HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/7/1977 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesNovember 7, 1977 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Ed Rich. Present were Councilman Ray Duncan, Forrest Lannoye, Darrell McNeill, Hartley Beeler; Attorney Neil Fuller and Clerk D.orotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council as f6llows: Current Expense warrants nos. 7647 - 7674 Lafe H. Myers, M.D. $180.00 William B. Brooks 26.44 Christie Wood 10.00 Chesley Blevins 10.00 Lance Fish 10.00 Mike Morgan 10.00 Texaco, Inc. 281.43 Millers Camera Shop 29.52 Johnson's Inc. 25,22 Sears Roebuck & Co. 100,10 Truck Insurance Exchange 180.70 Dales Automotive 34.42 Libke, Jones & Mitchell 20.00 Wenatchee Police Department 105.00 Puget Sound Instrument Co. 43.30 Commercial Printing Go, 10.77 Grace Crawford 69.91 Employment Security Department 5.99 Ray Duncan 9100 Douglas County P.U.D. 23.00 Sears Roebuck & Co. 6.25 DeForest N. Fuller 961.69 Western Auto Supply Goi 36.83 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 65.03 East Wenatchee Water District 11.50 Grant Road Hardware 4.14 Clark Boardman Co., Ltd. 33.00 Robin Gaukroger 125.00, Street warrants nos. 2199 - 2213 S & D Paving Co., Inc. 15.77 Truck Insurarr a Exchange 48.50 Wells & Wade Hardware 1.32 Texaco Inc. hto 93.80 Elder Parts, Inc. 98.36 Standard Oil Co. 201.46 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 13.98 Craven Lumber Co. 11.23 Dept. of Highways 418.91 Buttrey Food Stores 33.42 Douglas County P.U.D. 789.00 Sears Roebuck & Co. 294.27 S & D Oaving Co., Inc. 16`561.$0 Western Farmers Association 172.84 Lloydts Auto & Truck:, Inc. 19076.22 '180.00 Urban Arterial Board xaalo 4-moo e ao3 papeou spun3 eagxe SUE qugq pue `Kaalo ganoo aqq paquiodde 92pnr aqq geqq wiq powao3ui aAouuvl uemU ounoo •xaalo ganoo se anaas osle pTnogs xsaTo -gdaa aopTod aqq geqq pasodoad Megg AauO geqq pagEqs Agaig PToaeH •pasiEa aq AaeTEs sxaaTo ganoo aqg pue PaaaMoi aq Aaeles xaalo Agpo agq�geqq pagsanbea PUB 631aalo ganoo agq pue Naalo Agpo aqq ao3 pasodoad AaeTes agq uo uoissnosip a pagsanbaa aAouuvq uewiiounoo, •lpounoo Agio aqq oq $G61 ao3 492Pnq Aaeuiwilaad aqq paquasead goiu aoAeW •uopTsod sTgq ao3 VZgo aapun A3pienb,gou ppp sewogl wEapH aoups 'aeop330 ouewnH sE 2UTAu99 sp aq geqq pagEqs puE pooMEo paEgoiu peonpoaquz Agaig PTosEH -Ieueo U014EwVToag aqg og peou wuao uo 2upxaed TIE 92ueg3 Aigpssod puE �upads aqq Tpgun gTum oq papioap saagwaw Ipounoo puE gopg aoAuW-uoigow siq MaapggpM TTialloW uewTpounoo PUooas a 3o xoel ao3 puE uopssnospP 19g4an3 a943tl-quowgsea oq ewauio EpgwnToo aqq woa3 peou queao uo 2up -xaed ageuiwila og uoigow a apew TlpaNOW TTaaaEQ �Peou guEao ao3 aueT uang 43aT pasodoad aqq passnospp Tpounoo pue aoAuW aqy •2upgaow gxau aqq qv gaodaa pue goeaquoo pasodoad aqq Apngs TTiM aalln3 TTiaN •sguawAed puE AAaT Tood 2upwwpMs aqq 2uipae29a Aqunoo seT2noa woa3 paAiaoaa uaaq seq aaggaT •sseTo