HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/1980 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Oct. 20, 1980 Councilmen Present: John Pflugrath, Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Hartley Beeler and Ed Rich. Attorney Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as presented with motion that vouchers to Lanier Business Products for a recording machine be paid with Acc. City Hall Funds and Vouchers to Herb's Rental, Wenatchee Iron & Metals, Cascade Cable and Columbia Concrete be paid with Acc. Storm Drain Funds. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye stated that the Street Department will get to the drainage problem on 13th Street when they finish hauling sand. Hartley Beeler said he talked to P.U.D. and was told the City was given credit for the months that light No. 27 was out of order. Also, he stated the P.U.D. will install a light on Hamilton St. but plan to change the location some from the old light. The City will not be charged for the installation. Bills were opened for the surfacing of Highline Drive. Morrill Asphalt bid 20,000.00 for Alternate No. I and 9,100.00 for Alternate No. II. S. & D. Paving bid 11,534.00 for Alternate No. I and 10,966.00 for Alternate No. II. A Gentleman representing S. & D. asked that their bid for Alternate No. I be withdrawn as obviously there was an error made by their company. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the low bid from Morrill Asphalt for Alternate No. II. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the low bid of 15,500.00 from S. & D. Paving for 3rd St. N.E. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. The Public Use Hearing for Federal Shared Revenue created no objections for or against it use by the Public. Authorization was given by the Council to use the monies for Current Expense. 8,000.00 for Police car leases and 37,000.00 to be used towards the 1981 Fire Contract. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill. Darrell McNeill withdrew his motion for lack of a second. There was much discussion concerning the City annexing with the Fire District. John Pflugrath was asked to research this matter as no one seemed to be too informed concerning the procedure. Darrell McNeill again made a motion to use Federal Shared Revenue for police cars and fire contract. seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. 'Authorization was given by the Council to contract for communication services and custodial services for inmates with the City of Wenatchee for 1981. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. ire,....�- •L'Lsn=Lupun passed pup LLLaNOW LLaa,aeo Xq papuooeS •pau.anoCpe aq 6uLgaaw ayq geyq UOL40w a apew .aaLaaO R@Lq.aeH 'ssauLsnq Aayq,anj ou 6uLaq a.aayj 6uL4aaw 4a6nq anLgnoaxa gxau ALayq se 43LZ •400 'X'epuoW qas LLounoo ayj •Xqunoo seL6noo oq uL anow oq 6uL4ueM wo.a; auokue a6e.anoosLp pLnoM gsodep 00'OOL PLes aH •s,aawogsno Mau .ao; sa6aey0 •0•N•d 4Lsodep aqq gnoge LpauuaA AagaH kq uoLssnosLp awns SUM a.aayj •6uL49aw gxau aqq qe agewlgsa ue Llounoo ayq anL6 pup swag[ asayq 10 saOL,ad 04UL looL pLnoM kagq PLes yOlb P3 ' pup ueouno Fee 6ULgo4ed Rue op ayq awLq S.aana swa4L asayq Mo,a.aoq oq sey F;LO ayq se aeai sLyq Aadweq pup .aaLLO-A a aspy0and 04 aMssod aq pLnoM qL dl peke sanaaa ueo •uoLssnosLp .aag4,an4 JOJ 6uLgaaw Llounoo gxau ayq qe wayq quasead pup aayga6oq saan6td awos 4a6 oq palse seM slooJ9 JaLyo •aLOLyan aOLLod a jo asn 40 ssOL JO-4 aag04euOM 