HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18/1978 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING ' Dec. 18, 1978 Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Council members present: Evan Sperline, Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and Darrell McNeill. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approve as presented. Motion was made by Evan Sperline, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Councilman Hartley Beeler stated that he would check on a light on Old Rock Island road that Mayor Lannoye said has been out for some ' time. Councilman, Evan Sperline said he would turn over his file on the annexation committee. He said the committee had not really gotten off the ground. Mayor Forrest Lannoye read a Resume from William Millett who has applied for the position of Planning Consultant. No action was taken at this time. The Council wishes to review the application and will place on adjenda for next meeting. The Council received an application from Wanda Martin Arndt for the unexpired position on the Council. Charles Walker has also indicated his desire to be appointed. No action was taken at this time as other applications are expected. Authorization was given by the Council to give the City of Wenatchee ' Stadium Tax monies from River's Haven Inn, for their convention center. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. 1 4410 EI •A'LsnowLuPun passed PUP M alloW LLauuPO Fq papuooas °uanofpP 01 UOL40W a apPw A9Laa9 A'aLg.APH 'SSauLsnq uagg,Anl ou 6uLaq auagl •FLsnowLueun passed pue goL8 P3 A'q papuooas °ueoun0 Reb X'q apew uoL40W •A'ePLLoH S.ueaA MaN aqq 30 asneoaq $L6L `£ 'uPC paM uo 6uLgaaw LLounoo JPLn6aj gxau a44 aneq og apew sPM uOL40W •soLpe.A aoLLod PLO agg 3o sgnogP -a.ea4M 044 oquL �oa4o pLnoM ay dL aSouueq ,AoRPW palse LLounoo aqj '346L"I LPU6LS ' a43 uo apew uaaq se4 ssai6oud aL43LL pue agep 4e44 aouLS wa4q wo,A; p,Aeay Sou se4 ay PCPs aH 'waLgo.Ad LPLJagew P aneq oq ,APadde Ra41 '44t 'oa0 'oLaZOaL3 Lagou)l 03 LLP0 auogdaLaq aouegsLp 6uoL e 6uLoeLd iagje LLounoo a44 oq uaggaL a pal uasaid JaLLnj LLaN ISauuoggy 44SaU04 ALa4g uo wagg paquawLLdwoo a4ouueq jo4PW •.AaLL,Aea uoLSSLwsuPag a44 paJLedau 4a44 ua4M paoLgou qou peq 4a44 4oLgM lied aALgoa}ap e 4o asneoaq 4410 a44 oq a6,Ae40 ou qe oeLguod 944 uo uoLSSLwsuPug 04g xLj og paau6e aALgowogny s,6unoA pies a4ouueq gsa,A.Aoj IJORPW -XLsnowLuPun passed pue LLLalloW LLBJJ PO A'q papuooas `40Lb P3 Rq (uoLgesuadwoo g sa[JPLPS) bLZ 'ON a3uPuLPJ0 gdaooe oq apew sPM UOL40W y A'LsnowLueun passed PUP JaLaag A'aLquPH fq papuooas (aa434PuaM 4se3 10 44L3 044 uL44LM saLOL48A qo 6uLjjPd 6uLgPLn6a,A pue 6uLgSLLge4sa) 'SLZ -ON aoueuLpjo gdope og allLLiadS uPA3 4q apew seM uoLgow y ' uoLgow yguow a 00'00£$ og 00'005$ woA; •A'Lsnowlueun passed L'uPLes S.JO 'PW 6uL6uPyo '40LU P3 Rq papuooas °ueouno f'ea 4q apPw seM uoLgow 4SJLd 844 oq quawpuawy -ALsnowLueun passed pue goLd P3 A'q papuooas 'ELZ 'ON aoueulpa0 °ga6pnq LPuL; ayq gdope oq ueoun0 L'Pb kq apPw SPM UOL40W BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT DEC. 18, 1978 CURRENT EXPENSE '1. Hein Investment 2. General Telephone 3. P.U.D. Douglas County 4. d G Casca a as 5. Forrest Lannoye 6. Ray Duncan 7. Darrell McNeil 8. Ed Rich 9. Hartley Beeler 10. Evan Sperline 11. Wm. Hamilton 12. Robert H. Scott 13. DeForest N. Fuller 14. Deforest N. Fuller 15. DeForest N. Fuller 16. DeForest N. Fuller 17. Pedco Credit Union 18. Security Bank 19. Dept., of Labor & Ind. 20. Employment Security Dept . 