HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/21/1980 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1980 Councilmen present were as follows: John Pflugrath, Hartley Beeler, Darrell McNeill, Ray Duncan and Ed Rich. Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. The Council was advised that 300.00 was withheld from Officer Thomas's check to reimburse the City for travel advance. Officer Thomas was paid this amount by the State for training. Councilman McNeill complimented the Street Department for doing a good job on the park. Dan Reeves told the Council Valley Mall Parkway is cracking between 9th and the Highway Grocery. Ed Rich said this happens sometimes when asphalt is laid over cement. Ray Duncan said he attended the disability board meeting June 21st. Mayor Lannoye thanked for for all the time he spends with the Board and keeping the Council informed of its activities. John Pflugrath said Western Refrigeration is about done with the duct work and that the power would be off most of the day Tuesday for the electrical work. 'Mayor Lannoye stated that Mike Tabler would be contacting Neil Fuller concerning the annexation of 9th St. & Baker St. Clerk was asked to put this item back on the Agenda for Aug. 4th. Neil Fuller said the City cannot resurface Colorado St. as its a private easement and would have to be dedicated to the City before any work can be done. Neil said he would try to negotiate with Larry Dillon to try and recover some of the expense over the storm drain problem by Kayo's Service Station. The Council unanimously disapproved the application of Eastmont Lanes for a beer and wine license, stating the youth frequent the lanes. Chief Brooks stated the patrol is already heavy at this establishment due to fights and illegal drinking outside. The Council felt the problems might increase and may take more officers if the permit is approved. Mayor Lannoye said a couple contacted him about a sandwich shop they would like to open at 961 Valley Mall Parkway. They want to serve beer and wine. They have not applied for a license at this time. Wanted the Council's views. No action was taken at this time. Neil said he would check and let the Clerk know how much is still owing by the City on law books. The Council unanimously agreed to trade (3) Motorola radios (1) divider screen and '(1) electronic siren to Douglas County for (1) 1960 GMC Van. Mayor Lannoye advised the Council of an order approving the creation of the East Wenatchee Flood Control District presented to him by Douglas County Board of Commissioners. 1 F-I •RLsnOWLueun passed pup 40La P3 Sq papuooaS pauanoCpP aq 6uL4aaw 044 4e4; uoL;OW P apPw AaLaaB XaL;aPH °ssaulsnq aaq;anj ou 6uLaq a,aagl •saOLad uo 40ag0 0; WL4 pa)SP LLounoO a41 'LLPH 43L0 apls;no @Lod a43 uo 6eL4 P aas 04 al[L PLnom a4 pies 44PAnL4d u4OP •44LO ag; ao; wa;L k'L;soO SJ8A a 6uLwo3aq sL g314M papunodwL 60p k.A8A8 ao; 00•9L k44 3 044 sa6ae40 k4 aLOOS aupwnH aql •una bop ALa44 ;aL ka43 dL pauLJ pup pa;oe;uoo aq aaumo a4; pa;sa66ns LLounoO a41 •passnOsLp SPM Loa;uoo 600 'LL0uno0 aqq ;aaw 04 6uL4aaw ;xau a43 04 wLg a;LnuL pLnom PUP auLJ ;no 6uLI.AOM aq o; pawaas ;uaw;aedap ;aaa;s aq; ao3 aaSOLdwa mau a43 pLps upa ;abpn8 L86L @q; 6uLaedaad uagm paaapLsuoo aq pLnoo swa;L asaq; sdegaad pup SO4ewL4Sa 4so0 awns 496 03 wLq PLo3 LLounoO aql *dogs S41O ag; uL camas pup as;Pm 'au04dBL@j a ao3 paIse sanaab uPO •saOLnaas aLaq; auLLOap o; sagsLM a9404PuaM ;uana 844 uL 6uL404edsLp ao3 ddlaagS f;unoO seL6no0 aq; q;LM 6uL;PL406au uaaq peg aq PCPs sjooa8 4OL40 •aa;uaO uoL4uanuo0 aLa4; ao3 aagO;PuaM 04 saLuow