HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/3/1977 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesMay 3, 1977
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called
to order by Mayor Johnson. Present were Councilmen Ed Rich, Ray
' Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Hartley Beeler; Attorney Neil Fuller and
Clerk Dorotha McGee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
The bills were presented to the Council as follows:
Current expense warrants nos. 7299 - 7320•
Kay's Car Wash $ 16.00
Western Copy Products 110.36
Les Schwad Tire Center 218.65
Central Communications 135.84
Texaco, Inc. 313.78
Libke, Blones & Mitchell 20.00
Nudelman Brothers 27.97
Wells & Wade 10.34
Johnson's Inc. 4.27
Jack Millers Camera Shop 42.78
R.L. Polk & Co. 51.50
Clerk, East Wenatchee Post Office 65.00
General Telephone Co. 90.97
Trick & Murray 19.15
Grace Crawford 59.55
Association of Wash. Cities 12.00
W.F.O.A. 10.00
Wenatchee World 20.00
James B. Drewelow 50.00
East Wenatchee Water District 11.50
Grant Road Hardware 10.76
Douglas County Engineer 17.50
Street warrants nos. 2089 - 2096
Texaco, Inc. 101.20
East Wenatchee Water District, 28.80
Piston Service, Inc. 13.06
Chevron USA, Inc. 75.44
Webb Tractor & Equipment Go, 338.95
Wells & Wade Hardware 46.81
Buttrey Food Stores 17.34
Traffics Safety Supply Co, 89.62
Ed Rich moved that the bills be paid; motion seconded by Hartley
Beeler and passed unanimously.
Councilman Rich reported that engineering work was proceeding on
the signal lights, and that the call for bids might be made at the
next meeting. He also stated that Don West has submitted the City's
applications to the U.A.B. for funds for upgrading I'lain Street, 9th
Street and Rock Island Road.
Darrell McNeill reported that part of the trees in the park have
' been trimmed.
Ray Duncan again led a discussion on the McDevitt Property.. He
suggested this matter be tabled until he is contacted by Mr. McDevitt,
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street constructed. Ray Duncan will meet with T"ir. Hale and other
Council members will check the site for further discussion at the
next meeting.
Herb Olive reported that culverts have not been installed at the
new subdivision on 15th Street, as were required. He feels this
requirement should be inforced before the City undertakes maintenance
of the new streets. He will investigate this matter further:
The Mayor proposed to annex, by resolution, the area on llth and
15th-streets. Council members expressed their desire to check over
the area involved.
Ed Rich made a motion to adjourn the meeting; motion �s econded by
Ray Duncan and passed unanimously.
C lerk