HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/20/1977 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesJune 20, 1977 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Johnson. Present were Councilmen Ed Rich, Ray ' Duncan, Hartley Beeler, Darrell McNeill; Attorney Neil Fuller and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the June 6, 1977 meeting were approved as read. Ed Rich made a motion that the minutes of the special meeting not be read; motion seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed by a unanimous vote. The bills were presented to the Council as follows; Current expense warrants nos. 7378 - 7413 Clerk, East Wenatchee Post Office $ 65.00 Law Enforcement Retire, System 375.22 Guardian Life Ins. Co. 20.30 Dept. of Emergency Services 209.15 Dennis A. Mengelos 8.00 Harold G. Kirby 12.00 Gary W. Shaw 12.00 William B. Brooks 12.00 Wenatchee Police Department 200.00 Gary W. Shaw 940.13 Dorotha McGee 508.15 William B. Brooks 722.67 Dennis G. Endres 376.16 ' Harold G. Kirby 774.21 Vina Brimes 4.00 Tina L. Navone 4.00 Delbert Pence 4.00 M.R. Morris 4.00 Phillip Herbert. 4.00 John Deal 4.00 V.R. Durham 4.00 Karen M. Little 63.11 Wash. Physicians Service 623.30 Security Bank of Washington 805.10 W.I. McKenzie 188.30 Herbert J. Olive(for posting only 100.00) Arthur D. Johnson 141.22 Swallowline Printing 31.37 DeForest Neil Fuller 470.75 Dorotha McGee 374.66 Pedco Credit Union 105.10 Wm. M. Hamilton 181.45 Robert H. Scott; Jr. 140.00 James B. Drewelow 35.00 Michael D. Woodworth 215.50 Danny E. Reeves 190.90 Karen M. Little 419.89 ' Street warrants nos. 2115 - 2121 Security Bank of Washington 274.70 Washington Physicians Service 64.80 Pedco Credit Union 30.00 Michael D. Woodworth 421.04 gg2TT Tpu21s p aoj spTq ao3 TTeo AITo aqg gegg uoTgow E appw goTH pN •asTgouea3 aqq 2uTpapMe aqq 2uTssnosTp 3o asodand aqq ao3 PTaq aq TTTM uotssas aATgnoaxa up 'uotgeotTdde atagq paquasaad seq aagddoadaTay se uoos se geqq papToap saagwaw TTounoO 'passnosTp sEM aaggew sTgq aag3y •8sTgoupa3 •A•y u ao uoTgeoTTddp up paquasaad '•o0 aTquo 'A',L ILaiTEA aagogpuaM 'AP03l 2Teao •goejja qugq og uoTgnTosaa E aae4aad og pagsanbaa sum aaTTnd TTaN '92.zego gnoggTM 'aouugsTssE TpoTugoaq antaoaa TTTM 'os op geqq saTgiO asogy •gotagstp pTes uToC oq pagsonbea uaaq aAEq S914TO gEqq quasaad asogq pToq-goTagstQ u07[geAsasuo0 aqq 2uTquasaad9a 'TTapuLq u9i0 0840A snowTuuun u Aq passed pup TT?aNDiq TTaasEQ Aq papuooas uoTgow :agep qugq uo 2utapaq oiTgnd aqq ` gas Pup LL6T 9 6Tn Lupggg:,aTgp;tqojs-,0-4 ,uotgom apew ueouM 4wV •6TsnowTupun passed pup TTTeNoT,I TTaaaeQ Aq papuooas uoT4pxeuup aqq gdaDou oq uotgow p apum goTH pH LuoTgpxauup aqq gdaooe 44TO aqg TTTM (C) wagT •TpTguapTsaa Z-H pauoz aq TTTM paxauue ,fgaadoad 'uoTgexauue uodn - 2uTuoZ (Z) wagi •ssaupaggaput ou spq dgiO aqg se 'uotgpxauup uodn 'ssaupaggapuT 3o uoTgdwnsse ou aq TTTM aaagq (T) wagi 064T3 aqq oquT 6gaadoad sTq 3o uotgpxauup ao3 swagT aaagq aqq ssnostp oq 'sggoa •O•Q aauoTgTgad ggTM pTaq sEM 2uigaaw y OATsnowtueun passed pup goTH pg Aq papuooas uotgow !neaang uoTquanuoO aagogpuapq aqq Aq