HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/18/1979 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING June 18, 1979 ' Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Council members present were: Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Charles Walker and Ed Rich. City Attorney Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with the exception of two vouchers to Knobel Electric. The Council asked that $12,150.00 for 162 days over date of completion plus the 10% retainage be withheld until the City Attorney can check further into the reasons for the contract delay. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler, seconded by Charles Walker and passed unanimously. (Munson Engineering) The Council asked the City Clerk to hold the check for Ike Munson until a map of their survey has been received. An Engineer's estimate for paving the parking lot in the park was too costly and Council- man, Darrell McNeill stated he is looking into a less expensive method. 'Councilman, Hartley Beeler said he had received a letter from the P.U.D. and they have deducted a suitable amount for the lights that were out over an extended period on Baker St. The Council approved an application from Gregg May for a fireworks stand in the Mall parking lot. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. The Council approved an application from Graigg Colby for a fireworks stand at 470 Grant Rd. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the low bid of S.& D. Paving for surfacing of Main St. from 9th to Highway, in the amount of $51,231.73. One other bid was received from Morrell Asphalt in the amount of $55,625.00. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Ordinance No. 280 (relating to Flooding within the City) was not adopted at this time and will be presented for the Council's consideration July 2nd so the Council will have time to review it. Bill Millett, City Planner read a letter from Floyd Jennings submitting his resignation 'from the Planning Commission. Applications for the Planning Commission were received from Wanda Martin, Charles Truitt, Jr. and Walt Hanson. There are two openings on the Commission. The Council discussed the matter of having two in one family on the Commission. Attorney Neil Fuller said he would look into the matter and the applications will be reviewed again at the next Council meeting. 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Elder Auto Cascade Natural Gas Misc. Parts Service City Hall 28.34 22.02 ' 3. Postmaster 1 yr., Box Rental 40.00 4. P. U. D. No. 1 Service to City Hall 43.00 5. R. M. Church Office Supplies 70.29 6. Grant Road Hardware Misc. Parts & Supplies - Park 62.70 7. Reid Pump & Supply Grass Trimmer & Oil - Park 275.84 8. Wa. Law School Foundation Registration Fee - Judge Hamilton 40.00 9. Pedco Credit Union June Payment 240.00 10. Wa. Physicians July Med. Ins. Payment 736.30 11. Security Bank June Withholding Payment 1 772.81 12. Emp. Security Dept. OASI June Social Security Payment 1 786.48 13. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 2nd Quarter Industrial Insurance 975.93 14. Employment Security Dept. " " Unemployment Comp. 291.58 15. Wm. McKenzie June Salary 234.67 16. Wm. Hamilton 507.09 17. Dorotha McGee 455.82 18. Robert H. Scott, Jr. Public Defender 180.00 19. Forrest Lannoye June Salary -0- 20. Ray Duncan 46.93 21. Darrell M. McNeill 46.93 22. Ed Rich 46.93 23. Hartley Beeler 46.93 24. Charles Walker 23.47 25. Peggy McArthur 732.57 Virginia Kinzel 611.79 '26. 27. DeForest N. Fuller 600.77 28. Danny E. Reeves 287.83 29. Duane Harstad 290.43 30. Wm. Millett 328.54 31. Petty Cash Postage & Stamps 79.51 32. General Telephone Local & Long Distance Service 173.30 STREET 1. Knobel's Electric Signal Light (Fed. Shared Rev.) 18,655.00 2. Knobel's Electric Signal Light 13,978.22 3. The Keyhole Keys & holder 18.50 4. Cascade Natural Gas Corp. Service 11.40 5. P.U.D. Service 1,608.00 6. Douglas County Rd. Dept. Diesel 34.22 7. Les Schwab Tire repair 4.20 8. Wenatchee Petroleum Gas 50.52 9. Munson Engineers, Inc. Alley Survey 1,000.00 10. Grant Rd. Hardware Misc. Supplies 18.67 12. Pedco Credit Union Wash. Phusicians Service Medical Ins. 415.00 70.00 '11. 13. Security Bank Withholding 276.70 14. Employment Security Social Security 313.94 15. Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 366.33 16. Employment Security Unemployment Ins. 75.20 17. Roy Freeman June Salary 837.44 18. 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