HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/1/1979 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Oct. 1, 1979 ' Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Councilmen present were as follows: Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Ray Duncan, Hartley Beeler and Charles Walker. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted. Motion made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with the stipulation that if officers Cawood and Thomas are reimbursed by the State for the atheltic clothes purchased from Ctiy funds, that the City be refunded for these items and also that $325.00 be advanced both officers out of the Travel Expense Revolving Fund for their training and upon completion of the school, the fund be repaid the full amount within ten days. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Ray Duncan stated that the snow plow is in and being installed on the truck and it ' should arrive soon. Skip Stoffel, Director for the Department of Emergency Services gave a presentation explaining their department's functions. Mr. Stoffel said Douglas County had been paying for these services for two years and the Attorney General's opinion stated that the City should join or set up their emergency services. The cost to the City will be approximately 88.8 cents per capita for 1980. The Council gave their approval and an agreement will be signed at a later date. Ed Daling, director of Parks and Recreation for Douglas County, talked with the Council concerning the City becoming a part of the Eastmont Recreation Service Area. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Darrell McNeill to place on the Nov. Ballot, an advisory ballot on the issue whether the City should become a part of the service area-. This ballot will be advisory only and will not bind the City Council to any future commitment. This motion passed unanimously. Proposed Use Hearing for Federal Shared Revenue monies was heard by the Council. The only recommendation being, that the monies could be used for sidewalks within the City. There being no further comments, no action was taken by the Council at this time. �,aLF}tg ter'<r�.�'"���� ' S'LsnowLueun passed pue go Lb P3 kq papuooas 'pau.anoCpe aq 6uL40aw aqg gegg UOL40W a apew ,aaLaag f'aL4JPH 'ssauLsnq ,aa44,anj ou 6uLaq a,aa41 • Lenoidde uL84g JOJ pJeog MaLnaa Xiepunog a44 pup SJDUOLSSLuwoo Sgunoo a44 og gtwgns og Spea.a a6pL.aq aqg 10 DPes aagOgeuaM 4se3 044 uo Jea3 aanoLo a44 xauuy og guagul Jo aoL40N aqg se4 a4 pies ,aaLLnd LLaN 'L'auUoggy •6uLgaaw Llounoo gxau aqg ge UOLgew.ao�UL kieLes pup saweu gtwgns 01 Me4S pa)se Llounoo aql SUOLglsod egao LeuoLgtppe OMg Uo 6uLggnd Jo k4lLlglssod a4g palse osLe MegS ,aaOL}.I0 'UL LLLJ a se aLgeglns a,aow aq pLnoM asLa auoawos .ao} 6UL100L ,aagje 6uL40aw gxau 841 ge ULe62 gsanba,a a glwgns og palse seM Me4S 3aL43 Pup LLouno3 a44 f'q POLuap seM gsanba.a SLgi •poLJad 6ULULeJ4 S44UOW C sly 6uL.anp sewo41 we,aLH JOJ uo guawaoeLda,a a gnd og uoLssLw,aad palse Me4S dat4o ' .400 do gguow aqg ,ao; SSPP dLe4 ,ao} LLoified a4g uo uLewa.a ).a9L3 g.ano0 guegsLsse a4g gaL og Paa,a6e LLouno3 aq,L •spun3 LIeH 4310 anLgeLnuim }o gno awoo og gUawano.LdwL SL43 3o 4so0 aql •apew sL UOLsLOap LeULd a a,ao}aq saqonb aa440 gab 04 RJI osLe pLnoM aq pagegs aH-00.008 ao3 lied aqg uL 40L 6ULI,aed a4g LLo.a Pup Llo 'Lane,a6 og paa,a6e seq guawg.aedea peob 44unoo seL6noo Pees aRouue3 .aokpW 'XLsnowLueun passed Pup .aaLaag (@LI.APH Rq papuooas •6uL4aaw 449L •goo 944 .aog wag-o,ad ,aOXPW se upouna RRgULodde og gOLb P3 L'q apew seM UOL40W 'LLeH k4 Q ge W'd OO:L ge 440L '400 `4eps9upaM 6uL40aw ga6pnq gs,aLd AL044 ane4 LLLM LLouno3 aqL •JeaX 4SJLd a4g ,aag;e gguow ,aad 00.00L 40 asea,aOUL up 44LM gguow ,aad 00.009 ao3 6u13se sL aagOgeuaM •gguow uad 00'00b S'ed og 6uLLLLM sL Llounoo aql '086L .Lo; aOLnuas uotgeOLunwwoo 6ULuaa0u00 aagogeuaM 10 4g10 aqg 44LM a4eL4o6au Pup IBM pLnoM aq dl DAO uue3 JOAPW paIse Llounoo a41 '6L6L `L 'ON anLgoa};a aanssa.ad S.aeuoLgeL;UL og anp 05'8 og 56'L wo.ag sage.a DLseq JL844 aseaADUL LLLM •A•1 aLgeo AagdwOJdaLai 4e44 Llounoo a44 pasLnpe auouue3 JOXPW BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT OCTOBER 1, 1979 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc 2. Wenatchee Office Supply 3. The Wenatchee World 4. Wells & Wade Hardware 5. C K C Leasing 6. Chelan Co., Treasurer 7. David T. Ellis 8. DeForest Neil Fuller 9. Leon's Spray Service ' STREET 1. Wells & Wade Hardware 2. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 3. Wenatchee Petroleum 4. Sears & Roebuck 5. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 6. Elder Auto Parts r-r Lj POLICE 1. Sears & Roebuck 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. General Telephone Co. Elder Auto Parts City of Wenatchee Police Dept. City of Wenatchee Police Dept. Texaco Inc. Judy Brazil Peggy Krauser Harmon D. Sapp Beberly Callihan Richard Cawood Hiram Thomas Insurance Office Supplies City Hall Proposed Use Hearing Ballist for City Hall Pay. #11 on Copier 3rd Quarter Liquor Tax Judge Pro Tem Law Publication Spraying trees in park Parts & Supplies- Shop Additional Premium Per Audit Gasoline 2 Batteries & Creeper 55 Gals. 10/40 Parts & Supplies -Flusher & Sweeper Parts & Repairs Cars #1 & 3 Athletic Clothes - Hiram Thomas & Cawood Gasoline Police & Court Clerk Oil Change Supplies Police Cars Emergency Telephone Prisoner Board & Room Credit Card Charges 3 Lite Bulbs Witness Fee Witness Fee Witness Fee Witness Fee Travel advance - School Seattle 319.00 9.50 10.00 12.05 139.48 115.81 40.00 105.00 298.20 19.64 93.00 100.64 117.02 164.59 23.35 76.20 201.28 198.08 11.59 200.00 310.00 5.10 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 325.00 325.00