HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/21/1979 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING ' Feb. 21, 1979 Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Council members present, Hartley 3eeler, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, Darrell McNeill and Charles Walker. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved with the exception of Chelan -Douglas Utilities Council dues in the amount of $100.00. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler, seconded by Charles Walker and passed unanimously. Hartley Beeler stated that he had received a message from the P.U.D. informing him that an adjustment would be made on the next billing to compensate for the lights that have been out on Baker Street. They are waiting for parts on two lights and one light will have to wait until the ground thaws. Authorization was given by the Council to Call for Bids for a new Truck, Body and Snow Plow. Bids will be opened at the regular Council meeting, March 19, 1979 at 8:00 P.M. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 278. (Requiring property owners or occupants thereon to remove snow and ice accumulations from the sidewalks abutting their property and providing penalties for violation thereof.) Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 276. (New fees for dog licenses, amending Ordinance No. 133, effective Jan. 1, 1980. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Rich Haney, Manager of the Wenatchee Animal Shelter was present and asked the Council's permission to sell City dog licenses to people living in the city limits who adopt dogs from the shelter. The Animal Shelter would keep a percentage of the license fee for this service. Attorney Neil Fuller said he would check into this and the City would contact Mr. Haney as to their decision if this procedure is legal. 1 �a L3 Ag L3 C AOAPW ALsnowLupun passed PUP LLMOW LL@JJPO A'q papuooas 'pau,AnoCpe aq 6uL4aaw agg gPyg UOL40W P apPw J@ Laag AaLgueH 'ssauLsnq Aa4gan3 ou 6uLaq aAag1 •UOLgnLos awns ge aAL.AJP aLgLssod PUP UOLgpn4Ls 844 au[WeXa o} s.AaUOLSSLuauo3 PUP JauuPLd 4,4uno3 sPL6no0 a4g 4gLM gaaw og ueLd pup '3'N 'gS pj£ do waLgoad 33ouna a4g passnosLp LLouno3 a41 •UOL40P ou 1004 aJO4aAa4g PUP SJDJOA paua4sL69.A }O gsLL a4g jo ualeg uaaq pP4 ag 4e44 paLJLgou seM JDA LPM •.AW awLg 341 PUP guawguLoddp ' 10 awLg agg uaaMgaq aoPLd UBIPg pPg SL44 gPg4 gLa} LLouno3 941 •sgguow bZ gspd aqg ULgjLM a4OA og aAnLLP} .AOJ 4SLL UOLgPX4SL6a-1 S,.Aa4OA aqg wojj pabind uaaq peq oweu s,.A@�LPM saLueg3 •.AalLPM saLAe43 uewLLouno3 go 44LLe6aL agg og se UOLssnosLp awns seM aAa41 's,AapLoq OLpe,A q saL.AaggPq asego,And og UOLSS[uuad UaAL6 seM guawg,AedaO aoLLod •.APaA aqg jO A@DLJJO aoLLod }o pAPMP aqg 6uLUULM uO pup aagogeuaM gsP3 10 443 844 og aoLAuas aULI SLq .AO; Aq.AL)l PLO-APH AaOt3}0 pagPLn4P,A6uoo LLouno3 aqg pup a.'ouupq gsa.AAoj 'aokpW •ALsnowLueun passpd pup LLLalloW LLaJ.AeO Aq papuooas '.AaLaag A'aLlJPH Aq apew seM UOL40W •wp.A6o.Ad V133 ayg .Aapun guawgAedep aoLLod a44 uo3 V aLo DUO PUP Aa3LJjO auo aJ[q og LLouno3 aqg Aq uaAL6 seM uOLgeZLJoggny •oga '6uLg}LLdogs '6uLpaads 'sguap[DOP ,AO} SUOL4P4LO jo .AagwnN •sjPaS oMg gspd 841 UL A'gL3 aqg ULg4LM aoPLd uajPg aAPq g0LgM sawL.A3 paALosun PUP paALos jo a6e4ueoiad a44 uo guodaA P anP6 MQ4S Agsna '40L43 aoLLod •(jUL.Ap agg Aq pasuadsLp ' Dip