HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/19/1978 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY COUNCIL MEETING ' June 19, 1978 Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. The following Councilmen were present: Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Ray Duncan, Hartley Beeler, Attorney Neil Fuller and Clerk Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted. Darrell McNeill made motion, Seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Mayor Lannoye asked Attorney Neil Fuller to research whether an employee attending National Guard, receives his full salary during his absence. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler to pay the bills as submitted, Seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Public Hearing on Six Year Road progam was set for the next regular Council meeting. Mayor Forrest Lannoye introduced Duane Harstad to the City Council. Authorization was given by the Council to raise the salary of Ceta employee Duane Harstad from $833.00 per month to $940.00 per month. Motion made by Ed Rich, Seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye stated that Dick Morrill has resigned from the Board of Adustment. Would appreciate names from the Councilmen to fill this position. Mayor Lannoye stated he has had complaints from citizens about signs on poles advertizing the flea market. Asked Attorney Neil Fuller and Chief Shaw to check into the matter. Neil Fuller said he had contacted Valley Electric concerning sales tax the City has paid them and the sales tax will be deducted from the final payment. Mayor Lannoye asked City clerk to bill Hale and Long for sales tax paid to them by the City. Attorney Neil Fuller will contact Knobel's Electric concerning their bid for the signal light at 6th and Main. Their bid included State Sales Tax. Knobel's Electric refused to sign contract until this issure is resolved. Mayor Lannoye suggested that the Police Chief or one of his officiers attend the Noise Seminar at the Chelan County Planning Department, Thursday, June 22nd. Mayor Forrest Lannoye asked that Chief Shaw's letter regarding additional personnel be put on the agenda for the next Countil meeting. Authorization was given by the Council to move the next regular Council Meeting to the 5th of July because of the 4th of July Holiday. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, Seconded by Ed Rich and ' passed unanimously. 1 1 jaa o °unq R66ad JoxeW `aRouuPI 4saijo3 *RLsnowLueun passed PUP yoga P3 !q papuooaS 1pau.anoCpe aq 6uLlaaw 3e44 UOL40w apew ,aaLaa8 RaLJeH `ssaULsnq ,aaq;jnj ou 6uLaq a.aayl •6uL;9aW L�ounoo qjS S'LnC ay3 3e uoLsLoap ,aLayq 9nL6 PLnoM ay pa;e;s uosJapad 'JW •ssaLwJPq aayo3euaM 4se3 ;o 440 a44 6uLpLoq 4uawa4e4s a pup aoue,ansUL uMo ' JL@44 aP�no.ad �aq4 6u�P�no.ad SXPPuoW yob pue PuZ ay4 uo 6uip��nq ay; asn PLnoo faq; paa,a6e L�ouno3•s6uLjaaw JL aqq JOJ ILPH Xq�o �o uoLq,aod a as pLnoo Xayq 3i L�ounoo Palse saaof'eC aayo3euaM 4se3 ;o 4uaV sand °uos,aapad 'JW 1 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JUNE 19, 1978 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. General Telephone 2. P. U. D. Douqlas County 3. The Wenatchee World 4. Security Bank 5. Wash. Physicians Service 6. Pedco Credit Union 7. Employment Securitv next 8. William Hamilton 9. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 10. Deforest Neil Fuller 11. Herb J. Olive 12. William McKenzie 13. Forrest W. Lannoye 14. Ray Duncan 15. Darrell M. McNeill 16. Ed Rich 17. Hartley M. Beeler 18. Evan E. Sperline 19. Danny Reeves 20. Dewey D. Arthur 21. Duane A. Harstad 22. Robert H. Scott 23. Peggy McArthur 24. Virgginia Kinzel 25. State of Wash. 6-13 to 7-13 1978 58.18 4-1 to 6-1 1978 36.00 Two Publications 55.19 Withholdinq Tax June 1 326.35 Med. Ins. Pay. July 1978 857.95 Credit Union for June 241.00 Social Sec. June 1978 1 381.33 Salary June 1978 315.98 Industrial Ins. 2nd Quarter zs�•�9 June Salary 540.21 " 100.42 " 211.39 " None " 46.97 " 46.97 " 46.97 " 46.97 " 46.97 " 260.00 " 218.54 ' 240.56 " 140.00 " 740.09 " 613.45 2nd Quarter Unemploy. Ins. 204.94 STREET 1. Munson Engineers, Inc. Professional Service Traffic Signal 1 500.n0 2. Hein Investment Landfill June 1978 b.00 3. Radio Shack Radio Antenne 16.71 4> Wenatchee Petroleum Co. 200 gals. Gasoline 122.80 5. Knutzon lumber Co. Lumber 84.08 6. Grant Road Hardware Misc. Shed & Park 26.14 7. Craven Lbr. Co. Misc. signs Grant Rd., & Storage shed - Traffic Cont. 45.80 8. P. U. D. Douglas County Shop and Traffic Control 1 430.00 9. Washington Physicians Service Med. Ins. Pay. July 81.00 10. Security Bank Withholding Tax 310.57 11. Employment Security Social Security June 340.21 12. Pedco Credit Union Credit Union Pay. June 320.00 13. Duane A. Harstad June Salary 481.14 14. Dewey Arthur 387.00 15. Ray Freeman 761.66 16. Danny Reeves 381.13 17. State of Wash. 2nd Quarter Unemploy. Inc. 67.29 18. State of Wash. 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