HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/6/1978 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes6, 1978 sG, ' The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Hartley Beeler, Attorney Neil Fuller and Clerk Peggy Petersen. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. The following Current Expense Warrants Nos. 7840 through 7863, Street Warrant Nos. 2255 through 2264 and Federal Shared Revenue Warrant No. 042 were approved as presented. 10% was withheld from Warrant No. 042. Councilman McNeill made a motion the bills be paid, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye read letter from Don West, Arvid Grant & Associates. advising the City of the delivery date of the control panels for the Traffic Cnntrol Signal for 5th & Main. Roy Freeman, Street Superindendent, said he has had complaints abcu t Colorado Street. Mayor Lannoye suggested trying to smooth the street with a snow plow blade and filling the holes. Roy Freeman introduced Dewey Aurther, the new Cete employee for the street and park department. Ed Rich suggested the city call for bids for paint for street stripping. ' Hartley Beeler, said all of the lights have been turned on at present within the City. Public should call Mr. Beeler if any lights are out in their vicinity and he will advise the P.U.D. Councilmen unanimously voted to seat Evan Sperline to fill out appointed Mayor Forrest Lannoye's two-year unexpired council position. Councilman Sperline was sworn in by the City Clerk, and assumed a council seat. Mayor Lannoye asked permission to tape council meetings in the future. No objections. Officer Shaw asked that Officer Kirby be put in charge of the police department upon his absence. The position was granted unanimously. Darrell made a motion and Ed Rich seconded, that the City purchase four lots South of Abby's Vacuum Center on Main Street for the purchase price of $52,500.00. The land will be used for off-street parking. Two lots owned by McDevitt were purchased for $27,500. Lots owned by John Tontz were purchased for $25,000. Tontz6as agreed to allow the City to pay $2,500. of the purchase price in 1979. Motion to purchare said lots was passed by majority vote with Evan Sperline abstaining. A decision for the Street Sweeper bids will be awarded Feb. 20, 1978. I The following companies submitted bids: Fray - Truckweld - Salhberg and Modern Machinery. 1 „ xaaT0 ao4ew *ATsnowTupun passed pup aaTaag AaTgzPH Aq papuooas UOTgow :pauanoCpe aq buTgaaw aqg gegg uoTgow P apew ahouueq gsaaaod •nTsnowTuPun passed seM pup 'aaTaau AaTgapH Aq papuooas seM uoTgoW *W Tgaaw TTouno0 gxau gp uoTgTgad ggTM pPage ob og uoTgow e apPw TTTONoW TTaaaPQ 'AI TO aqg oguT paxauue aq anTaa aoad uu puPT go sTaoaPd g Pq} buTxSP 'uoTgTgad P g4TM TTouno0 aqg paguesaad aTpH xopf •goa£oad aqg ssnosTp pup aTPH •aW ggTM gaaw og paaabe WTg pH •goaCoad 4Pgg aog pagabpnq uaaq spq ' 000'0£$ 'auTTgbTH og gaaagS uowTs go uoTsuagxa up pagsanbaa aTPH xoPP •ATsnowTupun passed PUP goTU pH Aq papuooas 'gsanbaa sTgg anoadde og uoTgow p apew 'TITaNaW IlaaaPU 'gguTN Jo ggnoS PUP aaxPg pup uogTTwEH uaaMgaq 'apTM gaa; ooZ diagewTxoaddP puPT 90 Taoapd y •TPToaawwoo og TPTguaprsaa woag auozaa og gpuaV uTgaPW epuPM a03 panoaddu sum gsanbaa y Aw BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT Feb. 6, 1979 CURRENT EXPENSE Cascade Natural Gas Wenatchee World Darrell McNeill (Postage) Leon's Spray (Park) Do. Co. Sewer Dist Elder Auto Parts (Park) General Telephone C1e7C_, Post Office (Stamps) S�p TTRR T l:.yfvv*�� / %� �a e3K `1wC, rr-✓ Buttery (Misc. Shop Supplies 5-T's Meal Tickets (Prisoner & Help with Sanding) Wells & Wade Hardware Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Herb's Rent -all Texaco Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Joe Welty Ford Pay n Pak (electrical supplies for Shop) S. & D. Pavinq_ (cold mix) r r r 10.00 1.14 239.40 - 17.00 3.41 14.03 65.00 36.78 5.46 15.76 106.65 11.56 254.72 82.68 20.58 133.40 55.97 POLICE Texaco, Inc. (Credit Card Charge) 10.99 Dennis Endres (Prescription Osco Drug) 5.32 Richard Perkins (Prescription Osco Drug) 3.65 45-@8 Gas eerp. General Telephone (Endres) 61.86 Village Chiropratic C&nter (Bill not covered by Ins.) 15.b0 Texaco, Inc. 405.73' Dale's Automotive 36.43 Sears Roebuck & Co. (Oil Changes) 21.59 Wash. State Court Admin Asso. 1978 Fees (McGee) 5.00 Paul H. Lyons, M.D. (Shaw Physical) 163.00 The Guardian (Ins. - Endres) 103.50 Wenatchee Valley Humane Society (1977 Shelter Care) 140.00 Bud Westbv Motors, Inc. 8.83 delman Brothgr�s (Uniforms(Officer Perkins) 213.39 J p� a-.-- - %% Federal Shared Revenue Valley Electric, Inc. .� ��� �� �D �O 5,202.45