sa6e,Aanaq OLLogoaLP a,aagM sasLwa.Ad uo suodeaM go 6ULRJ.APO a4g 6uLj[gHO-Ad) '61Z 'ON aoUPULp,AO gdope og LLouno3 Ag13 aqg A'q uaAL6 seM UOLgPZL.Aoggny •ULeW g yg9 gP g46LL LPu6Ls agg uo �joM anuL4uo3 og sueLd .AL044 og se oLA43aL3 aLgoN wo.Aj p.AOM ou paALa38.A SPq Ag13 agg gPgg pagPgs aAouuel JOXPW BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT FEB. 21, 1979 CURRENT EXPENSE ' 1. The Wenatchee World Publication of Meeting Change 10.00 2. Trick & Murray Municipal Court Receipts 91.96 3. General Telephone Service Feb. 13 to March 13, 64.16 4. Wells & Wade Light Fixture 7.33 5. P. U. D. Al Douglas County Service to City Hall 2 Months 55.00 6. R. M. Church, Inc. Office Supplies 45.12 7. Deforest N. Fuller Legal - MuQuillan Municipal 105.00 8. Washington State Magistrat's Dues - Wm. Hamilton 50.00 9. Pedco Credit Union Feb. Payment 240.00 10. Wa., Physicians Service March Medical Payment 744.50 11. Employment Security Dept. Feb. Social Security Payment 1 769.03 12. Security Bank of Washington Feb. Withholding Payment 1 748.01 13. Wm. Millett Feb. Salary 168.97 14. Wm. McKenzie " 234.67 15. Wm. Hamiliton 507.09 16. Dorotha McGee 455.82 17. Robert H. Scott, Jr. Public Defender 180.00 18. Forrest Lannoye Salary -0- 19. Ray Duncan 46.93 20. Darrell M. McNeill 46.93 21. Ed Rich 46.93 22. Hartley M. Beeler 46.93 23. Charles K. Walker 46.93 24. Peggy McArthur 732.57 25. Virginia Kinzel 611.79 ' 26. Deforest N. Fuller 600.77 27. Danny Reeves 287.83 28. Duane Harstad 290.43 29. Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc. Bond - Virginia Kinzel l/l/79 to 1/1/80 20.00 30. Petty Cash Misc. Expense (Slips attached) 51.26 STREET 1. Washington Belt Co. Parts -Repair Stripping Machine 13.57 2. P. U. D. #1 Douglas County Service to Shop -St., Lighting & S.Lites 1 420.00 3. Pay'n Save Corp. Waders & File Cabinet 78.79 4. Chelan Douglas Utilities Council One Number Call system 100.00 5. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Gasoline 187.32 6. Grant Road Hardware Misc. Supplies 12.53 7. Cascade Natural Gas Service for Jan. 111.73 8. Security Bank of Washington Withholding for Feb. 276.70 9. Employment Security Dept. Social Security for Feb. 313.94 10. Washington Physicians Service March Medical Insurance Payment 70.00 11. Pedco Credit Union Feb. Payment 365.00 12. Danny Reeves Feb. Salary 422.69 13. Duane Harstad 501.89 14. Roy Freeman 837.44 15. Petty Cash Misc. Supplies (See Attached Slips) 39.03 9Z'LZL sjuawssassy uo«e6[,a.al uaunseaul SlunoO seL6no0 LE 3SN3dX3 1N32M) Ob'92L snw3sod ua6ob 'OZ LL'b98 „ „ u4osL9PV ua49d '6L 9b'L69 SEw041 we.aLH '8L L6'OLL „ „ uL33eO Lae4oLW 'LL L17'bb9 „ „ poomeO •M pae4oLa '9L L8'LL6 „ (gAL�I PLoueH '9L 6E'868 sIoo.a9 'wM 'bL L6'LE6 R.AuLeS •qaj me4S R-1e9 'EL b6'£L8 4uawXed •qaj swa4SXS 3uawaaL4aa 30 '3da0 'ZL 82•L saiLddnS aoL3d0 u06a.40 44 unoO 4ewou3LnW 'LL 00'OOZ 4o3edsL0 auogdaLa1 •qaj •3da0 aoLLod aa403euaM do S4Q 'OL L9'ZL b# Laa4M ua446Lea;S s,L'.aEUPW '6 99'bLE auLLoseg wnaLOJ4ad aa434euaM •8 8E'9LO ZLLe4sul ua34Lwsueul g ua33Lw3 Leopd0 S'uedwo0 W E 'L L9'ZL 6uLssaoo.ad I saLLddnS e.aaweO 'wLL3 s,.aaMW IoeC '9 93'9 sapeLS uadLM aoLAJaS s,JoLO '9 6L'ZZL ;uawdLnb3 uoL3eoLdL3uapl dLnb3 4uawaouo;u3 meq 3sam44JON 't PoomeO •suI klq LLges10 •suI ad11 ueLpaeng a41 'E '99'11L £S'LE OOs - sadoLanu3 }uL.ad uI 'Z b9'8L9 aoue.ansul 3sau,ay asLej fiDua6y �L4?LLag 'L 30IlOd