HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/5/1977 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesDecember 5, 1977 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Ed Rich. Present were Councilmen Ray Duncan Darrell I'leNeill, Forrest Lannoye, Hartley Beeler; Attorney Neif Fuller and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented as follows: Current expense warrants nos. 7711 Lafe H. Myers M.D. Mid State Cleaners Wenatchee Police Department Nudelman Brothers The Keyhole Millers Camera Shop Les Schwab Tire Center Libke, Jones & Mitchell Dale's Automotive Western Copy Products Texaco, Inc. Sears Roebuck & Co. Gellatly Agency Dick's Service Dennis G. Endres Eastmont Pharmacy Cascade Natural Gas Corp. Fast Valley News Grace Crawford The Nickel Libke, Jones & Mitchell City of Wenatchee Street warrants nos. 2219 - 2226 Cascade *atural Gas Corp. Lloyd's Auto and Truck, Inc. Wells & Wade Piston Service Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Texaco, Inc. Herb's Rent -all Pedco Credit Union Ray,Duncan moved that the bills be paid; McNeill and passed unanimously. 7732 6o.00 36.60 75.00 64.88 6.31 24.33 46.24 20.00 55.47 110.36 308.22 11.55 23.73 231.01 21.89 12.58 78.93 6.00 55.66 4.60 20.00 29076,28 56.28 25.97 14.70 12.61 285.64 102.75 19.32 311.00 motion seconded by Darrell Ray Duncan stated that his report on the cost of fire retardant spray is not complete, but will try to have same for the -next meeting. Lael Vickery, representing the Chamber of Commerce, informed the City Council that the Chamber proposed to donate the Christmas lights and flower baskets to the City. Councilman Lannoye feels that it is not legal for City equipment and employees to install said lights. The City Attorney was requested to check the legality of this matter and report to the Council. Mayor Rich reported that he has received a report on the status of the 5th street light, from Valley Electric, Inc. Due to a delay,in receiving the necessary parts, completion of construction is now seheduled for early in January. pue ueoung uawTtbunoo •autTaadS •aN 3o aot33o oqut 2utaeaMs aqq 30 641Te291 aqq oq se Agt0 aqq 3o uotgtsod aqq pauteldxa aaTTn3 TtaN •aoAe se aot33o 3o ggeo aqq anta0aa og pagsanbaa autTaadS ueAa 92uiquied ao3 42noue wueM st aaggeaM aqq uagM 2utads aqq ui aueT usng i3al e gstTgegsa pue peog quea0 uo 2utxaed ageuiwiTo oq sueld Agto aqq gegq patldaa gotg ao4uW •peog queao uo aueT uanq 43aT E 30 AgTTtgtssod aqq gnoge paatnbut eaae peog quea0 aqg woa3 uewsseutsnq y •6Tsnowtueun Passed pue ueounQ beg 6q papuooas uotgow :�5e •ou aoueutpao qdope pue anoadde og panow alLouue7 4saaao3 •aaot33o auewnq a ao3 spun3 yygo 2utasangstp pus 2utnt909a 3o,asodand aqq ao3 si aoueutpao pteS •TTOunOO aqq oq 475Z •ou aoueutpao 6oua2uawg paquesaad aaTTn3 TtaN 0840A snowtueun a 6q passed pue TTtallo*q TTaaaeQ dq papuooas uotgow :eaae 6aessaoau eqg aped oq uotgow a #pew aAouugq gsaaaod •paned aq og papoau uotgsanb ut eaae aqg gegq pagegs uew98a3 bog •passnOstp sum aaogs TaptadS aqg aeau 'peog pueTsT NOog pue queao ge 2ut4stxe waTgoad 33ouna V •spun3 Vutgogew %06 ioj"6gto pue 6qunoo 6q uotgeOtTdde quiof e pags922ns OH •patuap uaaq peq peog queao pue quowgseg qe 442TI Teu2ts e 3o quawAed paeMoq quea2 e ao3 gsanoaa satqunoo aqq gegg 2utgegs aaaul2ug 44uno0 seT2noa aqq woa3 aaglal e peace gong JOAeJ4 ' •aaggew stgq uo Noago og pagsanbaa seM 4auaog4y 6gT0 agy •auop uaaq seq 2?utggou aqep oq qnq 'pat3tgou uaaq seq 4uawgaeda0 ggTeaH aqg puce 'uotgoe agetadoadde axeq oq pagsanbau uaaq seq goiagsTa aaMaS aqy •qg aaNeg Pue g4zT 3o aauaoO gsea 44JOU aqq ge VutOe3ans st 140i3a9no xueg otgdas gegq paquodaa osTe OH •uteap waogs a TTegsut ueO A4TO aqg se awtq Bons TT4un 'gOgtp aqg oqut ao peoa aqq ssoaae aagex aqq uteap oq doq NOeTq ggtM paTTt3 aq pTnogs eaae MOT aqq uotutdo stq uT •peog puelsl Noog Pug •g•S gaaags qsT 3o uotgoasaaqut aqq qe waTgoad 92euteap a uo squteldwoo 2utnt93aa uaaq seq aq gegq pagaodaa a6ouuvq uewTtounoo o ano a •w•d 00:$ 3 g gg ge LL6T `L aagwaoaQ AepsaupajA uo pTaq aq ITTm uotssas antgnoaxa ue gegq paounouue gotg aoAell •swalgoad ga2pnq aqg 30 awns anTos oq Aag og U01999S antgnoaxa ue ut qaaw saagwaw TtounOo aqq gegg pagsa22ns aAouuvq uvuTT3unoo •suaztgtO Te301 awns woa3 squawwoo ggtM panutquoo suoissnosTa 0g92pnq $G61 aqq ut papnTout aq Naed aqq ao3 aaMow a pue aadeaMs gaaags Mau a pagsanbaa uewaaad Sog •lesodoad Teut2tao stq oq poseaaout aq ga2pnq aotlod aqg gegq pagsanbaa osTe MegS 6aeo •spun3 2utgogew 6gtO 00.8IL PapnTOut qunowe stgq gegq Itounoo aqq ploq Megs 6aeo •quawdtnbe otpea ao3 quea2 algtssod a apnTOut 04 00.09£'llTt�3o qunowe aqq ut paseaaout seM 192pnq quawgaedap aOtlod aqq uotssnostp 2uoT e aag3d 92utaeaq otlgnd °ao3 ga2pnq �L'l agg paquasaad g3ig pg •agon snowtueun e Aq passed pue eAouueq gsauaod Aq papuooas uotgow !gsonbau pees gueu� og panow STTaNOK TTaaaeR 'uotgequasaad wlt3 pue uotssnostp e aa43d •neaang uot4u8nuo0 aagOleuaM aqq ao3 8L61 aeaA aqg ao3 00.005$ ga2Pnq Agt0 aqq gegq pagsanbaa eTgano aualavW pue poo.K %oTa Mayor Lannoye presented the attorneyts opinion with regards to the City accepting the Christmas lights from the Chamber of Commerce. Said opinion stated that the City may legally accept such gifts. Ed Rich moved that the, City accept the lights; motion seconded by ' Darrell McNeill and passed by a unanimous vote. Darrell McNeill made a motion that Ed Rich be authorized to purchase a tractor and mower if it meets his specifications; seconded by Hartlev Beeler and passed by a unanimous vote. Purchase price is $1,985000 including tax. Mr. Sowers from Sears Roebuck and Co. has presented the proposal to the City. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Current expense warrants nos. 7762 - 7787 Wolfstone, Donley, McMannama, Inc. $135.00 Bud Westby Motors, Inc. 9.57 Dale's Automotive 141.40 Texaco, Inc. 314.22 Hiram W. Thomas 573.37 Richard Cawood 8.00 William B. Brooks 12.00 Gary E. Shaw 12.f)0 Harold G. Kirby 12.00 Dennis G. Endres 12.00 Central Communications 18.91 Sears Roebuck & Co, 66.37 Law Enforcement Retirement System 350.90 R.M. Church, Inc. 102.73 General Telephone Co. 77.57 Douglas County P.U.D. 26.00 Dorotha McGee 105.92 DeForest N. Fuller 122.75 Grace Crawford 66.03 Forrest Lannoye 141.22 Hartley Beeler 141.22 Darrell McNeill 141.22 Ed Rich 141.22 Ray Duncan 141.22 Wenatchee World 10.00 East Wenatchee Water District 11.50 Street warrants nos. 2237 - 2242 Craven Lumber Co. 7.04 Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 56.88 Texaco, Inc . 104.75 Hein Investment 7.50 Chevron USA, Inc. 7.12 Douglas County P.U.D. 781.00 Federal Shared Revenue warrant no. 041 Valley Electric, Inc. 91000.71 Hartley Beeler made a motion that the bills be paid; seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. 4Ed Rich requested that discussion of the purchase of a new street sweeper be placed on the agenda for the neat meeting. Ed Rich presented a card and gift to City Clerk Dorotha 1'IcGee, and expressed his appreciation to her for -assistance during his term ad Mayor, and for her work for the City. Councilman Rich stated to those present that had he been able to 1 .zal I•agora snowtueun e Aq passad pus IIIa OTq Iladava 6q popuooas uozgow !pauznoCpe aq 2uigaaw aqq qugq panow g3iH pg •aAouUUq gsaaJOd so3 pagon aesq pinoM aq 'JOAUW so3 agora a gsao