HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/15/1980 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Sept. 15, 1980 Councilmen present: John Pflugrath, Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill and Ed Rich. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were accepted as submitted with the exception of a voucher to Attorney Neil Fuller. Neil was advised to take out the time spent with State Examiners. This decreased the amount $36.00. Motion was made by John Plugrath, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Ray Duncan said the loader is now at Roy's Truck Repair. They are putting new brakes on the front. When this is finished, Mr. Duncan stated it will be taken to Emerson Diesel to be checked out. Ray said hopefully, the machine will be read to go by the next meeting. Hartley Beeler said he would check on a complaint from Cathy Webb concerning a street light on Hamilton that apparently was knocked over by a garbage truck. Also Mr. Beeler was asked to check with P.U.D. and see if and where it would be feasible to put a street light in the City lot on Valley Mall Parkway. Also he was asked to check the cost of such light. Mayor Lannoye read a memo from Chief Brooks in reference to large semi -truck trailer having difficulty in making turns at some intersection in the City. He stated he can foresee a big problem during the construction of Safeway at Grant Road & Highline. Mayor Lannoye said that possibly nothing can be done at this time as he has been negotiating with Mr. Speidel about obtaining a strip of land by his department store with no cooperation. The City has asked for a Grant from U.A.B. for Rock Island Road. If this Grant is awarded, the problem could be rectified at the time of construction. Meanwhile, Ed Rich said he would look into other alternatives. Authorization was given by the Council to declare the red 1975 Matador as surplus. Call for Bids to be opened Oct. 6th with a minimum bid of 950.00. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. It was the unanimous decision of the Council to withdraw services from the Department ' of Emergency Services for the year 1981 due to a tight City Budget and inadequate service. The City would be will to negotiate with the City of Wenatchee if they should decide to set up their own emergency services or perhaps set up emergency services within the City. aL3 44L0 41- ' a O/CeW •RLsnowLueun passed pup 44e.a6nL}d uqop Rq papuooas 'pauanoCpe aq 6uLga9w aqq geyg UOL40W a apew aaLaag FaLgaeH 'ssauLsnq ingq,an} ou 6uLaq aaagl ALsnowLueun passed pup gge.abnL;d ugop Rq papuooas `goLd P3 Xq apew se uoLgoW •gloZ •qo0 pauado aq oq sptg 'anLJG auLLg6LH PUP '3'N 'gS Pa£ dO SUOLgaod 10 bULoplinsai aq; ao} spLq JOI LLPO oq LLouno3 aqq kq uanL6 SUM UOLgezLaogqny •ga6pnq aqq aoueLeq pup Faq oq aangn} apau aqq uL speaq quawgaedap q;Lm s6uL40aw ga6pnq aq Mm aaagl •f'LsnOwLupun passed pue gOLb P3 (q papuooas `ueoun0 XPb f'q apew sem uoLgoW •aOueLeq ;o qno 00'L8b`8LL paquasaad se ga6pnq 4JPU LwLLaad agq pagdope LLouno3 f'g13 aq.L 'SJ eSSa3eU dL UOLgeaado ue aaLq osLe agXew pup Aogoeaquoo a woaq aog3oeq e guaa oq snoa6e4uenpe aq 446Lw gL PEPS 840uueq JOXPW •400 uL 3aam gsaLJ a0 gdaS uL ' �aam gseL aqq Rq SLgg oq 4a6 pLnoO aq ggbnoqq ag pLes ue0 •waLgoad aqg ageLnaLLe pLnom sLgg dL aas oq ggLL uo SUOLgeOOL Omq qe @ M ssod se uoos se paLLegsuL wagq anq pue SULseq gogpo aapao oq LLounoo aqg Rq pa3se sem sanaab ue0 •sguLeLdwoo aLagg 441M aouepuagge uL aaam uaneaO ugop pue uopnol aLaaW `pueLadoo wol •uLea Fneaq 6uLanp gaaags ggLL um0p 6uLuuna aagem oq 6uLULe4aad UOLssnoSLp gonw sem aaagl BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT SEPT. 15, 1980 CURRENT EXPENSE ' 1. Do., Co., Sewer Dist. #1 2 Months Service 20.00 2. The Wenatchee World Publication 10.00 3. Kroll Map Co. 2 Kroll Maps 7.77 4. David Ellis Judge Pro-tem 140.00 5. D. N. Fuller Professional Services 162.63 6. Wa. Physicians Oct. Medical Ins. 711.80 7. Pedco Credit Union Sept. Credit Union Payment 100.00 8. Wm. McKenzie Sept. 1980 Salary 281.61 9. Wm. Hamilton " " 11 520.19 10. Dortha McGee " It11 487.55 11. Robert H. Scott, Jr. Sept. 1980 Public Defender 200.00 12. Forrest Lannoye Sept. 1980 Salary 272.22 13. Peggy McArthur 929.85 14. Virginia Kinzel 640.49 15. DeForest N. Fuller 643.01 16. Ronald Lannoye 312.47 17. George Sperline 328.54 18. Robert Goodman 328.97 19. Do., Co., Boundary Review Bd. Annexation Review 35.00 STREET 1. Traffic Control Sign Co. White & Yellow Paint -Traffic Control 2 651.36 2. Cleveland Cotton Products Absoreal (rags) City Shop 89.86 3. Cascade Gas Co. 1 Months Service 1.20 4. Wa. Physicians Service Oct. 1980 Medical Insurance 97.70 ' 5. Pedco Credit Union Sept. 1980 Payment 143.00 6. Danny Reeves Sept. 1980 Salary 818.44 7. Ronald Lannoye 624.94 8. Robert Goodman 630.24 POLICE 1. Dept. of Emergency Services 4th Quarter Payment 363.00 2. R. M. Church Police & Court Clerk Office Supplies 8.42 3. Brodsky's Menswear & Uniforms Shirt & Tie 29.09 4. City of Wenatchee P.D. Prisoners Board & Room 255.00 5. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Unleaded Gas 321.90 6. City of Wenatchee P.D. Sept. Emergency Telephone Service 350.00 7. Apple Valley Chap. Red Cross 25 - First Aid Patches 6.26 8. Cascade Chevrolet Chrome Strips for Car #1 11.26 9. Wm. Brooks 3 Months Cleaning Allowance 18.00 10. Harold Kirby It 18.00 11. Richard Cawood 18.00 12. Michael Cattin 18.00 13. Hiram Thomas 18.00 14. Gary Thomas 18.00 15. Chet Virnig 1 Months Cleaning Allowance 6.00 16. Walter Doll 1 Months Cleaning Allowance 6.00 17. Dept. of Retirement Systems Sept. Retirement Payment 641.80 18. 19. Wm. Brooks Harold Kirby Sept. 1980 Salary 1 069.25 980.48 20. Richard Cawood 878.58 21. Michael Cattin " It 889.40 22. Hiram Thomas 833/58 23. Gary Thomas 609.12 24. Chet Virnig 760.58 �7 Os' L99 ' 8L'L£ 9L'8ZL Z£'Lb9 sae3 aOLLod Z Iuaw4ud aseal •jdaS Loo4OS 'ULVJJ sao4S WX9 q s4ued }eaMS 11 11 11 SueLeS 086L '3daS 7ul s4ue4Lnsuo3 LelOueuLj •L 3nN3A3b GRVHS ln3033 6LUd LA 3a43 'LZ LIOG u@ILPM '9Z 43�wS o£ esLl 'SZ 03nNI1NO3 33I10d