asa4; 6uLnL6 upq; aaq;pa °ao3 pasn aq ueo S@Luow xe; wnLpe;s aq; ;eqm ;noge uoLssnosLp awns SPM aaagl •ao42W 844 g;LM 6uL;a@w 4Pq; pua;;e 04 OU L pLnom aq pLps q;ea6nLdd ugop •aan;n_4 apau a4q uL aaeo aauosLad pup 6uL404edsLp ao} aa404PuaM 30 4410 944 g;LM 6uL4eL;06au aq pLnom aq pLps a4ouue3 ao4pW ' '086L ;oO 46noa4; LLOA4Pd 44LO a4; uo q;LwS PsLj dael o4 paaa6e XLsnowLupun LlounoD @41 •3aLg3 OOLLod 4sed aq; Sq wa4; uanL6 SPM WLPLO R@q; 4OLgM OLpea P 6uLuaaouo3 puPlsi )00a _40 uMol aq; 04 a;Lam 04 pa)se sem aaLLn3 LLaN Douglas County Sheriff POST OFFICE BOX 665 • PHONE 1509) 745-4701 WATERVILLE. WASHINGTON 98858 CONTRACT FOR INTERGOVERNMENTAL BILL WILLIAMS ..ERIFF TRANSFER JOAN K. RUDD CIVIL DEPUTY The County of Douglas, State of Washington, in and for consideration of the receipt by Douglas County, of that certain property of the City of East Wenatchee, State of Washington described as follows: 1. Three (3) Motorola "Motrac" F.M. Two Way Radio, Serial Numbers E86338, K262630 H553119 2. One (1) Divider Screen and 3. One (1) Smith & Wesson Electronic Siren. Does hereby sell, assign and set over to the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, that certain property described as follows: 1. One (1) 1960 GMC Van, WA. Lic. C24770, Vin, 1001CN4904 A This document reflects transfer of properties between Municipal Corporations of the State of Washington, for the benefit of the citizens of both governmental inities. DATED THIS day of THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE By; Forrest Lannoye, Mayor DOUGLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: John lontz, airman , 1980. Attest: Peggy McArthur, Clerk Attest: Edna Jensen, Auditor, Ex-officio/Clerk of the Board. BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 21, 1980 'CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Petty Cash 2. Travel Advance Revolving Fund 3. General Telephone 4. State Auditor 5. Trick & Murray 6. Do., Co., Sewer Dist. 7. Do., Co., Auditor 8. Wells & Wade Hardware 9. Eastmont Development Co. 10. Elder Auto Parts 11. Pedco Credit Union 12. Wa., Physicians Serviced 13. Wm. McKenzie 14. Wm. Hamilton 15. Dorotha McGee 16. Robert Scott, Jr. 17. Forrest Lannoye 18. Peggy C. McArthur 19. Virginia Kinzel 20. De Forest Fuller 21. Ronald Lannoye 22. Robert Goodman 23. George Sperline STREET I. Wen. Petroleum Co. 2. Elder Auto Parts 3. Wa. Physicians Service 4. Pedco Credit Union 5. Danny Reeves 6. Ron Lannoye 7. Robert Goodman POLICE 1. Wen. Petroleum Co. 2. The Keyhole 3. Pay'n Save 4. Jack Miller's 5. The Guardian Life Ins., Co. 6. City of Wen., Dept. of Police 7. Dept. of Retirement 8. Wm. Brooks 9. Harold Kirby 10. Richard Cawood 11. Michael Cattin 12. Hiram Thomas 13. Lisa Jo Smith 14. Gary K. Thomas Postage & Supplies 112.73 Advance Training School 300.00 1 Months Service 125.11 1978 & 79 Examination 1 423.99 Investment Sheets 17.46 2 Months Service 20.00 Swimming Pool Bond 7 587.44 Fountain Valve Park 24.57 June Landfill 8.00 Misc. Parts 85.46 July Payment 100.00 Aug., Medical Ins., Pay. 643.90 July 1980 Salary 281.61 520.19 487.55 July Public r)efender 200.00 July 1980 Salary 272.22 " 929.85 637.79 643.01 " 312.47 205.82 " 328.54 Gasoline 239.68 Parts for Flusher & Shop Supplies 39.47 August Medical Ins., Pay. 97.70 July Payment 143.00 July 1980 Salary 818.44 624.94 382.90 Gasoline 842.49 10 Keys for new car 9.45 Misc. Supplies 11.48 Film, Batteries & Processing 22.59 Disability Ins., Kirby & Brooks 177.46 Emergency Telephone 350.00 July Payment 641.80 July 1980 Salary 1 069.25 980.48 878.58 889.40 533.58 647.32 " " 570.59