HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/21/1978 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesAugust 21, 1978 City Council Meeting Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. The following Councilmen were present: Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Ray Duncan, Hartley Beeler, Evan Sperline, Attorney, Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted. Motion made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion made by Ed Rich, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. It was suggested that Roy Freeman get a new valve for the drinking fountain in the park. Ed Rich asked Roy Freeman to check on weeds on 13th Street. The Council accepted the resignation of Officer, Dennis Endres. Mike Cattin will be put on permently and Hiram Thomas will take Mike Cattin's position until the 31st of December. Michael Platts, attorney for Mrs. Norma Harvey, discussed a water problem that Mrs. Harvey appears to have had since the reconstruction of Baker Street. The City Council does not feel the problem was ' created by the reconstruction. It will be looked into further by Mrs. Harvey's attorney. Attorney Neil Fuller was asked to draw up an Ordinance for disposal of garbage by property owners after a complaint by Mr. Shoemaker. Dave Larimer, Director for Chelan County District and Municipal Court Probation Department, presented a proposal to the Council for a pilot program for probation services for the City of East Wenatchee. After much discussion, Evan Sperline moved that a special meeting be called Tuesday, Aug. 29, 1978 at 8:00 P.M. to discuss this proposal with Douglas County Commissioners and others who would be involved with said program. Seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. The Council asked that a 6:30 meeting be set the same evening to discuss City finances with Rudy Mueller, State Examiner. The Council refused to trade property with Art Johnson. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, Seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Attorney Neil Fuller was asked to draft a parking ordinance for eight hour parking in the parking lot behind City Hall due to the shortage of parking spaces. 1 L I vi •FLsnow[ueun passed pue LL�8NoW LLau,aea Xq papuooas 'pauunoCpe aq 6ui4aaw a44 Ie44 uot40w a apew JaLaBO S'aLIueH 'ssauLsnq .aagljn3 ou 6ULaq auagj •I,aaLa ;.anon LedL3LunW aq4 ,ao; auogdaLa4 a 10 uoi4eLLe4SUL 044 pazLuoy;ne L�ounoo aqi •g4uow goea So nqi paE PLay aJP s6uL48aw PIPS •6UL6y ayj uo Ltounoj aqq So 6UL40aw gxau ay; pua4;e pLnoM aq paIe4s LL�DNoW LLauuea 'uewL�ounoo •f'LsnOWLueun passed pue 4DLb P3 �q papuooaS 'kPPp LO-H R'ea ,aoge3 a44 o3 anp 8L6L 'g 4das ,aoS 6UL4aaw Liounoo ueLn6a,a 4xau a44 4as 04 uo.L40w a apew ueouna kea 'uew H ounoo BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT AUG. 21, 1978 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. P. U. D. Service City Hall 49.00 2. Hein Investment Landfill July 1978 9.25 3. Wa., Physicians Service Sept. Payment 796.10 4. Pedco Credit Union Payment Aug. 1978 241.00 5. Emp. Security Dept. Aug. Social Security 1 402.12 6. Security Bank of Wa. Withholding for Aug. 1978 1 293.97 7. Wm. Hamilton Aug. Salary 404.53 8. Robert H. Scott, Jr. It Public Defender 140.00 9. Forrest Lannoye to -0- 10. Wm. Marlow " 215.63 11. DeForest Fuller 540.21 12. Wm. McKenzie 211.39 13. Herb J. Olive 100.42 14. Peggy McArthur 740.09 15. Virginia Kinzel 613.45 16. Duane A. Harstad 272.19 17. Danny Reeves 260.00 18. Wm. Duncan 46.97 19. Darrell McNeill 46.97 20. Ed Rich 46.97 21. Hartley Beeler 46.97 22. Evan Sperline 46.97 STREET Highway Safety Products, Inc. Paint & Solvent 1 312.41 '1. 2. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Misc. Parts & Supplies 17.38 3. Wells & Wade Hardware Welding Torch & Mis., Parts 244.94 4. S & D Paving Paving lst. St. S. E. 10% Retained 17 577.00 5. P. U. D. #1 Service -St. Lites & Shop 1 347.00 6. Chevron U.S. A. Propane 4.20 7. Traffic Safety Supply Co. Signs, Flashers, & Barricades 164.22 8. Emp. Security Dept. Soc. Security Aug. 1978 338.98 9. Pedco Credit Union Pay. Aug. 1978 311.00 10. Security Bank of Wa. Withholding for Aug. 1978 243.05 11. Wash. Physicians Service Pay. for Sept. 1978 81.00 12. Wm. Marlow Salary Aug. 1978 431.33 13. Danny Reeves 365.13 14. Roy Freeman 761.66 15. Duane A. Harstad 503.44 16. Fed. Shared Rev. Reinburse Sales Tax paid 2 027.24 POLICE 1. Pay'n Save Door - Remodling 8.89 2. Wenatchee Pet. Co. Gasoline Police Cars 228.60 3. Dick's Service Repair Car #1 3.68 4. M. L. Mullen, D.C. Treatment Officier Brooks 15.00 5. Richard Perkins Witness 10.00 6. Diane L. Barnhart Witness 10.00 7. Wm. Brooks Meal -Medical Lake 6.45 8. City of Wenatchee Police Dept.Telephone Dispatch Aug. 200.00 9. Mallery's Repairs Car #1 10.51 10. Jack Miller Film Processing 8.00 11. City of Wenatchee Police Dept.Prisoner's Board & Room 55.00 J 1 9L OZ OL LZ £6 bL L8 9L bL 6£b 9LL L9L L99 L6L b08 £98 L6L L L L ' Z8'9 Zb'£L L'aeLeS •6ny }uawL'ed •6ny auo4d LLeH 4410 auo4d aaLLod aa433euaM '3 auo4d aoLLod 9a4o3euaM w1L3 L# Ae0 SALedab aagoW e4;jo0 ' ZZ uL33eO Lae4o-LW 'LZ saJPu3 sLuua0 •03 PooMeO PJPgOLd '6L kgabN PLoaeH '8L sIoou8 'wM 'LL Me4S kJeg '9L 4uawaJL398 ;o •3da0 'SSL auogdala1 uag 'bL 93ewae4d 3uow4se3 '£L •og B jongaob °sueaS 'EL '1,NOO 30IIOd