HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/4/1979 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1979 Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Council members present were: Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill and Ed Rich. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Councilman, Darrell McNeill stated he is still working on plans for the park and is not ready at this time for the Council to Call for Bids for paving the parking lot. Councilman, Ray Duncan said he is still checking on tire prices under the State bid and will go over the prices etc. with Roy Freeman the Street Supervisor as to his recommendations. Councilman Hartley Beeler stated the light is out again by the Motel but has notified the P.U.D. so should be working within a few days. The Council approved an application from the Eastmont Jaycees for a fireworks stand at the Peter Rabbit parking lot. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Representatives from Dependable Disposal attended the meeting concerning many complaints about the poor service within the City. They advised that within the City all of the drivers are new and not familiar with addresses and asked that the residents be patient a little longer until things are ironed out. Mayor Lannoye thanked them for their attendence. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the low bid from North Central Chevrolet on a 1979 Nova of $6,660.68 plus tax. Other bids received were: 1980 Aspen police special $7,521.01 and 1980 Dodge St. Regis $8,810.26 from ' Valley Auto Co. Inc. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Also Pioneer Leasing Co., Spokane, sent a letter stating they have several units available. These units were not considered because of the warranties. •asuodsaa ou pey 'PUP uoLLLO •uW og aaggaL auo uaggLam seq aq gegg LLounoO aq; pLog aaLLn3 LLaN Fauaoggy •gaaags ggLL So k4LULoLn agg uL 6uLnLL SUOZLgLO woa3 SgULPLdwoo LeaanaS pey aneq uauueLd 41L0 pue Rauaoggy FgLO aql •Fgaadoad SLq Uo gSLggnu 6ULdwnp gnoqe uO MO P3 04 AallaL e agLam og aaLLn3 LLaN Rauaoggy palse aFOuuPl a04PW •6UL4aaw LLounoO gxau aqq qe paggLwqns aq pagsaaaguL suosaad So saweu gegq palse aoRPW agl •UOLSSLWWO3 6ULuuPLd agq JOS papaau sem uosaad aaggoue gPgg LLOuno3 aqq paSLnpe ggaLLLW ME •SuotgPpuauwooaa aLagg LLounoo aqg anL6 pue aaggPW SLgg 04UL looL oq quawgaeda0 aoLLod aqq pup quawgaed90 gaaagS aqg palse aFouuel aoReW •aLOaLO quawaLO uo 6uLlaed LaLLPaed aneq 04 aLgLssod aq pLnom gL dL LLounoo aqg palse ggea6nL;d ugop •gg6LL OL;;eag aqg og UOLgPDLILPOW P a0 6uLu6Ls awos gnogjLm guapLooe up aq Few aaagg pLea;e sem aq pagegs Fpauual aagaH •uLPW g ggg gP 446LL OLjjeag aqq ao} UOLgnLos P oguL looL og quawgaedao aoLLod agq palse aFouuP] gsaaaoj JOkPW •FLsnOWLueun passed pup LLLalloW lLaaaeo Fq papuooas `goLa P3 Fq apew sem uoLgoW 00'91 RLagewLxoadde qe agPgS aqg woa; SOLpea aaagg asegoand 04 LLOunoO aqg Fq uanL6 sem UOLgezLaoggny •6ULgaaw LLounoo gxau aqq qe aagganj passnoSLP aq M m ansSL SLgl •agea aLgeuoseaa aaoW a qe SUOLgeoLunuwoO s,FgLO aqq aLpueq pLnoo Ragg dL aaS og aoLJJO s,jjLaagS RgunoO seL6no0 aqq pagOPquoO seq megS daLgO •aagganj SLgg ssnosLp pue 6uL48aw LLounoo s,aagogPuaM puaggP pLnom aq dL aRouuPI JORPW palsP LLounoO aql •uodn pa4OP qoU sem aauosLad aad Rep aad 00-OL pue S90LnaaS UOL4PDLunwwo3 ao3 gquow P oo'oo9 Red RgLO aqq gegq 6uL4sanbaa aagogeuaM So R4L3 aqq woaj guawaaxbV uy *laud RgLO aqg uL s6op gnoqe SgULPLdwoo pey seg FgLO aql •aoueuLpao LoaguO3 aaggLq 600 P go FgLLLgLssod aqq oguL looL pLnom aq PCPs ADLLn3 LLaN Rauaoggy •gggL aunp Ao4 epua6e aqq uo uOlHweH a6pnp woaj gsanbaa RaeLPs agq qnd oq laaLO agq palse aFouuel aoReW •aZ)ueULpao FaPLes papuawe up do meap ' pLnom aq pLes Aa[Ln3 LLaN Rauaoggy •FLsnOWLueun passed pue LLLalloW LLaaaPO Fq papuooas °ueoun0 Fea Fq apew sem UOLgoW •gquow aad 00.09£ oq gquow aad 00.OSL woa; aauueLd FgLO `ggaLLLW Mg og asLea RaeLes a pazLaoggne LLounoo aql •6uLwo044ao; sL dew e PUP pagaLdwoo uaaq peg gaaagS pueLgsy puLgaq Fanans FaLLe aqg pLes aFouuPI AOkPW ' There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Mayor City CtetK 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JUNE 4, 1979 EXPENSE 'CURRENT 1. The Wenatchee World Two Notices of Hearings 28.27 2. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Pulley for Lawn/mower 12.03 3. C. K. C. Leasing June Payment Savin Copier 139.48 4. Johnson's Inc. Office Supplies M. Court Clerk 8.25 5. Douglas Co., Auditor Swimming Pool Bond - 1979 5 888.14 6. Ray Duncan Dinner Meeting 4.04 7. Hartley Beeler Dinner Meeting 3.10 STREET 1. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Gasoline 173.11 2. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Misc. Parts for Equip. 7.63 3. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Solvent 170.09 4. Lloyd's Auto & Truck Repair Parts & Labor - Flusher 540.18 'POLICE 1. Youngs Automotive Service Parts & Labor Car #3 394.80 2. Dick's Exhaust Specialties Muffler & Labor Car #3 26.49 3. Chris Bates Witness Fee 10.00 4. Michael Hayes Witness Fee 10.00 5. Willard Selleck Witness Fee 10.00 6. Rose M. Grossarth Witness Fee 10.00 7. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 4 Oil Filters - Police Cars 17.61 8. East Side Garage & Towing Parts & Labor Car #3 43.88 9. Harold G. Kirby Advance on Salary - School Spokane 120.00 10. Wm. B. Brooks Advance on Salary - School Spokane 120.00 11. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Gasoline 346.22 12. Jack Miller's 2 Film Pack 11.02 13. Dick's Service Parts & Labor Car #3 76.54 14. Douglas Co., Fire District #2 1/2 Payment of Fire Contract - 1979 16 502.88 15. City of Wenatchee Prisoner charges 240.00