HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/18/1977 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesApril 18, 1977
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was convened
at 8:00 p.m. Present were Councilmen Ed Rich, Ray Duncan,, Hartley
'Beeler, Darrell McNeill; Attorney Neil Fuller and Clerk Dorotha McGee.
Darrell McNeill made a motion that Ed Rich serve as Mayor Pro-tem;
motion seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously.
The minutes of the previous meeting were( approved as read.
A discussion was held regarding the purchase of Disability insurance
for Gary Shaw at a cost of $147.98 for six months. The. Clerk stated
that the City had been notified that Officer Shaw was not eligible
under the LEOFF system. Copies of said notice were made and given
to the Mayor & Officer Shaw. Ray Duncan moved that the city pay the
premium on the disability insurance; motion seconded by Darrell McNeill
and passed by a unanimous vote.
The bills were presented to the Council
Current expense warrants nos. 7269
Guardian Life Ins. Go.
Law Enforcd, Retire. System
Mid State Cleaners
Concord Press
Wenatchee Police Department
Wenatchee Police Department
William IF. Brooks
' Gary w
Swallowlinewline Printing
Dorotha McGee
Dennis A. Mengelos
Harold G. Kirby
Karen M. Little
Washington Phyeiciana Service
Security Bank of Washington
DeForest N. Fuller
W.I. McKenzie
Cascade Natural Gas Corp.
Douglas County Fire District
Wenatchee World
Douglas County P.U.D.
Arthur D. Johnson
Herbert J. Olive(for posting
Dorotha McGee
Pedco Credit Union
Wm. M. Hamilton
Robert H. Scott, Jr.
United Supply Go.
Danny E. Reeves
Michael D. Woodworth
Karen M. Little
Street warrants nos. 2080 - 2088
Washington Physicians Service
Security Bank of Washington
Reid Pump & Supply Co.
Cascade Natural Gas Corp.
No. 2
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