HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/6/1977 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesJune 6, 1977 1 1 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Johnson. Present were Councilmen Ed Rich; Ray Duncan Darrell McNeill, Hartley Beeler and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council Current expense warrants nos. 7354 Dennis A. Mengelos Lafe H. Myers M.D. Ballard Services, Inc. Dept. of Emergency Services The 5 T's Restaurant Texaco, Inc. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Sears Roebuck & Co. Wenatchee Police Department Central Wash. Health Services R.M. Church, Inc. General Telephone Co. Clerk, East Wenatchee Post Office Graphic Printing, Inc. Wenatchee World Craven Lumber Co. Cascade Natural Gas Corp. Grace Crawford Douglas Co. Sewer Listrict No. Grange Supply Co. United Supply Co. Grant Road Hardware Pay & Save Corp. Douglas County Engineer Street warrants nos. 2105 - 2114 Craven Lumber Go. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Wenatchee World Cascade Natural Gas Corp. E.T. Pybus Co. Modern 1"lachinery Co., Inc. Piston Service . Chevron USA, Inc. Texaco, Inc. Sears Roebuck & Co. Ed Rich moved that the bills be paid; a nd passed unanimously. M7 as follows; - 7377 $979.35 60.00 39.82 313.73 15.67 291.87 13.10 7.35 200.00 19.00 259.40 98.05 15.00 64.06 74.02 38.99 79.79 80.26 17.00 20.19 62.16 25.98 28.80 6.25 65.82 121.55 31.88 44.23 5.89 44'14 8.49 3.94 97.30 5.76. motion seconded by Ray Duncan Ed Rich reported that the specifications for the street lights have not been received from the Engineer. He will check the contract for time allowed for same. Councilman Beeler reported that some additional streetlights have been turn@d off. Mayor Johnson reported that he had attended a meeting regarding Public Works Grants to Cities and Counties. aTTgnd aqq qas pus wsuooid gaasgS JsaA 9 agq anojdds og panow gatu pH `gaa�gS gq� Pus spun3 •g•y•p �utPss2az uotssnostp s Jag3tl 'Tt0uno0 a{g oq ueTd gaaagS 8nTsuagaudwo0 asa6 9 aqq paquasaud 43TH pg •spuoq Aus 3o guawfied uo uotst0ap aqq axsw og ggtu aqq aneq pTnogs ssaAsdxsq aqq sTaa3 TTTaNOW TTaussQ !patpngs aq pTnogs saggsw sTgq sTa93 aq pagsgs goTH uswTTounoO •gatlgsTU uotgenJ99uo0 aqg uToC A4T3 aqg Jutgsanbau Aquno0 ssT2nOG woaJ uoTgtgad s paquasaud uosugor soAvW •ATsnowtueun passsd PUP usounQ AsH Aq papuooas uotgow :2utgaaw gxau agq TTgun paTgsg eq uaggsw stgq gsgq panow gozH pS •aagogsuaM gssg so3 ausgs uTs3 aqq ss gsoo aqq pauoTgsanb ueOunQ 6sH :goaCoud sTgg pun3 pTnogs a3sawwo0 3o uagweg0 agg sTaa3 aq gsgq paqugs jssg qog •paMoTTo3 uotssnostp Tsuau92 y 'saingooiq 2utqutud uo3 00'5LT$ so3 nsasng uot4uanuo0 aagagsuapA aqq wou3 guawagegs s paquasasd uosugor soAsw •BTsnowtueun posssd pus uuounQ 6sH 6q papuooas uotgow :awes 2lutpus�?aa £qZ 'ON 90ueutpl0 pus s92usg0 pass anosdds og