HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/18/1980 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Aug. 18, 1980 ' Councilmen present were as follows: John Pflugrath, Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan and Ed Rich. Attorney Neil Fuller and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with the exception of a voucher to Western Refrigeration which the Clerk was asked to hold until the next meeting as the job was not complete. Also the Council noted that they would authorise payment for registration fee for Judge Hamilton to a seminar only. Any other expenses for the seminar will have to be paid by the Judge, such as motel, extra meals and car expenses. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler to pay the bills with the voucher to The Electric Connection to come out of City Hall Improvement Funds. Seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Dan Reeves was asked to take an inventory of all tools and to see that a copy of the inventory be left in the Clerk's Office. The Council agreed to purchase one quart of teflon oil to be tried out in one of the older police cars. 'The Clerk was asked to advertise the 1977 Pontiac in the Nickel for $850.00 or best offer. The minimum to be not less than 750.00. The Council discussed the 1975 Matador which Custom Carriage is trying to sell. They asked Chief Brooks to contact them if they have not sold it, to have it brought back and advertised for sale. Bid opening for the Matador to be September 15th. Attorney Neil Fuller said Attorney Mike Tableradvised him that the City would have to use the Petition Method to annex 9th St. & Baker St. No action was taken at this time. The Council asked Neil Fuller to draw up an Ordinance to adopt the 1979 Uniform Plumbing Code and have it ready for the first meeting in September. Ray Duncan made a motion to change the Council meeting from Sept. lst to Sept. 3rd because of Labor Day. Seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council for Dan Reeves to purchase traffic paint in a large quantity as he can get it at less cost to the City. The Council told Dan Reeves they would like to see fog lines on both sides of the following streets. Clements Circle, 13th to 15th on Ashland. Standerfer and Cedar Lane striped. Ray Duncan, John Pflugrath and Ed Rich said they would look into the price of a backhoe and front end loader and report back at the next meeting. ' Neil Fuller was adked to look into who is responsible for rezoning property; the Board of Adjustment or the Planning Commission. The Ordinance appears to read that either Board can act upon it. *kLsnowiueun passed pue gluAbnLJd uyop Xq papuooaS •pau,anoCpe aq 6u.;aaw ay} 3e43 Uol4ow a apew u@Laag f'a PAPH `ssau�snq aa4�an} ou 6u�aq aaagi ' • s.aap aoDa a ade4 6uLu.aao�o uoo saiuedwoo Aaggo awos 441m ayo pLnoM a4 pies SpauuaN ,aagaH 'Aag4,Anj Aa4zew aqq OJUL IooL Mm pue SOLIJed Le.aanas 04 s,a8448L u843i.aM se4 ,aaLInj LPN •uoL4e4S aoLn.aaS s,oRPA Xq w9Lgo,ad 941 AOJ BMsuodsa.a suos,aad ao uos.aad a44 6uiu.aaouoo uoLssnosLp a.aow sem 8,a941 ' BILLS SUBMITTED FOR CURRENT EXPENSE PAYMENT AUGUST 18, 1980 1. The Electric Connection Furnace & Air Conditioning 823.12 2. General Telephone 1 Months Service & Long Distance 102.65 3. Wells & Wade U. S. Flag 19.53 4. Western Refrigeration 2 Lennox Heating & Cooling Units & Dampers4798.50 5. P. U. D. 2 Months service City Hall 55.00 6. State Auditor July 1978/79 Examination 961.36 7. Int. Asso. of Plumbing & Mech. 4 Uniform Plumbing Code Books 52.30 8. Eastmont Developent Co. July Landfill 29.00 9. Pedco Credit Union August Payment 100.00 10. WA. Physicians Service Sept. Pay. 711.80 11. Wm. McKenzie August 1980 Salary 281.61 12. Wm. Hamilton 520.19 13. Dorotha McGee 487.55 14. Robert H. Scott Jr. August 1980 Public Defender 200.00 15. Forrest Lannoye August 1980 Salary 272.22 16. Peggy McArthur 929.85 17. Virginia Kinzel 640.49 18. DeForest N. Fuller 643.01 19. George Sperline 328.54 20. Ronald Lannoye 312.47 21. Robert Goodman 328.97 22. Wash. State Magistrates Assoc. Registration Fee for Judge 125.00 STREET 1. WA. Physicians Service Sept. Med., Ins., Pay. 97.70 2. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months service Shop 1.20 3. P. U. D. 2 Months service Shop, St. Lights & T. Cont. 1 702.00 4. Elder Auto Parts Misc. Parts Old Pontiac 27.16 5. Matco Tools Assorted tools for shop 271.95 6. Ace Auto Parts Head for flusher 85.00 7. WA. Belt Parts for repairing flusher 66.84 8. Pedco Credit Union Aug. Payment 143.00 9. Danny Reeves August 1980 Salary 818.44 10. Ron Lannoye 624.94 11. Robert Goodman 630.24 POLICE �. Dept. of Retire., Systems August 1980 Retirement Pay. 641.80 2. NW Law Enforce., Equip. Amber 4" chrome light 15.79 3. Elder Auto Parts 1 case oil filters for Police Cars 51.66 4. Jack Miller's Processing Film 17.06 5. Pay'n Save Corp. Floor, mat, strapping tape, velcro strips and cool seat for police car 17.11 6. The 5 "T"'s Restaurant Lunch Chuck Landers (Comm. Service) 2.73 7. Wen. Petroleum Gasoline 438.45 8. Shell Oil Co. Credit Card Charges -Brooks 14.53 9. R. M. Church Office Supplies, Police, C. Clerk & G. Adm.126.06 10. C. of Wen. Dept. of Police August 1980 Emergency Service 350.00 11. C. of Wen. Dept. of Police Prisoner's room and board 150.00 12. The Keyhole 10 Dup. Keys Car #4 9.45 13. City Center Motors Car #4 seat refoam 21.00 14. Sears, Roebuck Alignment Car3 & Shocks Car 1 96.44 15. Trick & Murray Wa, uniform Complaint/Citations 240.00 1 n Os'L99 sJe3 a3LLod Z ao; IuawFed 8se91 XLn0 65'OLS Z£'Lb9 89'09L 8s'££8 „ OV 688 8s'8L8 93*690 sZ'690 L ,CaeLeS 086E 3sn6ny 00'0L 6uLIaaW aoLn.AaS LLA Q 'IuI sIue30suo3 LeLOueuL3 'L _ 3f1N3AM GRVHS IV'd3O33 sewogl 'N Raeg 'bZ g4LwS oP esLJ '£Z 6Lu,ALA 3ag3 'ZZ sewogl weALH 'LZ uL94e3 LaegOLW OZ POOMe3 PJegoLd '6L Sq.AL)l PLoueH '8L s3oo,A9 'wM 'LL P POM aagOIeuaM agl '9L 1,NO3 33IIOd