HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/20/1978 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Nov. 20, 1978 'Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Council members present: Evan Sperline, Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan and Ed Rich. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented with one change. In re: Rape Crisis Clinic asking for a contribution from the City of East Wenatchee. Should have read, Mayor Lannoye questioned the legality of such a contribution and also if the City could afford this contribution. Motion was made to approve the minutes with the above correction, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as presented. Motion made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Permission was given by the Council to Roy Freeman to purchase antennas for CB radios to be placed in City Equipment. Hartley Beeler said there were more street lights out than usual, however, they will be taken care of. There were no other committee reports. There was a discussion about the signal light at 6th and Main. The Council feels 'that supplies are available and the only thing that could be holding up the completion would be the control box. Therefore, a charge of $75.00 per day over the date of completion will be charged against the contract price. Fire Chief, Bob Derry was present and discussed with the Council the need for a fire marshall for Fire District #2. Mayor Forrest Lannoye questioned the legality of a contribution to the Fire District when the City does not have their own Fire District. Mayor Forrest Lannoye thanked Mr. Derry for the presentation and said the Council would keep this request in mind and asked Mr. Derry to keep the Council informed so that it can be discussed at a later date. Judge Bromiley was present and discussed with the Council their plans for a Probation Officer. Judge Bromiley stated that Douglas County has included in their 1979 budget $14,000.00 for a Probation Officer. Mayor Lannoye told Judge Bromiley that the City would have a better idea of their financial status by Jan. 15th. There was further discussion about combining the two Courts and the matter will be looked into. The Council approved the appointments of Bill Burns and Bob Collins as Commissioners 'on the Civil Service Board, Mayor Forrest Lannoye read a letter from Officer Michael Cattin releasing the City from providing any liability to a retirement program until such time as the City obtains and provides a retirement program for other City employees. Officer Cattin does not qualify for the LEOFF retirement system due to uncorrected vision. 1 AjR3 fig13 Aodew •L'LsnowLueun passed pup upoun0 RPH L'q papuooas `pauanoCpe aq 6uLga0w ayg geyg UOL40W a apew aaLaaB R'aLgaeH `ssauLsnq aaygan; ou 6uLaq aaayl •L'4L3 aqq og sabequenpp aq Mm yoLyM sjooq awos aapao 01 uoLssLwaad aaLLn3 LLaN XDUU041V ane6 LLouno3 aqi •uoLgeaapLsuoo aLayq JOS sIaaM oMg gxau ayg uLgjlM sagonb 6uLnLa3aa aq pLnom LLouno3 ayq geyq pagegs aH •waLgoad 6uLgpay LLeH X463 ayq `LLouno3 ayq gjlm passnosLp aS'ouueq aoL'eW ' •saaoL}}o aoLLod aqg ao; sLeoLskgd gnoge goLagsLO ygLeaH 44uno3 upLag3 ayq g4lm joayo oq akouueq aoL'eW L'q palsp sem anygayoW 466ad VaL3 •LlsnowLueun passed pup goLb P3 L'q papuooas 'aoueuLpaO pLes qdaoop 04 uOLgow a apew ueouno L'pa (sgun000y pun3 anaasaa 6uLgsLLge4sa) as LLn3 LLaN gauaoggy L'q LLouno3 ayq og paquasaad sem ZLZ 'ON 90UUULPJO •L'LsnowLueun passed pue allLLiadS uen3 L'q papuooas `aoueuLpaO SLyg gdaooe og UOL40W a apew aaLaaB L'aLgaeH (gaaagS uLeW So a6uego aweN) LLouno3 ayg oq paguasaad sem LLZ *ON aoueuLpao L'LsnowLupun passed pup ueouno