4se3 10 443 ayq •sn FasLH ayq uL gLns ,aaqunoo a passnosLP LLOunoo ayj •ans oq poouo3 aq pLnoM XIq 3 ayq .40 U0L4pgS aOLn,aaS s,ORPN oq gxau wLy L'q pagpa.ao walgoad a6euLeap ayq ao3 UOLgngLqsa.a JOJ 6ULlse UOLLLO L'aae3 04 AaggaL .aaygoue a4L.Am og palse seM-AeLLn3 LLaN @Msuodsa.a pLay aq qou pLnoo • Lai •uag aao-4aJay4 os waLgo,ad ayq oq JOL,ad saeaA anl; apew uaaq pey 6ULuado ayj •dn play Sou pey gOLyM peon que.ag uo s6uLuado .alayq 3o auo Ao3 4;q o ayq posingwL@J ,aana pey auoydaLaj LPJaueg dl palse y4ei6nLJd ug0V •UMOp sgsoo deal oq 9 M ssod se yonw se Jaggew sLyq ygLM dLay 01 sloo,ag 4aL43 palse pey ay PLes aH •a940geu0M gse3 10 k4Q •sn kasLH :aa uI ',aag4pw q.anoo J0L,aadnS a uo 6uLop st ay laoM to spunj e,agxa 6ULu.aa0u00 aaLLn3 LION wo,a; .aaggaL a ppa.a BkOuueq JOo PW •awLq sLyq qe PaLgpq seM Aaggew sLyq 'uoLssnosLp JaL,aq a Aagjy •saOLnaaS q.anoo LedLOLunW 'q,anoo gOL.agsLO ygLM 6uL40eaqu00 oq aoua,aaja,a uL .aaLgpj aILW woad panlaoaa pey ay aaggaL p LLounoo ayq ygLM passnosLp aLouueq aoLeW BILL SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT OCT. 20, 1980 EXPENSE 1. Lanier Business Products, Inc. Recording Machine /..230..1. D +-•268:A0 'CURRENT 2. The Wenatchee World Publications 116.48 3. Grant Road Hardware Parts for Park 37.24 4. Douglas Co., P.U.D. 2 Months Service 77.00 5. R. M. Church Office Supplies & File Cabinet 295.17 6. Pedco Credit Union Oct. 1980 Payment 100.00 7. Wm. McKenzie Oct. 1980 Salary 281.61 8. Wm. Hamilton 520.19 9. Dorotha McGee 487.55 10. Robert H. Scott, Jr. 200.00 11. Forrest W. Lannoye 272.22 12. Peggy C. McArthur 929.85 13. Virginia Kinzel 640.49 14. De Forest N. Fuller 643.01 15. Ronald W. Lannoye 312.47 16. Robert W. Goodman 328.97 17. George W. Sperline 328.54 18. General Telephone Co. 1 Months Service 131.68 STREET 1. E. Wenatchee Water District 11,000 gals., water 5.50 2. Herb's Rental Cement Saw & Diamond Blade 57.75 3. Wenatchee Iron & Metals Drains & Rings 252.00 4. Cascade Cable 14 hrs., rental backhoe 220.50 5. 6. Col., Concrete Products The Wenatchee World 2 Type I Catch Basins Call for Bids 220.50 18.64 ' 7. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Regular Gasoline 351.95 8. Wenatchee Radiator Repairs on Loader 126.00 9. Douglas Co., P.U.D. 2 Months Service 1 672.00 10. Grant Road Hardware Paint Mixer & Screen 12.09 11. R. M. Church Time Cards 17.58 12. Pedco Credit Union Oct. 1980 Credit Union Payment 143.00 13. Danny E. Reeves Oct. 1980 Salary 818.44 14. Ronald Lannoye 624.94 15. Robert Goodman 630.24 POLICE 1. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Unleaded Gasoline 462.26 2. Chevron U.S.A. Credit Card Charges gasoline 14.82 3. Jack Miller's Processing of Film 10.82 4. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 2 One year Bonds, Virnig & Cawood 40.00 5. Mid State Cleaners Sewing & Alterations 9.61 6. City of Wen., Police Dept. Oct. 1980 Emergency Telephone 350.00 7. City of Wen., Police Dept. Prisoners Board & Room 345.00 8. In Print 1000 Time Cards 31.91 9. Wells & Wade Rebuilt Nozzle Gas Pump 52.45 10. Cascade Chevrolet Co. Relay Car #1 8.33 11. Dept. of Retirement Systems Oct. 1980 Retirement 641.80 12. Wm. Brooks Oct. 1980 Salary 1 069.25 13. Harold Kirby 980.48 14. Richard Cawood 878.58 15. Michael Cattin 889.40 16. Hiram Thomas 833.58 17. Lisa Jo Smith 647.32 18. Gary Thomas 609.12 19. Walter Doll 795.88 20. Chet Virnig 760.58 ' 09'L99 s,ae3 DOLLod Z " fiPd aseal •3O0 -juI s3ue3Lnsuo3 LeLOueuL3 •L 3f1N3A3b aRVHS IV'd3033