgtssod sp uoos se os auop aq pTnogs pup `lTounoo Agio aqq 3o agon E Aq wuaq paaTdxaun aqq 3o sapuiewau aqq so3 PaTTT3 aq PTnogs JOA N 3o aot33o aqg ui AoueoEn aqq geqq esagwaw TTounoo aqq pawso3uz saTTn3 Aauuoggy 'Asogngeqs aae squawastnbea wagon paua4sT2as pup AouaptsaH 'soAeW se aot33o aseq oq algTVITa pasaptsuoo qou sEM so39sag4 pup uotgoaTa aso3aq Lannoye feel that Councilmen could be held liable if Mr. Sperline was not a legal candidate at the time of his election. Forrest Lannoye made a motion that Mr. Sperline not be seated on the grounds ' that he did not comply with the residency requirements of a Code City; motion seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed by a majority vote, with Ray Duncan abstaining. Hartley Beeler moved that the meeting be adjourned; seconded by Forrest Lannoye and passed by a unanimous vote. LMd AA� C er 1