L'pb L'q papuooas `aoueuLpaO plus qdaoop og yolb P3 Xq apew SUM uotgoW (sgLmLl Sglo ayq uLygLm 6uLL'L peoa queag uo glWLL paadS an04 aad aLLw 0£) aaLLn3 LLaN 99uao44tl Rq LLouno3 aq; oq paquasaad sem OLZ 'ON 93UPULpao '6L6L uL pasegoand aq oq aney LLLM pue awLg sLyg ge paLuap aaaM sgsanbaa aaygo oml •saaeL; g£ aspyoand og LLouno3 aq; L'gyaaoL};o og uanL6 sem uoLssLwaad Slows •asuadxa I sLyq gupaaeM you Mm 4a6pnq sLy sE uuI paLgaapunyl ayg ge 6uLgaaw paeo8 anLgnoax3 L'ep oMg E ao; oo•St$ 3o eel uoLgea4sL6aa a ao; gsanbaa sLy paLuap SUM meys JaL431 •gaaagS uLeW uo squapLooe ageLnaLLe oq seaae asagg PLIES og guEgaodwL sL gL sLaa; LLouno3 aql 'k4lLLglsuodsaa So k4lo ayg 6uLseaLaa aap8 •aW woaj aaggaL a gsanbaa pLnom ay pagegs aH •LLeW ayg ge sglxa Pup saoueagua ayq 6uLpues 6uLuaa3uo0 aae8 qog •aW goequoo pLnom ay pagegs aaLlnd LLaN kauaoggy BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT NOV. 20, 1978 'CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Duane Harstad Lawnboy Lawnmower 2. Hein Investment Oct. Landfill 3. Gen. Telephone Co. Service to 12/13/78 4. Douglas C. Sewer 2 Months Service 5. Petty Cash Fund Postage 6. Trick & Murray Office Supplies C. Clerk & Gen 7. Gov't., Information Ser. Rev., Sharing Book 8. The Wenatchee World Publications 9. Pedco Credit Union Nov. Payment 10. Wa., Physician Service Med. Insurance for Dec. 1978 11. Employment Security Social Security for Nov. 1978 12. Security Bank of Wa. Withholding Tax Nov. 1978 13. Wm. Hamilton Nov. Salary 14. Robert H. Scott, Jr. Public Defender - Nov. 1978 15. DeForest N. Fuller Nov. Salary 16. Herb J. Olive Nov. Salary 17. Wm. McKenzie Nov. Salary 18. Duane A. Harstad Nov. Salary 19. Owen Adams Nov. Salary 20. Danny Reeves Nov. Salary 21. Forrest Lannoye Nov. Salary 22. Ray Duncan Nov. Salary 23, Ed Rich Nov. Salary 24. Hartley Beeler Nov. Salary 25. Evan Sperline Nov. Salary 26. Peggy McArthur Nov. Salary 27. Virginia Kinzel Nov. Salary 28. Deforest N. Fuller Balance Due on Bill STREET 1. Pay'n Save Corp. 2. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. 3. Petty Cash 4. Eastmont Lbr. & Hardware 5. Employment Security 6. Security Bank 7. Pedco Credity Union 8. Wa. Physicians Service 9. Owen Adams 10. Duane Harstad 11. Danny Reeves 12. Roy Freeman POLICE 1. Dorthy M. Cashnor 2. Rose M. Grossarth ' 3. Save Wenatchee 4. Wenatchee Petroleum 5. Mid State Cleaners 6. N.W. Law Enorcement Equip. 7. Multnomah C.Or: Finance Division 8. Kayo's Car Wash Material for Storage Shed Gasoline Miscellaneous Lumber -Racks for Social Security Withholding Tax Nov. Payment Dec. Medical Ins Nov. Salary Nov. Salary Nov. Salary Nov. Salary Truck Nov. 1978 Nov. 1978 , Payment Witness Fee Witness Fee Shelving Material Gasoline Res. Officer's Cleaning Finger Printing Supplies Report Forms 16 Car Washes Adm. Repairs 150.00 17.00 116.54 17.00 3.06 330.99 14.95 33.13 150.00 752.35 373.80 298.11 460.68 140.00 540.21 100.42 211.39 270.25 218.54 260.00 46.97 46.97 46.97 46.97 740.09 613.45 155.01 14.71 66.04 10.97 8.09 364.27 327.71 365.00 97.20 437.06 451.38 365.13 761.66 10.00 10.00 7.06 132.08 42.86 13.03 18.39 25.60 1 9L'LOL L'aeleS 'AON 9L'6£b RJP LeS 'AoN OZ'9LL RueLeS •AoN 9L'Z89 SJE?LeS 'AoN £6'L6L L'aeLeS 'AoN bL'b08 L8'£SS RJE?LeS •AoN L'aeleS 'AON Z8'L6L 4uaWFed 4uawaAL4@b •AoN 9Z'LL SaLLddnS a0i}j0 00'09 W008 g Paeoo S,JauoSLAd 00'00Z 8L6L 'AON gozedSLO auogdaLal L9'Ob Sa�LddnS a0L}40 SeWOgj 'M WeaLH '03 aagoW U440a00 ' 6 L uL31eO LaeyO.LW '8L POOMe3 P.Ae4JLa 'LL Fq,Ai'A PLOJPH '9L SJ00,A8 'WM '9L MeyS •M 4JQ9 'bL 4uawaaL49a 30 •;da0 '£L goan4O 'W 'b 'ZL 4da0 aOLLod a9404vuaM }o 44Q 'LL 4da0 aOLLOd a@gO4euaM 30 RM 'OL 4ula� u1 L NOO 33IlOd