HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/1979 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCity of East Wenatchee Council Meeting ' Nov. 19, 1979 Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Council members present were: Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill and Hartley Beeler. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as presented with the exception of a bill to North Central Chevrolet in the amount of $303.84. This bill is to be submitted at the next council meeting with a corrected invoice from North Central Chevrolet. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. The Council asked that each phone call made by the Police Department be logged in the future. Councilman, Darrell McNeill said he would like other Council members to look at the trees in the park and help him to decide which ones should be cut down. Mayor Lannoye passed a letter around to the Council from R. H. Springer. Mr. Springer complained about Grant Road by Shuck's Auto Supply. Roy Freeman said the patching at this time is only temporary. The Council asked the Mayor to look into the purchase of crushed rock for the city on Valley Mall Parkway. The Mayor said he would contact Ed Rich and see if they could get it graveled before snow fall. Permission was given to Officer Brooks to purchase two space heaters for the Police Department. Mayor Lannoye said he had received confirmation from Dwaine Townsend, Douglas County Engineer that the cost to the City for the signal light at Eastmont and Grant will not exceed 10 percent. The Council set a Public Hearing date for Dec. 3, 1979 for declaring an emergency for expenditures as follows: 31,726.00 for the Police Department and 4,000.00 for General Administration. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. ' The Council discussed a proposed Resolution relative to carrying of weapons upon licensed liquor establishments. The Council asked City Attorney Neil Fuller to draft the new ordinance for council approval. AOXEW Lauuos.aad 6ULUJ93UO3 6ul40aw enl3n3axa ue JOJ ulPwa.a 04 Llounoo ay,4 palse axouupl JORPW 'SLsnowlueun passed pup upouno Pa fq papuooaS paujnoCpe aq 6uljaaw ay4 4P44 UOL40w P apPw AaLaag FaL1,aeH `ssaulsnq .aagjjn,} ou 6ulaq a,aagl •4Pm)P Pd LLPW 4a[LPA uo 4q9 B 4q5 uaaM;aq pup .aaleg pup q4S 1e qno pa4aodaj a,aaM 3P4; S446LL ;aaa4s 0 UL 100L pLnoM aq PIPS .aaLaag S'aLl-APH `uewLLounoo •qLa} ay aLglspa; aq pLnoM qI aaolaq ino palaoM aq o-4 swaLgo.ad Sew a.ap aaagi LL6 6uLu.aa3u03 44unoo SPL6noo gJIM 6ul4aaw P papua44P Peq ay PIPS 940UUPI JOSPW •pauol;sanb 9JaM SAPPILoq 844 osLV •S'ed awl; dwoo og paMlua seM a0je.a4slulwpe UP Jag4agM pauol}sanb Llounoo aql •awlq dwoo 844 04UL 100L 04 Llounoo aqq Xq P31se sPM J@ LLnd LION S@u.a041y •6ulwoo skpp dwoo £L pup sf'eplLoy 9 `uol4eoen sfPp LL anPq 04 swleLo MPgS }algo •4uawROLdwa Aaq o Aoj 100L 03 }10 ,weak 8y4 40 aouPLPq aq4 alp; o3 palse MpyS kisna JBLyo 4Pg4 Llounoo aye pLo3 840uuPI JOkPW BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT NOV.19, 1979 EXPENSE 'CURRENT 1.. General Telephone 1 Months Service 149.95 2. The Craftsman W. J. Minute Book 21.05 3. Eastmont Development Oct. Landfill 4.00 4. R. M. Church Office Supplies 52.02 5. Do. Co. Sewer District 2 Months Service 20.00 6. Pedco Credit Union Nov. Credit Union Payment 240.00 7. Wa., Physicians Service Dec. Medical Insurance Pay. 736.30 8. Security Bank of WA. Nov. Withholding Deposit 1 782.91 9. Employment Security OASI Nov. Social Security 1 827.77 10. Wm. McKenzie Nov. Salary 234.67 11. Wm. Hamilton Nov. Salary 507.09 12. Dorotha McGee Nov. Salary 455.82 13. Roberta Burnap Nov. Salary 206.89 14. Robert Scott Public Defender Nov. 180.00 15. Forrest W. Lannoye Nov. Salary -0- 16. 17. Ray Duncan Darrell M. McNeill Nov. Per Diem Nov. Per Diem 46.93 46.93 18. Ed Rich Nov. Per Diem 46.93 19. Hartley M. Beeler Nov. Per Diem 46.93 20. Charles Walker Nov. Per Diem 46.93 21. Peggy McArthur Nov. Salary 732.57 22. Virginia Kinzel Nov. Salary 611.79 23. De Forest N. Fuller Nov. Salary 600.77 24. Danny Reeves Nov. Salary 287.83 25. Duane Harstad Nov. Salary 290.43 26. Wm. Millett Nov. Salary 328.54 STREET 1. Wenatchee Petroleum Gasoline 189.44 2. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service to Shop 10.29 3. Eastmont Development Oct. Landfill 8.75 4. Lloyd's Auto & Truck Paint Top of New Truck 36.75 5. Pedco Credit Union Nov. Credit Union Payment 506.00 ' 6. Wa., Physicians Service Dec. Medical Insurance 70.00 7. Secutity Bank of WA. Nov. Withholding Deposit 276.70 8. Employment Security OASI Nov. Social Security 313.92 9. Danny Reeves Nov. Salary 422.69 10. Duane Harstad Nov. Salary 375.89 11. Roy Freeman Nov. 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