21 Emp. Sec. Dept. OASI Branch 22. Wm. McKenzie 23. Danny Reeves 24. Duane Harstad 25. Peggy McArthur 26. Virginia Kinzel STREET 1. Modern Machinery, Inc. 2. H. R. Spinner Co. 3. P. U. D. Douglas County 4. S & D Paving 5. S & D & Seattle 1st Nat'l Bank 6. Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc. 7. Eastmont Lumber 8. Grange Supply Co. 9. Radio Shack 10. Elder Auto Parts 11. Petty Cash Fund 12. Cascade Natural Gas 13. Douglas County Road Dept. 14. Wells & Wade Hardware 15. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. 16. Pedco Credit Union 17. Employment Security Dept. 18. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 19. Emp. Sec., Dept. OASI Branch 20. Security Bank of Washington 21. Danny Reeves 22. Roy Freeman 23. Duane Harstad Nov. Landfill 17.00 Dec. 13, to Jan. 13, 1979 78.12 10/O1/ to 12/01/78 30.00 City Hall 10/25 to 11/27/78 125.31 Dec. 1978 Salary -0- " 46.97 " 46.97 " 46.97 " 46.97 " it " 46.97 " " " 460.68 Public Defender Dec. 1978 140.00 Dec. 1978 Salary 540.21 Legal - Eddie Mays 174.75 Xeroxing 17.10 Legal - Gifford vs. E. Wenatchee 802.10 Dec. Payment 150.00 Dec. Withholding 1 245.77 4th Quarter Ind., Insurance Pay. 725.40 "11Unemployment Compensation 116.49 Dec. Social Security Pay. 1 354.43 Dec. 1978 Salary 211.39 " 260.00 " 270.25 " 740.09 " 612.35 Parts 135.88 Course Salt 176.04 Service lO/O1/ to 12/01/78 1 395.00 Patching Pop Shoppe 2 010.04 10% retained 1st st., Job 1 953.00 Additional Premium - Audit 501.00 Sign Posts 53.60 Grease for Grease Gun 7.61 C B Mounts & Mikes 150.39 Misc., Parts & Supplies 23.55 Misc., Supplies (Slips Attached) 15.42 Service to Shop 10/25 to 11/27/78 88.59 Speed Limit Signs 45.62 Pipe 9th & Main Stop Sign 19.50 Gasoline Street Vehicles 71.97 Dec. 1978 Payment 365.00 4th Quarter Unemployment Compensation 2.67 4th Quarter Industrial Insurance 441.32 Dec. Social Security 281.56 Dec. Withholding 243.05 Dec. 1978 Salary 365.13 Dec. 1978 Salary 761.66 Dec. 1978 Salary 451.38 9 558.98 1 00'09 LeW -SA 4413 wa3-oud a6pnp 2£'L96 bZ 1e3o1 pue,ag 90'ZOL L 9L'LOL kueLeS SM •Oa0 £0'L8 Z q L# S.ALedab Ae0 aoLLod bb'b0Z 8L6L `LE 'oaO 46nou4l 9Z '0a0 00'ZL 6uLueOLO Aaqueno 43b OL'ZLL 9L'6£b LL'LL9 88'96L bL'b08 96'ES8 kJRLeS 8M 'oa0 00'ZL 00'ZL u 00'ZL 00'ZL 00'ZL 6uLueaL3 ,Aa3ueno 4qb £6'£bL auLLoseg ZL'ZO8 3uawkRd 8L6L '0a0 98'£L aOLAAaS 9 �Oa4o L# aL3L4aA Lb'6Z sasnj oL;Ie.A1 90'E9 SlaloL_L 6uLIued - saLLddnS 6uL3e,AadO L6'OZ ,aalool L'3uadoud uo4 Aaqwnl 9Z•LL saLLddnS aaLd}o, L9'9 OLpeb aLge3uod uo,} AaPLOH 00'09 ;uaw3ea.al u4eH L9•LL 81el LeOLpaW luaL3ed do 6uLIOLd - POOd Z8'99 Pa4Oe33V - sa6,Ae43 Pue3 31PaiD 00'96L 3LPnV - unLw9Jd " PPV 00'00Z SM 'oa0 4o;edsLO auogdalal 9L•9 aouaua#uo3 a�el sasoW asuadx3 4ounl 91•9 aouaua}uo3 alel sasoW asuadx3 4ounl 00'06 paeoe g woob .AauosLud 00'OL aaj ssau3LM 00'OL aaj ssau3LM LL'bZ 6uLueaLO s.AaoL;-40 -sad MOLBMa•AQ '8 Sawel` SPWO41 we.ALH 6uLMo1 q a6e.Ae9 aN S 3Se3 '££ U40SLBPV .aa38d 'ZE Sew041 we,aLH 'LE uL33e3 Lae4OLW 'OE aagoW P440JOG '6Z p00Me3 p.Ae4oLb '8Z kquLN PLO.1eH 'LZ sloou8 'wm '9Z MegS 4-Aug ' 9Z pooMe3 P-1E4OLa 'bZ MegS L'.Aeg ' £Z S�Oojq 'wM 'ZZ figaL)l PLo,AeH 'LZ uL33e3 '0 Lae40LW 'OZ •o3 wnaLOJ4ad a84oleuaM '6L Swa3SRS 3uawa,AL3ab 10 4da0 •8L jongaob °sAeaS 'LL 3uawdLnb3 3uawao.aoju3 Mel MN '9L ;uL,Ad uI '9L •o3 .aagwnl uosuMOJG 'bL 4oun40 'W 'b '£L 'ouI suoL3e3LunwwO3 Le,a4ua3 'ZL •0•W °•aj 'S-AaXW •H a}el *IL punj 6uLALon9b asuadx3 LaAeul 'OL ooexal •6 LL0404 M I SauOO @Mgll 8 9OLLod aa4o3euaM 40 S3L0 'L XquLA PLOAeH '9 Me4S •M L'.Aeg '9 aoLIOd aa4oleuaM 10 4 Q 'b uewgse3 S410.ao0 £ 44aesso.ag asob 'Z sJaueaL3 94e3S PM 'L aOLLOd