HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/19/1977 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesSeptember 19, 1977
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to
order by Mayor Ed Rich. Present were Councilmen Ray Duncan, Darrell
McNeill, Hartley Beeler, Forrest Lannoye; Attorney Neil Fuller and
Clerk Dorotha McGee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
The bills were presented to the Council as follows:
Current Expense warrants nos. 7543 - 7569
Law Enforcdment Retirement System $347.27
Webpco, Inc. 21.66
Haight -Anderson Motors, Inc. 51113.53
Harold Kirby 12.00
Gary W. Shaw 12.00
➢ennis G. Endres 12.00
William B. Brooks 12.00
Dennis G. Endres 673.92
Harold G. Kirby 724.21
Pedco Credit Union 50.00
Gary W. Shaw 940.13
William B. Brooks 722.67
Libke, Jones & Mitchell 27.00
Dorotha McGee 508.15
Wenatchee Police Department 200.00
Security Bank of Washington 885.40
Washington Physicians Service 623.30
W.I. McKenzie 188.30 '
Herbert J. Olive(for posting only 100.00)
DeForest N. Fuller 470.75
Dorotha McGee 373.68
Pedco Credit Union 105.10
Wm. M. Hamilton 181.45
Robert H. Scott, Jr. 140.00
Douglas County Sewer District No. 1 17.00
Michael D. Woodworth 236.00
Danny E. Reeves 213.00
Karen M. Kirby 487.94
Street warrants nos. 2173 - 2180
Washington Physicians Service 64.80
Security Bank of Washington 276.40
Wenatchee World 40.68
Knutson Lumber Co. 58.86
Pedco Credit Union 311.00
Michael D. Woodworth 341.51
Danny E. Reeves 344.06
Roy A. Freeman 694.6G
A discussion was held regarding the bill from Haight -Anderson Motors
and the contract price. Ray Duncan made a motion to pay said Company
up to the contract price of 4,730.28 plus tax; motion seconded by
Forrest Lannoye and passed by a unanimous vote.
Councilman Lannoye stated that he feels all supplies possible,
should be purchased within the City. Council members agreed.
Councilman Beeler reported receiving some complaints regarding
street lights that have been turned off.
Mr. Dick Sele, from the Douglas County Engineer's office, discussed
with the Council, the need for a traffic signal light at the inter-
section of Grant Road and Eastmont. Douglas County has received a
5,000.00 grant for engineering at that location and Kentucky St., and
he presented to the Council a copy of the meeds study made attne
Eastmont-Grant location. Mr. Sele believes that the County will be
awarded a grant for 25% of the cost of the said signal light if the
City will pledge the remaining 75f. He also stated that the County
will perform the engineering work. Forrest Lannoye moved that the
City allocate the requested 75% funding if the County receives their
25% grant; motion seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Mr.
Sele requested a copy of the minutes of the meeting be forwarded to
Mr. Chuck Michaels told the Council that he is installing the fire
sprinkler system for the new Speidel store and requested permission
to close Rock Island Road when installing the water line. Forrest
Lannoye moved that he be allowed to close Rock Island Road on Sunday
for installing said line; and if it is not possible to install the
line on Sunday, Mr. Michadlt will be reqguired to maintain two lanes
of traffic; motion seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously.
Mayor Ed Rich reported that no bids have been received for any of the
vehicles offered for sale. Councilman Lannoye instructed the Clerk to
advertise the vehicles for sale in the Nickel for appraiedd prices
on the Dodges and 1,800.00 for the Matador.
Mayor Rich presented a proposal from Scott and Cordell to continue
their service as Public Defenders for the City for the year 1111 at
the same contract price and terms as the 1977 contract. Forrest
Lannoye moved to accept said proposal; seconded by Ray Duncan and
passed by a unanimous 'vote.
Mayor Rich reported that the annual AWC meeting for the district will
be he Id in Chelan on October 19, 1977.
A letter has been received from the Douglas County Commissioners
regarding the establishment of a Flood Control Dmstrict in the East
Wenatchee area. Council members requested that the Clerk send a
letter to the Commissioners for more information on this matter, and
invite the Commissioners or a representative to attend a City Council
Herb Olive reported on fire inspections.made by the Fire Department
on buildings not meeting the codes. Neil Fuller stated that only
codes in effect when buildings were constructed, could be enforced
now. Mr. Olive also reported that the owners of the property at llth
and Eastmont want 1,000.00 for right-of-way for the area needed to
upgrade llth st. He will discuss this matter with the owners again.
Neil Fuller presented Ordinance no. 252; said ordinance relates to t
setting the tax levy at 3,375 for the year 1978; Councilman Lannoye
made a motion to approve and adopt said ordinance; motion seconded
by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously.
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