uotgow e apses 93TH PH •TsTguapTsas Z-H Pus TstDsaww00 Tsuaua0 og Tstguaptsas uegangnS wou3 Kquadoud uaVuTlog aqq so3 92uego auoz e panoudds ssq uotssiwwo0 2uTuusTd aqq gsgq paquodau anTTO gJGH •2utgaaw qxau aqq ge gsodas pus •asagMasTa eousansuT utsggo og squa33e Jaq anuTguoo og pagonugsuT ssM aqS •aotgou sagqun3 gnoggTM LL6T `L ATnr uo peonpau aq TTTM aVsuano0 aoue.msuT AgTO aqq gegq pagsgs xuaTO aqy •agon snowiueun s Aq passsd pus ueouna 6eu Aq papuooas uotgow°:Z Pus T swagT 2utpnTout •00 2utnsd Q 32 S 30 PTq aqq gdaooe og panow g0TH Pg 'PTq ggTM papnTout puog PTg xeg + 00000046 TegoZ Ysq + 000000`9 (Z) L I�i xsg + 00'000`£ (T) 000 2utned gTegdstl TTzuuo1Q •qunoosTP ggTM xsq + W£47T19 !pagda30s aus swagT ggoq 3T POmOTTs aq TTTM qunooTP 5/17 b 'sP?q ggTM papnTouT puog PTq xbq + 0005L9`5 (z) xsq + 000$09`Z (T) 000 2uTosd Q V S :sMoTTo3 ss uTPW Pus 4441 qs uteuP wsogs aqq J03 sPTq aqq paquasasd gotH pg •agon snomtusun e Aq passed pus usouna 6sH Aq papuooas uoTgow :2utgaaw gxau aqg TTgun paTgeg aq aaggew stgq gegq panow gotu pg •quaw6sd pass 2utuinbau TL61 a0uts goa33a ut uaaq seq MET s gegg pagegs 6auso44y AgTO agg wou3 uaggaT y •sXoosg pu s (5L61 wos3) Agstx ssaoT33n 3o suotgsuTwsxa TsaTs6gd aqg so3 Aed AgTO aqg qugg MegS 6ue0 3o gsanbas aqq passnosTp suagwaw TTounoO aqs •6Tsnowtusun passsd pus TTTaNOW TTauasQ Lq papuooas uoTgow :gaaugs pTes 3o uotge0sn uo3 aousuTpao us auedaud 6auaoggy AgTO aqq gsgq ppnom g0TH uswTTounoO 'uotssnostp s sag3V •gaaugs e agsoen og uoigtgad aqg uo pTag 2uTus8H aTTgnd aqq so3 quesaad sum `saauoTgtgad �uTquasaudau 'ATgsTTaO •uw ' 'TTounoO aqq oq aoigou Bons Lus papiumao3 qou ssq uoTsstwwo0 2utuueTd aqy •2utuoz uT 92uego pasodosd aqq gnogs paaTnbut asHo •ulq •agon snowtusun e 6q passsd pus gotH pg 6q papuooas uotgow !O�Z 'oN aOusuTpsO anosdde pus uotgsxauus aqq gdaoos oq uoTgow e apew usounQ 6sH •uaztgto bus Aq passaudxa seM uotgsxauue aqq oq uotgtsoddo ON •sauotgTgad aqq �?utquasasdau quasasd sum eaHoW •JTri 'PTaq svm uoTgsxauuy u02utTo9 pasodosd aqq uo 2utusaH aTTgnd V Hearing for June 20, 1977 at the hour of 8:00 p.m.; motion seconded by Ray Duncan and passed by a unanimous Vote. Mr. Dobbs presented a Notice of Intent to Commence Annexation ' preceedings; said petition signed by owner of 100% of the assessed property valuation. Ed Rich moved to accept the petition and schedule a meeting with the petitioner at the June 20, 1977 meeting of the City Council; motion seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Said meeting is necessary to discuss, with petitioner, the 3 annexation items. Darrell McNeill made a motion to have the park sprayed at the same cost as last year; motion seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Ed Rich made a motion that the meeting be adjourned; seconded by Darrell cNeill and passed by a unanimous vote. /_ _T./�iiWW • • - ' Clerk 1