HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/6/1980 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 COUNCIL MEETING Oct. 6, 1980 Councilmen Present: John Pflugrath, Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill and Ed Rich. Attorney Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as presented with a motion to pay Attorney Neil Fuller $36.00 which was deleted from his last billing. After reviewing the Salary Ordinance, it was concluded that this item was acceptable as an extra duty. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Councilman Ray Duncan stated that the loader appears to be working fine. He asked Dan Reeves to keep him informed on its performance. Mayor Lannoye complimented Mr. Duncan on all the time he has spent in reference to the loader. The Council advised Dan Reeves that the ditch on 13th street should be cleaned now that the water has dried up. Authorization was given by the Council to continue with the proposed annexation of Island of Territory (Resolution No. 80-4) as no one appeared against the proposal. Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Mike Ireland asked the Council why 15th Street was not included in the proposed annexation. The Council informed him that the County now maintains the bottom of 15th and this would only add to confusion to take in only part of the street. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance 298 (Setting the 1981 Tax Levy) Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously to set Oct 20th as the date for Federal Shared Use Hearing. Mayor Lannoye read a letter from the Douglas County Commissioners asking the City's participation in the planning process to update their Solid Waste Management Plan. Also a sample Resolution was included for the Council's consider tion in the joint plan. The Council asked Dick McGraw if he would be willFto attend a future hearing with the County concerning this request. Mr. McGraw said he would be glad to and stated he would find out when the meeting is scheduled and contact Councilman Duncan and Councilman Pflugrath. The Mayor asked the City Clerk to put this on the Oct. 20th agenda. There was more discussion concerning the radio that apparently was given to Rock Island by one of its former employees. Mayor Lannoye said he had contacted Mayor Evenhus and he said the City was willing to look for a radio that would satisfy the City of East Wenatchee or purhaps purchase a portable for the City if this was satisfactory with the City Council. The Council agreed that this would be fine if it meet with the approval of the Police Chief. Councilman John Pflugrath was against any replacement. No bids were received for the sale of the 1975 Matador. •k'LsnowLuen passed pue yoLa P3 kq papuooas 'pau,anofpe aq 6uigaaw ayg 4e44 uoLgow a apew ueoun0 Xea °ssauLsnq Aa4q,anj ou 6ULaq a,aayl •6uL4aaw a44 a.ao;aq q� Ma-Lnau oq aWLq aney pinoM kayq os uagwaw Liounoo yoea oq Puas pue aoueuLpao aLdwes a gje.ap ay geyg pa4sa66ns seM qI •6uLgaaw Ljouno3 gxau ayq qe s6uLpui3 SLq guasaid pue 6ULOP a,ae Ra4g ge4M aas pue sa�g�Ied�o�unw aaygo yg�M �oayo 4 Iq ayq pa4sa66ns L}ouno0 ayl •uoLgaaap�suoo AL044 .ao; .aanM pue pLog }o saaXne aol asu90L3 a Jo-4 6uip[noad aoueULP.ao @Ldwes a B ouno0 aqg og pagg�wgns sloo.ae ga140 ' 'kLsnowLueun passed pup 40L2 P3 Rq papuooas °yge.abnLdd uyop kq apew SUM uoLgoW •uoLgexauue pies uo 6uLaeaH o��gnd e uo� 0861 `£ AagwanoN qas pue .aaggagsIoeg •�•0 :SAW pue •.aW 4q pa44�wgns uoLgexauuy ao} UOL4�4ad ayg panoadde R'Isnowlueun Liouno0 ayl BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT OCT. 6, 1980 CURRENT EXPENSE ' 1. Ray Duncan Sept. 1980 Per -diem 46.93 2. Darrell McNeill 46.93 3. Ed Rich 46.93 4. Hartley Beeler 56.32 5. John Pflugrath 56.32 6. Roberta Burnap Sept. 1980 Salary 388.81 7. Petty Cash Stamps 5 Rolls 75.00 8. Emp. Sec. Dept. Unemployment Compensation 675.24 9. Security Bank Sept. 1980 Withholding Deposit 1 766.20 10. Emp. Sec. Dept. 3rd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 181.17 11. Chelan Co. Treasurer 3rd Quarter Liquor Tax 101.31 12. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 3rd Quarter Industrial Ins. Pay. 962.49 13. Emp. Sec. Dept. Sept. 1980 Social Security Pay. 1 971.68 14. C K C Leasing 23rd Payment Savin Copier 139.48 15. Emp. Sec. Dept. Administrative Expense (Prorated) 10.78 16. D. Neil Fuller Services & Costs 18.85 17. David T. Ellis Judge Pro-tem 100.00 18. Johnson's Inc. Repairing Olevette Adding Machine 31.50 19. Bobbie S. Hayes Witness Fee 10.00 20. LaRai M. Watne Witness Fee 10.00 21. Mona Ruiz Interpret - City vs Niegete 10.00 22. In Print Vouchers & Time Sheets 50.40 23. Copytron Western, Inc. New Drum for Copier 180.00 24. G. Telephone Co. 1 Months Service - Police, Gen. Adm. Judicial and Planner 107.24 ' 25. Wa., Physicians Ser. Nov. 1980 Medical Insurance Payment 711.80 STREET 1. Empl. Sec. Dept. Unemployment Compensation 253.07 2. Security Bank Sept. 1980 Withholding Deposit 329.60 3. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 3rd Quarter Industrial Insurance Pay. 284.15 4. Emp. Sec. Dept. Sept. 1980 Social Security Payment 336.16 5. Emp. Sec. Dept. 3rd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 47.46 6. Wa. State Treasurer Maintenance Signal Lights 205.51 7. Do. Co. Road Dept. 5 gals Diesel 5.22 8. Roy's Truck Repair Repairing Front Loader 270.94 9. In Print 1 M Street Vouchers (printed) 31.80 10. WA. Physicians Service Nov. 1980 Medical Insurance Payment 97.70 11. Cascade Gas Corp. 1 Months Service to Shop 1.20 12. Elder Auto Parts Parts & Supplies for Maint., & Repairs 70.49 POLICE 1. Jack Miller's Film Processing 10.98 2. Kayo's Car Wash Sept. 1980 Police Cars (washing) 30.00 3. Wen. Petroleum Unleaded gasoline 341.03 4. Eastmont Body Shop Painting & Repairing Car #2 115.50 5. 6. Chelan Do., Co. Health Brodsky's Menswear District Physical Officer Virnig Uniforms & Jacket 76.32 211.92 ' 7. Cascade Chevrolet Parts for repairing Car #1 46.37 8. Pay'n Save Corp. Misc. Supplies 9.67 9. The Keyhole 5 Duplicate Keys 4.73 10. Elder Auto Parts Parts & Supplies Car #1 43.34