HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/16/1977 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesMay 16, 1977
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to
order by Mayor Johnson. Present were Councilmen Ed Rich, Ray Duncan
Darrell McNeill, Hartley Beeler; Attorney Neil Fuller and Clerk
Dorotha McGee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
The bills were presented to the Council as follows;
Current expense warrants nos. 7321 - 7353
Lafe H. Myers, M.D.
Law Enforce. Retire, System
Central Communications
William B. Brooks
Harold G. Kirby
William B. Brooks
Gary Wayne Shaw
Dorotha McGee
Dennis A, Mengelos
Harold G. Kirby
Wenatchee Police Department
Wenatchee Police Department
John E. Bridges
Buget Sound Instrument Co.
Commercial Printing Co.
Mid State Cleaners
Karen M. Little
Security Bank of Washington
Washington Physicians Service
Association of Plash. Cities
Arbhur D. Johnson
DeForest N. Fuller
W.I. "IcKenzie
"H'erbert J. Olive (for posting only
Dorotha "cGee
Pedco Credit Union.
Wm. M. Hamilton
Robert H. Scott Jr.
Robin R. Gaukroger
Grange Supply Co.
Michael D. Woodworth
Danny E. Reeves
Karen M. Little
Street warrants nos. 2097 - 3004
Washington Physicians Service
Security Bank of Washington
Michael D. Woodworth
Danny E. Reeves
Roy A. Freeman
Pedco Credit Union
National Chemsearch
Traffic Safety Supply Co.
Ray Duncan moved that the bills be paid;
a nd passed unanimously.
$ 60.00
motion seconded
by Ed Rich
Ed Rich reported that the specifications for the signal lights are
not ready, but he hopes to call for bids at the next meeting.
Mr. Beeler reported that he had received a request to turn a light
' back on from Mr. Burke on Ashland Street.
Ray Duncan stated that he had a meeting with Jack Hale regarding Simon
Street. He requested it be included in the budget for next year.
The petition for annexation of the Bolinger property was presented
to the Council. Said petition contains the signatures of owners of
100% of the valuation. The three items were discussed with petitioner
as follows: (1) Zoning will be suburban - residential, as presently
zoned by Douglas County. (2) Indebtedness - there will be no assumption
of any indebtedness as the city has no indebtedness. (3) Will the City
accept the annexation? Ed Rich moved that the City accept the annexation
motion seconded by Darrell i"cNeill and passed unanimously. Darrell
McNeill made a motion to approve and pass Ordinance No. 240; motion
seconded by Ed Rich and passed by a unanimous vote.
Neil Fuller presented Ordinance no. 241 to the Council; said ordinance
is for the purpose of approving a change in Zoning from R-2 to Commercial
and amending Ordinance no. 129. Ed Rich movddlto approve and adopt
Ordinance no. 241; motion seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed by a
unanimous vote.
Neil Fuller presented Ordinance No. 242 to the Council. Said ordinance
repeals Ordinance no. 209 and is for the purpose of settinr� the speed
limit on Grant Road within the corporate limits. Ray Dunca n made a
motion to approve and adopt Ordinance no. 242; motion seconded by
Ed Rich and passed by a unanimous vote.
The Mayor presented a letter from Gary Shaw requesting that the City
pay for the physical examination of William Brooks. After a discussion
the Council members requested Attorney Fuller check with the Association
of Washington Cities with regards to action taken by other cities for
such payment.
The Tiayor submitted the proposal of Leonard Oliver to purchase the
surplus pickup for $150.00 and the Green Dodge for $600.00. Ray
Duncan made a motion to accept the proposal of $600.00 for the auto
a nd reject the $150.00 for the pickup; motion seconded by Ed Rich
and passed by a unanimous vote.
Attorney Fuller reported that he is preparing the proposals for an
agreement on the stadium tax with the City of Wenatchee. He will
try to have a form ready for study at the next meeting.
Pat Aylward and Clyde Ballard presented the Wenatchee Valley T.V.
Cable Co. plan to the Council for study. f4r. Ballard introduced
Board members Craig McCaw, Tom Warren, Nrt Reider and Dick Woods
to Council members. Said Company is seeking the franchise to
t construct and operate a T.V. cable system in this area. Mr. 3allard
requested a special meeting be scheduled for June 13, 1977. After
some discussion with the City Council, Ed Rich moved that said special
meeting be held on June 13, 1977 at the hour of 8:00 p.m., motion
seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously.
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