HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/1977 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesNovember 21, 1977 The regular meeting of the Fast Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Ed Rich. Present were Councilmen Forrest Lannoye, Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Hartley Beeler; At,orney Neil Fuller and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Current expense warrants nos. 7675 - 7712 Hiram Thomas Richard Cawood Wenatchee Police Department Gilbert Adkins, John Troglia J.A.. Renfroe William C. Hartney Douglas Hanna Dennis G. Endres Law Enforcement Retirement System Harold G. Kirby Gary W. Shaw William B. Brooks Pedco Credit Union Kayots Car Wash Dorotha McGee Webpco, Inc. Central Communications Wenatchee Police Department General Telephone Co. Security Bank of Washington Washington Physicians Service Wenatchee World Trick & Murray W.I. McKenzie Herbert J. Olive DeForest Neil Fuller Dorotha McGee Wm. M. Hamilton Pedco Credit Union Robert H. Scott, Jr. Warren. Gorham, Lamont, Inc. Douglas County Sewer District Hein Investment Danny�E. Reeves Michael D. Woodworth Street warrants nos. 2314 - 2318 Security Bank of Washington Washington Physicians Service Danny E. Reeves Michael D. Woodworth Roy A. Freeman Federal Shared Revenue warrant no. Valley Electric, Inc. No. 1 $112.98 667.52 200.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 673.92 354.13 724.21 940.13 742.31 50.00 12.80 508.15 3.68 28.79 30.00 78.67 895.40 652.85 30,00 8.71 188.30 55.10 470.75 373.68 181.45 50.00 140,00 34.00 17.00 13.50 213.00 236.00 276.40 64.80 344.06 341.51 694.60 040 11,334.91 Forrest Lannoye made a motion to pay the bills with the exception of Richard Cawood and Hiram Thomas, since salary for Richard Cawood had not been set by City Ordinance and said salary ordinance permitted only 75.00 per month for clerical work for the police dept.; motion 1 1 seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Ray Duncan reported on the possibility of a fire retardant spray for the shop building. He will report later on the estimated cost. man Council?Duncan stated that he had attended a Board of Adjustment meeting regarding the application of Arthur Johnson for a variance to an addition bn the back of his building. A decision on this matter was postponed for 30 days. Ray Duncan reported that he had attended a Planning Commission meeting regarding the application of Wanda Martin Arndt for a rezone of R-2 area to General Commercial. He stated that most persons attending were opposed to the rezone. Forrest Lannoye reportedthat the P.U.D. had given permission for installation of a cross arm and stop sign on the light pole at 9th and Main. Said sign -was installed today. Ed Rich reported on the proposal that Wenatchee, East Wenatchee, chelan and Douglas Counties join, on re-classification of streets to ensure more uniformity. InformationoorE this proposal will be forthcoming from the State Highway Department. A discussion was held regarding the street opening on Baker Street And Councilman Lannoye asked Danny Reeves if the opening was inspected before black top was applied. The street employee present did not know. Mayor Rich presented a regquest from Wanda Martin Arndt for a re- hearing on her application for a rezone of an area within the inc- orporated limits. Councilman Lannoye stated that he had no ob- jection to the rezoning of her lot, but was not in favor of rezoning the area as requested at this time. He would not oppose rezoning of that area contigious to the shopping center. After further discussion, Forrest Lannoye moved to grant a public hearing if Mrs. Arndt submits an application; motion seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Ed Rich repor ted that the saJ_ary ordinance does not include a salary for Humane Officer. Forrest^ ove to amend the Balary ordinance to include $833.00 per month for a Humane Officer; motion seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed by a unanimous vote. Ray Duncan made a motion that one/half of the sales tax for 1978 be allocated to the Street Department; motion seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. A discussion was held with Evan Sperline regarding his status as Mayor elect. Councilman Lannoye, after having consulted his Attorney feels that Mr. Sperline was not a legally elected mayor. Attorney Neil Fuller was requested to obtain a legal opinion form the Attorney General and report to the Council. Gary McLeod stated that Evan Sperline will meet the requirements by the time he is sworn into office. Neil Fuller stated that an opinion would have to come from the County Prosecutmr. He was requested to obtain bhis-, opinion and report at the next meeting. i "AMMIZim •STsnomTueun passed pus ueouna Aeg 6q papuooas uoTgom :pauanoCpu aq 2utgaam aqq geqq uoTgom s spew aaTaag 6aTgaeH •agon snouitueun a Aq passed pus TTTaNOW TTaaaea Aq papuooas uoTgom :gdap aOTTod aqq ao3 NJOm TeOTaaTO aoj gquom aad 00.5L$ PTed aq ssmogy meaTH geqq panom a6ouueZ gsaaaod •ugFZ aagmanoN 6epuoW aOj gas seM 84PP 2ut499W •saaSoTdma Vlao 2uTpae2aa TTouno0 aqq ggTM gaam oq squeM Meg$ 6ae0 gsgg Pagsgs aH •quamdinba suoTgsoTunuimoo ao3 00.00£"jT$ 3o qusa2 Va7 a anTaoaa !em 6g10 agg geqq pagaodaa .SgaTg pToaeH •agon snomTueun a Aq passed pue ueoung beg 6q papuooas uoTgom !60Tad aTgeuossaa gsom aqq 2uTggtmqns aaTTddns aqq moa3 saaTq aqq ossuoand oq uoTgom a apem a6ouuuq 499a.z03 •saaTeaP aaom Omq gssaT ge moa3 s490O uTeggo oq pagonagsuT ssM ag `uoTssnosTp s aagjV •sajlq Mous ao3 sagemTgsa gsoo Z paquasaad fgaTg PToaeH