HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/3/1980 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Nov. 3, 1980 ' Councilmen Present: John Pflugrath, Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Hartley Beeler and Ed Rich. Attorney Pro-tem Paul Cassel and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made to pay the voucher to the Douglas County Sewer District out of Acc. City Hall Funds and vouchers to Pybus Steel and Grant Road Hardware to be paid with Acc. Storm Drain Funds. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Ray Duncan said he had contacted a few companies for quotes for a roller and tamper and should have some figures by the next council meeting. Hartley Beeler stated the light is working on Hamilton Street and appears to be an improvement. John Pflugrath said he contacted Schmidt Electric concerning wiring of City Hall. He stated their quote would not exceed 800.00. The Council unanimously agreed to accept the quote. Three persons appeared to ask questions pertaining to the proposed Gackstetter 'Annexation. They were assured at this time no zone change had been requested and the annexation was in the hands of the Boundary Review Board. The Hearing before the Board is set for Nov. 19th at 1:30 P.M. The Mayor and Council assured the public that they were not in favor of a zone change if the annexation was accepted by the Board and would so advise the planning board of their decision. Mayor Lannoye read a letter he had received from the Douglas County Commissionrs encouraging the City to join with them in the preparation of a coordinated public transportation feasibility Study. They also encouraged the appointment of an elected official to serve on the advisory committee. Mayor Lannoye asked the City Clerk to draft a Resolution and the Council would take it under advisement at the next Council meeting. The Council asked Dick McGraw what he had learned concerning the solid waste meeting. He stated Bob Patrick would contact him when a date was set for the meeting. The Council discussed putting a tax on amusement games, such as pool tables, pull tabs, etc. The City Attorney was asked to draft an Ordinance leaving the fees blank and Council would give the matter some thought and discuss it further at the next Council meeting. Ed Rich said he was against any utility taxation. This matter was tabled at this time and will be discussed in the future. Chief Brooks was asked to check local businesses for violations of their business licenses. It appears that some businesses may be listing less persons employed on their application. Hartley Beeler said he had been asked about the Signal Light on Grant b Eastmont. After some discussion, the Council didn't feel there was a great problem with the light the way it is now. �J iAY --r' r i 'klsnowLupun passed pup muna Xpa Fq papuooaS 'pau.anoCpp aq 6uL38aw ag3 3e44 uoL}ow a apew JaLaaS X9L4-aeH 'ssaULsnq Aagl.4n4 ou 6uLaq a.aagl -Riessaoau aq p LnoM BULL M aq-4 Loa} 3, upLp a.ao3a.aagl pue 6ULAed 03 JOLjd 3aaa3s a43 daaMs oq F}La aq4 jo gsaaaquL 3saq aq} uL SeM 36 qLa} s.aagwaw Ljounoo .aa440 agl •3aaJ4S ago 6uLoe4,ans •a B •S 03 AoLad '3'N '1S Pa£ uo X4L0 ag3 kq paw,aoliad lioM jo4 6uined •a g •S M q )�313 ag3 pa4sa66ns g4e.a6nLId ugop ' 'awL4 sLg4 3e XJeSSaoaU seM 4SLL 4M q 09 La ue La81 4,up}p Fagg •swexe Xnq o; papog aoLn.aaS BALD 941 wo.a3 4sanba,a ag3 paivap Bouno3 agl •waLgo.ad ou oasa,ao3 ueo Inq uewaLluag 9q4 woJ; aeag o} sgoadxa aq pies J04PW agl '3� JOI uoLlesuadwoo aM pLnoM pup .aau,aoo aqq 4e k4jadoad SLq uo Jaa} Mal a pagoeo.aoua peq xj�a ago SWLeLo aH •4uow;se3 p 3ue,ag 10 Jau.aoo ago uo UOLIPIS uoxx3 ag} suMo 4e44 uewaL3ua6 a 6ULU,aaoUOO wtq paLLeo aLaS JO La p�eS a,fouue] io.% n LJ BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT NOV. 3, 1980 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan 2. Darre.. McNeill 3. Ed Rich 4. Hartley Beeler 5. John Pflugrath 6. Roberta Burnap 7. Security Bank of WA. 8. Employment Security Dept 9. Paul H. Arnold 10. Clark Boardman Co., Ltd. 11. Douglas Co.,Sewer Dist. 12. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 13. The Wenatchee World 14. C K C Leasing 15. E. Wen., Water Dist. 16. Grant Road Hardware STREET 1. Employment Security Dept 2. Security Bank of WA. 3. Lloyd's Auto & Truck 4. Dave's Grant Road Auto 5. Pybus Steel Co. 6. WA., St., Treasurer 7. Grant Road Hardware 8. Wen. Petroleum Co. 9. Elder Auto Parts 10. S & D Paving Co., Inc. POLICE 1. Kayo's Car Wash 2. Wenatchee Petroleum Co 3. Elder Auto Parts 4. Blementhal Uniform Co. 5. St. Paul Stamp Works Oct. 1980 Per -diem 46.93 " 46.93 " 46.93 " 28.16 " 56.32 Oct. 1980 Wages 422.10 Oct. 1980 Withholding Deposit 1 789.00 Oct. 1980 Social Security Payment 1 984.05 Witness Fee 10.00 Subscription Search & Seizure Law Reports 38.00 Table for Tape Recorder 25.00 Insurance - Audit & Patrol Car #3 596.00 Publication - Rev. Sharing & Annexation 29.06 Payment #24 Copier 139.48 2 Months Service 14.00 Supplies City Hall 5.49 Oct. 1980 Social Security Payment 336.16 Oct. 1980 Withholding Deposit 329.60 4 Batteries 205.59 5 gals., Propane 6.56 Culvert & Culvert Bands 532.77 Traffic Signal Maint. 109.36 Misc. Hardware/Storm Drains 4.91 Gasoline 278.72 Parts & Supplies 78.27 Surfacing 3rd St. N.E. (Less 10%) 13 950.00 Oct. 1980 Car Washes 30.00 Unleaded Gasoline 339.90 Anti Freeze 11.76 Assessories for Uniforms 387.10 200 1981 Dog Tags & 100 Links 34.85