qsT uEwToagEd og ssETo puz uEwToaged 140a3 sxooag -g wETTTTM 3o uopgowoad aqg panoadde peg aoinaag Tpnpo geqq saagwaw Tpounoo aqq pawao3up aohvW aqy •gaaagg uieW uo Toaguoo 0p33ea4 2uppaE29a sgUawgsanui aagUao w0a3 aaggal e paquasead goiu aoAew •awpq spgq ge glue ao3 aToigaA spgq 2ups14JOAPP sp xsaTo aqy-,a�3pgp uaaao aqq 3o uopgdboxe aqq ggpM PTos uaaq aAEq salopgaA snldans TIE gegg pagEqs aoAVK aqy -aaggan3 aaggew sigg ogup KooT TTpM ueounQ beg •PasanoszP SEA 3uipiinq aqq 2upansui qou 3o AgpTpgpssod aqq puE anpsuadxa paaapisuoo aaaM sassaooad ITb •passnospp aaaM TIE 3uiPTpnq aqg Vuixooa gaags pue Reads sogsagse `beads guepaEgaa gala •dogs aqg 2utiiooad-sai3 ao3 quawgaedaa aapd aqq Aq apEw su6i49922ns aqg gnogE uewgaa3 Aou ggpM pTaq sEM uoissnospp y •2uipTinq dogs aqg up uoigetnsui aqq 2uppae2aa too aousansup aqg woa3 aaggaT a paguasaad< goiu pg aoAew 0aa3suEaq ppEs a03 Agio aqq Aq apEw uaaq aneq sgsanbaa oMg gseal qy •gouToaad Agpo agg ogup uoigeagsi2aa saagon aTagq aa3suEaq oq aogTpny dqunoo aqq q92 oq aTgE uaaq gquuaaAEq ITigs PUB `02E sabaA Teaanas Agio aqg oqup paxauue aaaM suazpgio TeooT oMq geqq pagaodaa 96ouuul uewTiounoo *9*Von aqq oq quawAed agq uo sa4n4vle aqq xoago TTpM Aauaoggy Agpo aqq pue opagoaTg AaTTEA ao3 TTpq aqg uo ' aaeui2ug aqg 3o Tenoadde aqq uTu4go og sp xaalo aqy •agoA snowpueun E Aq passed PUB 9Aouue7 gsaaaoj Aq papuooas uoigow 'paeog Tepaagay uegan aqg PUB opagoaTg AaZleA ao3 sTTiq oMq aqq 3o uoigdaoxa aqq ggpM pied aq sTTiq agg.gEgq panow ueoun �E `uotssnos� a aag3d OS'SZi •ou o#agoatg AaTNA 86'i£fi°TT •ouT `opagoaTg AaTTEA 65'511'T sagepoossy T gueao ppnay 6£0 •ou gueaaEM anuanag paaegg lea9p93 would be taken from the police department with the possible loss of an officer. Councilman Lannoye again requested that the Clerk's salary ordinance be amended. Council members decided not to do so at this time. Forrest Lannoye made a motion to approve and adopt the preliminary budget for 1978 as presented; motion seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. The City Council approved State industrial insurance coverage for a^reserve officer. William Brooks could not say how many hours the reserve will be on duty. Herb Olive reported that the deed from the Lutheran Church for the right of way on llth street should be forthcoming soon. Roy Freeman reported that there is no stop sign at 9th and Main street. Councilman Lannoye stated that the P.U.D. will not allow signs to be installed on light poles, but he will chebk with the P.U.D. about the possibility of a cross bar. Council members approved repdirs for the front end of the Chev pick-up. The opening made by the telephone co. on Baker street was disccussed and the Clerk reported that a permit had not been obtained by the phone co. Attorney Neil Fuller will check into this violation of City ordinande. Hartley Beeler moved that the meeting be adjourned) motion seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. 7 IJ A