HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/20/1979 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting I Aug. 20, 1979 Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Councilmen present were as follows: Darrell McNeill, Charles Walker, Ray Duncan and Hartley Beeler. Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Charles Walker, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Ray Duncan stated that tires for the street department have been ordered. Mayor Lannoye asked Lieutenant Kirby to check with North Central Chevrolet concerning shocks on the Nova and also the left front tire which had to be replaced already. 'Bill Miller asked the Council if they would be interested in having the carpet in City Hall cleaned on a regular basis. He stated the cost would be 8 cents per sq. ft. The Council declined at this time and said they would obtain other quotes and perhaps allow for it in the 1980 budget. The Council adopted Ordinance No. 282 (Sub Division Ordinance) Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. The Council gave their permission for the City Clerk to attend a Mini Convention in Wenatchee Oct. 12th. Chelan -Douglas Emergency Services was discussed by the Council. The City will have to join in 1980 or have their own emergency services which would be very costly. It is estimated to cost 67 to 70 cents per capita to join. The Council adopted Ordinance No. 283 (Vacation of a portion of Ninth St.) This vacation is to square up a portion that was vacated by Ordinance No. 264. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. The Council gave their permission to have the rest of City Hall painted either by the 'street department or by Jim Simons if he will do the job for $125.00 which he quoted earlier. The cost of this project is to be paid out of City Hall Improvement Fund monies. The Council agreed to put the Court Clerk's Assistant on the City payroll for the '4LsnowLueun passed pup AajLeM saLaeyo 4q papuooaS •pauanoCpe aq 6uLgaaw ayg geyg uoLgow a appw aaLOO9 X'aLgapH `ssauLsnq aaygan; ou 6uLaq aL941 •gLns ay3 6uLuaaauoo 4auao34y s,oLa33aL3 Lagou�q g4jM 6uLIaoM sL aaLLn3 LLaN '446LI Leu6LS 3a9a3S ygg 043 uo saoLnaas Jo,} 00'000`9$ 4La4ewLxoadde wLq paMo oLa33aL3 Laqou)i gpyg 6ucR4s JORPW aqg pagoe3uoa aaLLaea pey aH '3La30aL3 LagouA 4suLe6e uaLL e paLL3 pey ay aaygagM aaLnbuL pue 'PM 'aannoaueA '•ouI ggaM f'aeg og a4Ljm og IaaLI Xzg , ay3 pagsanbaa ag'ouueg aolpW •epua6e ygg •3das ay3 uo gnd ag ' R'gL3 a44 pue oLa33aL3 LagouN uaaM3aq 3Lns MeL ayg geyg palse AaLLn3 LLaN X'8uao34y •goaCoad ega0 Aaggoue og aay aa;suea3 og 6uLka4 sL •gda0 44[inoaS guawX'oLdw3 941 gglL '6ny pageuLwaag uoLgLsod ega0 AaH '44uow 044 ;o aapuLewaa BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT AUGUST 20, 1979 ' CURRENT EXPENSE 1. General Telehone Co. 1 Months Service 2. The Wenatchee World Publication - Safeway Variance 3. General Fire Equipment Co. Inspection - Fire Extinguisher 4. Int. Conference of Bldg. Bldg., Mechanical, Fire & Electrical Code Books (3) 5. R. L. Polk & Co. 6. P.U.D.#1 Douglas Co. 7. James B. Drewelow 8. David T. Ellis 9. Wenatchee Area Visitor & Conv. B 10. Security Bank of WA. 11. Employment Security OSAI 12. WA. Physicians Service 13. Pedco Credit Union 14. Wm. McKenzie 15. Wm. Hamilton 16. Dorotha McGee 17. Roberta K. Burnap 18. Robert H. Scott, Jr. 19. Forrest Lannoye 20. Ray Duncan 21. Darrell M. McNeill 22. Ed Rich 23. Hartley Beeler ' 24. Charles Walker 25. Peggy McArthur 26. Virginia Kinzel 27. DeForest N. Fuller 28. Danny Reeves 29. Duane A. Harstad 30. Wm. C. Millett 31. Buttrey Food Stores STREET 1. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. 2. General Fire Equipment 3. P.U.D. #1 of Do., Co. 4. S & D Paving 5. R. M. Church, Inc. 6. Sears, Roebuck & Co. 7. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Inc 8. Pedco Credit Union 9. Wa. Physicians Service 10. Security Bank of WA. 11. Employment Security - OSIA 12. Danny Reeves ' 13. Duane A. Harstad 14. Roy Freeman 1979 City Directory 2 Months Service City Hall Judge Pro-tem Judge Pro-tem Remainder due on pledge Withholding Tax Deposit Social Security for August Sept. Pay. Aug. 1979 Pay. August 1979 Salary 11 11 11 Public Defender " 1979 Salary Per Diem 1979 Salary Misc., Cleaning Supplies Gasoline Inspection - Fire Extinguishers 2 Months Service - Shop -St. Lites Signal Lites Due on the resurfacing of Main St Supplies for Shop (1) 12 Ton Jack Add., Premium - adding completed operations August 1979 Payment Sept. 1979 Payment August 1979 Withholding Deposit August 1979 Social Security Pay. August 1979 Salary 11 11 11 134.25 10.31 8.66 176.95 58.80 59.00 225.00 40.00 200.00 772.81 814.88 736.30 240.00 234.67 507.09 455.82 202.18 180.00 -D- 46.93 46.93 46.93 46.93 46.93 732.57 611.79 600.77 287.83 290.43 328.54 8.34 87.91 14.81 1 711.00 5 123.17 7.42 41.87 209.00 506.00 70.00 276.70 313.94 422.69 375.89 822.44 1 WO LS SE'Lb5 b6'bS9 LL'89L L6'OLL £L'ELL LS' L L6 6E'868 L9'Lb0 L L'.aeLeS 6L6L Isn6ny 90'bEL Isn6ny aol IuawFed £b'6L aILL gods - JOOP aeo uL OL04 LLPO 00'00Z Isn6ny agoledsLO auogdaL91 00'LO2 eoueAnsul 68'Zb saLLddnS aaLddO LZ'ZZ 6uLssaoo.Ad I wLLd 00'OL 11 11 00'OL aad ssougLm ZL'bZ 11 It Z9'ZL sa6,Aego peo ILPaUo LO'09 enoN 9L6L Uogel I shed 06'LS LeoLs4gd SULlaad JaOLddO E8'SLL auLL0se9 SOLaddaC '1 LLePUea 'ZZ 4ILwS oC eSLI 'LZ SULVad PUe43Ld -02 sewo4l weALH '6L UL44PO LaePM '8L POOMeo PJ2gOLa -ZL 4gULN PLoaeH '9L S�004 'wM 'SL Me4S 4Je9 'bL IuawaaL4@d 10 4daa 'EL 'SUI SUOLleoLunwwoo Lej4uao 'ZL Idea aOLLod a9434euOM do 94Q 'LL LLag34M I sauOC `aMgg j oL •ouI `4o.Ln40 'W 'd '6 uaMW ADeC '8 SULJ000 wLC 'L uosueMS Ijagoa •9 •ouI ooexal 'S '03 LW LLa4S 'b •00 IaLoAna40 '0 'N 'E LegLdsOH "yM Le.aluao •Z •oo wnaLOJ-4ad aa4oleuaM •L 30I10d