HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/7/1978 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesAugust 7, 1978
City Council Meeting
'Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. The following
Councilmen were present: Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Hartley
Beeler, Evan Sperline and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted. Motion was
made by Ray Duncan, Seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with two exceptions:
Washington State Magistrates Asso., in the amount of 125.00 be checked
into and put on next ajenda and 71.57 be deducted from Voucher to North
Central Chevrolet's statement of 6,367.43 for 1978 Nova, less any other
items which were added and charged for to bring it up to Specifications.
City Clerk was asked to check with Chief of Police on this matter. Motion
made by Hartley Beeler, seconded by Evan Sperline and passed unanimously.
The State Highway Department (Barry Dreager, Paul Rhodes, and Bob Wilkenson)
gave a presentation in reference to a State Highway project which will
begin in the Spring of 1979. The State will be working on City right-
of-way and changing the Signal Light on Main & Grant to conform with their
light on SR 28. All changes, repairs and stripping will be financed by
the State. An agreement will follow.
The Council approved the bid of S. & D. paving for paving of 1st Street
S.E. Highline to Rock Island Road for the low bid of $19,530.00. Motion
'was made by Evan Sperline, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanomusly.
The second bid was submitted by Morrill Asphalt for $21,500.00.
The Council agreed that minor repairs on equipment, oil changes etc. be
done by the New Ceta employee when time permits to cut costs.
It was suggested that a bill from Youngs Automotive be reimbursed by
Bud Westby Motors for a transmission that had to be installed after
Bud Westby Motors had been paid 607.82 by the City July 5, 1978 for a
transmission for the same car. This matter turned over to Neil Fuller.
It was suggested by the Council that Roy Freeman take an inventory of all
of the shop tools.
Authorization was given by the Council to accept Ordinance 267, amending
Ordiannce 265 (annexing property into the City of East Wenatchee? Motion
was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill, and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed
unanimously to accept a Hold Harmless Agreement between Eastmont Jaycess
and the City to use the Courtroom for their meetings on 2nd and 4th
Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Ed Rich and passed
'unanimously to appoint George Ulin to replace Dick Morrill on the
Board of Adjustment.
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1. Gen. Telephone Co. Service City Hall &Police 52.49
2. R. M. Church Office Sup. Police & M. Court Clerk 97.79
3. Commercial Printing Co. Office Sup. City Hall Envelopes 32.42
4. Wa. Finance Officers Asso. Dues for one year 10.00
5. Wa. Physicians Service Hamilton Medical Ins. Aug. 88.55
6. Wa. State Magistrates Asso. Asso. Annual Meeting 125.00
7. Cascade Natural Gas Corp. Service City Hall 79.82
8. Trick & Murray Office Supplies City Hall 1.94
1. Valley Electric, Inc. 10% Retained Signal 5th & Main 2 279.77
Labor to check flashing system
2. S & D Paving Inc. Simon St. 10% Retained 2 401.50
3. Cascade Natural Gas Corp. Service Shop 6.15
4. The Wenatchee World Call for Bids 1st St. S.E. 10.00
5. Grant Road Hardware Parts and Supplies 37.69
6. Wells & Wade Hardware Supplies 74.68
7. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Screwdriver Set & End Wrench 11.02
8. Pay'n Save Electrical Supplies 4.09
9. Craven Lumber Co. Pair Pliers 2.47
' 10. Petty Cash Fund Supplies 3.43
1. Lloyd R. Potterfield, D.C. Treatment Richard Perkins 18.00
2. Young's Automotive Service Repairs on Police Car #3 557.77
3. Mid State Cleansers Reserve Officiers Cleaning 11.39
4. North Central Chevrolet Co. 1978 Chevrolet Nova 6 367.43
5. Elder Auto Parts Inc. Police Car #3 Flashers 3.88
6. Petty Cash Fund Postage & Misc. Supplies 88.42
7. Pay'n Save Flashlite Batteries 35.63
8. Dale's Automotive Repairs Police Car #4 18.38
9. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Gasoline Police Cars 339.48
10. Dick's Exhaust Install Dual Exhaust Car #4 71.57
11. Chevron U.S.A. Gas & Motor Oil Police Cars 18.53
12. Jack Miller's Film, Filter & Flip Flash 25.05
13. Lafe H. Myers, Jr. Hahn Treatment 120.00
14. Richard Perkins Salary Aug. 1 to 7, 1978 71.58
15. Blumenthal Uniform Co. 2 Gold Plate E.W.P. 8.02
16. Sear, Roebuck & Co. Repairs Police Car #3 19.51
17. Texaco, Inc. Oil Car #4 2.28
18. East Side Garage & Towing Service Call Battery Cable Car #2 14.78
19. The Guardian Life Ins. Co. Disability Ins., Andres 103.50