HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/17/1978 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY COUNCIL MEETING 'July 17, 1978 Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. The following Councilmen were present: Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Evan Sperline, Ray Duncan, Hartley Beeler, Attorney Neil Fuller and Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of previous meeting were approved as submitted. Hartley Beeler made motion, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion made by Ed Rich, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye staled a rotary mower is needed for the park if monies are available. Councilman Duncan stated he would make an effort to contact someone for the maintenance of signal lights. Mayor Lannoye suggested that the City drop the tax assessment to the 'minimum for 1979. No action was taken. The flood control program will be discussed further at next regular meeting. Needs to be studied further. Attorney, Neil Fuller stated he will draw up a contract for the East Wenatchee Jacees to use the Courtroom for their meetings - 2nd and 4th Mondays. The Council agreed to have Young's Automotive work on the transmission of the police car. An estimate of $450.00 was submitted. The Council nominated Bob Barr and Larry Dillon as their choice for the Boundary Review Board. Evan Sperline reported he has 18 persons who have agreed to serve on the Annexation Committee. Will have the final list later in the week. He stated they will need a small budget for postage, telephone calls, etc. The Council accepted Dick Morrill's resignation as Chairman of the 'Board of Adjustment. Motion made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye ased the Council to present names for his replacement at the next meeting. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the contract for the 1 �.AaLO C Aokpw •FLsnowLueun passed pup `auLLaadS uPn3 Rq papuooas `uanoCpp o4 UOLIOw a aPPw aaLBOO 48LIaPH `ssauLsnq aa4,4an; ou 6ULaq aaa41 'awL4 a 4as PUP aaULwex3 a3P3S 844 4324uOO PLnoM aq PCPs auLLaadS uen3 •sn4P4s LPLOUPUL} s,,'JL0 aq3 aano 06 04 awL4 4a6pngaAojaq 6uLlaaw P do 4as 04 AaULWPxa aq; 6uL4Oe4UO3 palsa66ns allLLiedS uewLLounoo •6uL;aaw Ixau 1p passnosLp aq LLCM - aa43anj as;jew SL44 8}P6L4s0nuL 04 paaa6e `DRODUP3 JORPW •04a `suoL4P5L4s9nuL aoua;uas-jsod pup aoualuas -aid `UOLgpgo.Ad uo paOPLd uosaad ;o UOLsLnaadns `saOLnaas uoLIpgoad 6uLpLnoad JOS JawL.aej ane0 woa4 aa44aL a pa4uasaad aaLLn3 LLaN `Rau.Ao44y 'FLsnowLupun passed PUP gOLa P3 X'q papuooaS `auLLaadS uen3 X'q appw sPM UOL40W 'UOL4Lsod sLgg JOS `8L6L `L£ 'oa0 g6no.Agj SJP Les a03 pasn o; aae spun3 VjbV '8L6L `L Isnbny 6uL4ae3s Ja3L3;0 aOLLod e aaLq 04 LLounoo ago Fq uanL6 seM UOL4eZ[jog4ny 'SLsnowLuPun passed pup ' auLLAadS uPn3 X'q papuooas `ueoun0 X'pa 4q apew uoL4oW '8161 `L 4sn6ny pauado aq og spLB •peon PUPISI 100a 04 auLLg6LH '3'S 4aaa4S 4sL So 6uLned a44 JOS spLq JOS LLeO 01 LLouno3 ago kq uanL6 seM UOL4PzLaog4ny *kLsnowLupun passed pue LLLaNOW LLaaaea Rq papuooas `OULLAadS uen3 Rq apew UOLIOW •xel asn 00'008`L$ LeUOL4Lppe 841 S'ed o3 paaa6P PUP OLa4DOL3 sLagouN 3o(446LL Leu6Ls) BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 17, 1978 CURRENT EXPENSE Trick & Murray Minute Book Sheets 17.00 '1. 2. Douglas Country Sewer Dist. #1 Two Months Service 17.00 3. Pedco Credit Union Payment for July 1978 241.00 4. Security Bank Withholding Tax July 1978 1 290.34 5. Washington Physicians Service Ins. Pay. for Aug. 1978 769.40 6. Employment Security Dept. Soc. Security July 1978 1 371.55 7. Dept. of Retirement Systems Ret. pay. for July 1978 797.75 8. Robert H. Scott, Jr. Public Defender 140.00 9. Wm. C. Marlow July Salary 172.10 10. Duane A. Harstad 272.19 11. Danny E. Reeves 260.00 12. Forrest Lannoye -0- 13. Wm. R. Duncan 46.97 14. Darrell M. McNeil 46.97 15. Eddie H. Rich 46.97 16. Hartley M. Beeler 46.97 17. Wm. McKenzie 211.39 18. DeForest Neil BFuller 540.21 19. Herb J. Olive 100.42 20. Wm. M. Hamilton 315.98 21. Peggy McArthur 740.09 22. Virginia Kinzel 613.45 23. Evan Sperline 23.49 'STREET 1. Hein Investment Landfill charges 8.00 2. Buttrey Misc. (paper towels) 17.34 3. Les Schwab Tire Tire repair 10.25 4. Piston Service Oil & Filters, Misc. 26.95 5. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Gasoline 100.78 6. William C. Marlow July Salary 344.23 7. Employment Security Department July Social Security 326.38 8. Wash. Physician Service Medical Ins. 81.00 9. Security Bank Withholding Tax for July 246.78 10. Pedco Credit Union Credit Union Payment 311.00 11. Duane Harstad July Salary 503.44 12. Danny Reeves July Salary 365.13 13. Roy Freeman July Salary 761.66 POLICE 1. Blumenthal Uniform Co. 12 emblems 57.93 2. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Gasoline 100.77 3. Central Communications Inc. Repair Radar System 29.42 4. Sears Reobuck & Co. Oil changes & filters 23.20 5. City of Wenatchee prisoner charges 250.00 6. Harold Kirby Lunch while attending school 2.42 7. Multnomah County Oregon Reports furnished to Officer Brooks 12.30 8. R.M. Church, Inc. Office Supplies 44.67 ' 9. In Print Letterhead 42.62 10. The Hunting Shack, Inc. Bullets & shooting supplies 124.75 11. Dept. of Licensing Edition of Motor Vehicle Laws 26.00 12. Wenatchee Police Dept. July Telephone Dispatching 200.00 13. Depart. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 177.98 1 1 176'69 a3LnaaS -alai •o0 auoydaLal Leaauag 'LZ VVV08 L'aeLeS XLnC Sj0oa8 weLLLLM 'OZ E6'161 LaeLeS fiLnC RQaLN PLOJPH '6L 0L'LSL XaeLeS RLnC saapu3 SLuuaO '8L LZ'L99 L'aeLeS XLnC pooMeO pae40La 'LL 0£'£E9 L'aeLeS fiLnC SuLIaad paeyOLa '9L SL'6Eb LaeLeS XLnC aa0ow e440a00 •SL L8'ES8 SAeLeS L'LnC MNS Sae9 'bL