pagsanbaa sp seangooaq ao3 00'5LT$ aqq bed AgTO aqq gpqq uotgow e appw ueoung APR •agoA snowtueun e Aq passed pup TTTallol4 TTaaaea Aq papuooas uoTgow :aajjO aqg 4000aa og panow goTH pg •W6L J03 aogow snTdans aqq asegoand oq uosdwogy •qoH woa3 aad3o up paquesoad goTH pS OATsnowtueun passed pup goTg pH 6q papuooas uoTgow !Z50T 'ou uoTgnTosaH pup 'paquasaad se `upTd gaaagg aea! 9 aqq gdope pup aAoadde og uoTgow e appw TTTaNOW TTaaapQ •guasaad asogq og upTd aqg pauTeTdxa aH •2uTJUaq oTTgnd:E a03 350T -oN uotgnTosaH pup upTd gaaagg aea6 9 aqq paquesead gotH pg 92uTjfaq deax oq pagonagsut sum NJ8 TO aqy •N@em aqg UT aageT Tesodoad e aneq oq ad.oq TTagogiW -q sauor le4gTq •aoueansuT ao3 agpwTgga gsoo p gTwgns og aTge aq qou pTnoM 6agq gegg 64TO aqg paTdTgou 6ou92y AT4ETT80 aqg !saTou92e oMg woa3 sTpsodoad uiuggo oq 2uTAa4 TTTgs sT ags gpqq pagaodea xaaTO aqy •passnosTp sum agueansuT 64TO ,to aaggpw aqZ ofq snowtueun passed pup goTH pH Aq papuooas !AgaiX pup sxooag ao3 swpxa aoj sgsoo aqq Aud 6gT3 aqq gpqq panow ueoung APR •awps ao3 bed og saTgTo WuTjTnbaa TL6T uT passed uaaq ppq MET p gpgg pagpgs aaTTnd TTaN •saaoT33o ao?Tod ao3 sqsoo uoTgeuTwexa TpoTsfgd 3o guawfed 2uTpae2aa pTaq svA uotssnosTp y I •papoq A4TTTgpstp aqq uo 2ututpwaa saagwaw guagwnout Aluo aqq gap upwaTpgo aqq pup aq pagaodea ueoung APR •ATsnowtueun passed pup JOTaag A9T WPH Aq papuooas uotgow !pTpd aq sTTTq aqq gpqq uoTgow p spew goTu PS T£'6L uotquaodao0 aaegS z£'TLL upwaaa3 •y Aou W 69£ SOA99H •g Athiva with left turn provisions, at 5th.and Main Street, with bids to be opened at the July 6, 1977 meeting; motion seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Neil Fuller presented Ordinances nos. 244, 245, 240 ana 247 to the ' Council. Darrell McNeill moved to approve and pass Ordinance no. 244; relating to a vacationyof a City street; seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Ed Rich moved to approve and pass Ordinance no. 245, allocating sales taximoney from Wenatchee to the Street Dept. for a signal lite; seconded by Darrell IIcNeill and passed unanimously. Darrell McNeill moved to approve and -pass Ordinance No. 246; for the purpose of accepting Anti -recession funds and allocating same to the street and park department; seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed by a unanimous vote. Ed -Rich made a motion to approve and pass Ordinance no. 247, for the purpose of declaring certain city property as surplus, to be appraised and sold to the highest bidder; seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Ray Duncan made a motion -to call for bids to sell the property declared surplus by Ordinance no. 247, with bid opening to be July 18, 1977 motion seconded by Ed Rich and passed by a unanimous vote. The Eastmont J.C's requested permission to sell Safe and Sane Fire- works at two locations. -Darrell McNeill made a motion to -grant this request; seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Darrell McNeill made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Ed Rich and passed by a unaimous vote. U10197111111 _ , A lnJ t?,'F/, C lerk 1