HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/5/1979 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Feb. 5, 1979 ' Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Council members present were as follow: Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, Darrell McNeill and Charles Walker. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as presented with the exception of Chelan Douglas Utilities Council Dues in the amount of $100.00. This bill will again be considered at the next council meeting. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, Seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Councilman Darrell McNeill again stated that work on the park would be started when weather permits. Attorney Neil Fuller was asked by the Council to amend a previous Ordinance requiring owners and occupants to remove snow on sidewalks. Ray Duncan stated that Specifications for a truck chasses - body and snow plow will be ready for the next meeting so the City can Call for Bids. He said he would try to have specifications completed for a tractor at that date. ' Hartley Beeler said he had again contacted the P.U.D. pertaining to street lights that have been out on Baker Street for some time. He stated that he asked that the City not be billed for the lights that are not in use. Mayor Lannoye stated that Ike Munison, Consulting Engineer for the Signal Lights at 6th and Main said the last billing the City received from Knoble Electric should not be paid at this time as they have not accomplished enough work to justify payment. Also Mayor Lannoye read a memo from Knobel Electric to Mr. Munison which stated they were shutting down operation. Mayor Lannoye read a letter from the Department of Revenue stating that the City had been shorted $1,298.14 in hotel/motel taxes and would be receiving these monies in the next transient rental check. He said these monies would be forwarded to the City of Wenatchee. Mayor Lannoye also read a letter from the City of Clarkston suggesting that the City contact their representatives and suggest that RCW 67.28.210 be amended to allow ' small cities to use motel/hotel taxes for park purposes. No action was taken by the Council. Mayor Lannoye said he has had several calls from parents concering the new Juvenile Code. The Council agreed that it might be a good idea if the Mayor 1 ao4'PW I•f'LsnowLueun passed PUP J91LPM saLuPg) 4q papuooas °pau,anoCpe aq 6UL409w agg gegl uoLlow P apPw J@ Laag kaLlueH 'ssauLsnq ,aagl,an3 ou 6uLaq a,aagl 'XLsnowLueun passed pup ueouna X'ea kq papuooas •f'PN LoH P uo 6uLLLed gI6L agg ;o asneoaq LZ •qa3 •paM og pa6uego aq LLounoo aq4 So 6ulgaaw AeLn6au gxau ayg IPgI UOLIow P apew gOLb P3 uewLLounoo •6uLlaaw Ixau a4I gP uoLsLoap uLagl ajPw pue IL MaLnaa pLnoM 4941 PCPs LLouno3 agl •spun] an.aasaa oguL Ind aq ueo Iegl sguawgsanul }o IsLL P LLouno3 84I anP6 luaL3 4410 aql •Iuawl,aedad aoLLod agI Rq papaau swa;j LPJanas asego.and oI RquLN uaOL440 oI LLouno3 aq4 f'q uanL6 SLIM uoLssLum8d *4JPss@O@u @Jam swa4t asagg IPgI Paa,a6e LLouno3 aql •3oPC P pue IauLgeo aLL; P asegound og uPwaau3 R08 oI uanL6 seM uoLlezLaoggny •aouPLJPn P uo3 guawgsnCpy 3o p,aeog 94I a.aojaq o6 ' sdequad Pup IuPlLnsuoo 6uLuuPLd agI oI ILPI og anPq pLnoM aq IPgI wLg pasLnpP Inq suoLgoaCgo ou peg Xagl PCPs Liounoo agl -XIjadoad sLg og uoLgonugsap awns peg sPg aq pue pua pPap P sL kaLLe agl •asnog sLg puLgaq RDLLP agg So pua aq4 IP aoua} P do Ind oI uoLssLw.aad s,LLouno) aq4 pa3sP aLggna wLC *JW u,aaouoo uLagg ssa,adxa pup saangeLsL6ag agPls 84I paloPluoo BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT FEB. 5, 1979 EXPENSE 'CURRENT 1. Cascade Natural Gas Service City Hall 160.84 6.50 2. Waterville Empire Press Years Subscription 3. In Print Office Supplies 62.12 4. Easter Seal Society Handbook -Barrier Free Design 4.11 5. C K C Leasing Feb. Lease Pay. Copier 139.48 STREET 1. Elder Auto Parts Misc. Parts -Repair Street Equip. 71.84 2. Chelan Douglas Utilities Council One No., Call System 100.00 3. Douglas County Road Department Diesel 17.10 4. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Gasoline 86.94 5. Wells & Wade Hardware Cylinder Oxygen 13.98 6. East Side Garage & Towing Truck Repairs 31.26 7. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Propane 4.20 8. State Treasurer, Dept. of Transp. Maint., Traffic Signal 5th & Grant Rd. 27.04 POLICE ' 1. 2. City of Wenatchee Police Dept. Central Communications Inc. Prisoner's Board & Room Repairs Communications Equip. 360.00 409.00 3. East Side Garage & Towing Repairs Police Car 25.33 4. Harold Kirby Mini Crime Conference Yakima 3.62 5. Jack Miller's Film & Refinishing 25.20 6. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Misc. Parts for Repairs Police Cars 52.30 7. William Brooks Mini Crime Conference Yakima 3.62 8. Gary W. Shaw Noon Luncheon Meeting Regarding Ceta 4.00 9. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Parts for repairing Police Car 30.98 10. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Gasoline 173.86 11. Dick's Exhust Police Car Repair 25.70 12. General Telephone Co. Wenatchee Police Dept. Service 22.54 13. Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc. Bond Wm. B. Brooks 20.00 14. Brodsky's Menswear & Uniforms Uniforms -Roger Postmus (Ceta) 221.99 15. Eastmont Pharmacy Film & Flash Cubes 9.27 16. His Place Pete Adelsohn Rescue Suit 46.24