HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/7/1980 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1980 'Councilmen present were as follows: John Pflugrath, Hartley Beeler, Darrell McNeill, Ray Duncan and Ed Rich. Paul Castle appeared for Attorney Neil Fuller. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by John Pflugrath to pay all billswith a voucher to Overhead door to be paid with Cumulative City Hall fund monies and a voucher to S. & D. Paving to be paid with Arterial Fund monies. Seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Councilman Pflugrath said he and Dan Reeves had looked at the roof of City hall which apparently damaged when the new face was put on City Hall. Ken Bray, Castle Maintenance said he would have someone look at it. John Pflugrath said he would get quotes for the electrical box for the heating and cooling units for City Hall. He said he if couldn't get quotes under the 2,000.10 limit the Council would have to call for bids. There being no one against the the Six Year Road Program, authorization was given by the Council to adopt Resolution No. 80-3. Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Jack Pattullo from Johansen Construction gave a presentation and showed a movie on a street seal called slurry seal. He said he would answer any questions after the meeting if any one was interested in the product, it's application and the cost. The Council gave Elder Auto Parts permission to use one parking spot in the City owned lot to be used for loading and unloading merchandise with the understanding they would have to give up the space if a building is put on the property. license The Council had no objection to a beer and wineAapplication for Such & Such located in the 636 Building. John Pflugrath said he had not contacted JohnTontz concerning a Petition for Annexation of 9th St. from Hamilton to Baker and Baker St. from 9th to 5th,and asked if the Mayor if he 'could find the time to do so. The Council discussed the Ceta termination of Lisa Smith, police secretary Aug. 27th. Chief Brooks said it would be impossible for him to stay in the office all day and keep up with the paper work and requested she be put on the City Payroll if at all AOS'PW 7 � •AcLsnowLueun passed pup LLPNOW LLaA,Aea ACq papuooas `pau.AnoCpp aq 6uLaaw ayq gegq UOL40W a apPw .AaLaaS kaLquPH `SsaULsnq uagq.anj ou 6uLaq aaayl •UOLgegs aoLAJas s,Ose� ' Rq waLgoAd a6PULeAp ayq 6UL.ALedau jo gsoo ayq Aoj a Msuodsaa SL OqM jo Aa41Pw ayq oquL 4oayo og .aaLLnj LM XBU.Aoggy puLwa.A og aLgseo LnPd pa>Ise LLounoo aql •gsanbaa SLgg og UOLgoaCgo ou pPy LLounoa aql •6uLl.aed aakoLdwa joj LLPH 440 jo )OPq uL 40L 6ULIaPd ayq u6Ls og UOLSSLw,aad palsp SJOO.Aq jaLyo •UOLSLoap LPULj aql aIew og JORPW aqg paAsP LLounoo aql •qqLZ ounp pegSueH aueno 10 UOL4eu6Lsa.A ayq oq anp passnosLpa.AaMuos.Aad aoupuagULPw I.Apd g gaa,Ags a Aoj SUOLgPOLLdde xLS •guawg,aedap gaaags ayq Aoj P.AawPo NOJQLod P jo saoL.Ad 04UL TOOL pup SJOO.Aq jaLyo ygLM Aagla6Ol gab og Sanaab uea paIsP LLounoa aql •6UL4aaw LLounoo qxau ayq Afq UOLgPwaojuL awns aAPy oq 4uq pLnoM gnq R4L3 ayq aoj s.aap.eooei adpq 04UL 13ago oq aouego a aneq qou pLp aq pLps kpauuaN uagaH -XLguauew.Aad uo PSLI 6ULg4nd sp .apj se ajeq og asinoo gegm eapL awns aAPy LLLM Acagq os aLgLssod sp coos sp ggLM do sawOO ag gegM MOu� LLounoo ayq qaL oq palsp spM aH •welsfS •1•a•o P j0 gSOO aqg 04UL TOOL Oq osLP pup L8" UL aoLA*IOS SLyg •a0j agea JLagg ISPaAOUL LLLM 'aagogeuaM jo 44g O ayg Laaj Xagg sP 4ep ayg 6uL.anp aagogeuaM 4sP3 04 sLLPO yogedsLp .aajsue,Ag pLnoo Rayg jL eas pup SUedwoD auogdaLag aqg ygLM Noago og SjOOAq jaLgo pajsp LLounoo aql •.aagwagdaS jo gquow ayq g6no.Agg uo daal aq FLWsod pLnoo PSL3 °gguow auo gseaL ge AOj kD UpOeA P seq quawg.Aedap aOLLod ayg se pagPgs LLounoo aql •aLgLssod BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 7, 1980 CURRENT EXPENSE ' 1. Ray Duncan 2. Darrell McNeill 3. Ed Rich 4. Hartley Beeler 5. John Pflugrath 6. Roberta K. Burnap 7. Security Bank of Washington 8. Employment Security OASI 9. Dept. of Labor & Industries 10. State of WA., Employment Sec. 11. Cascade Gas Corp. 12. Overhead Door 13. De Forest N. Fuller 14. In Print 15. R. M. Church 16. Consolidated Electrical 17. E. Wenatchee Water District 18. Copytron 19. General Telephone 20. Chelan County Treasurer 21. C K C Leasing STREET I. Security Bank of WA. 2. Employment Security OASI 3. St. of WA., Employment Security 4. Dept. of Labor & Industries 5. Pybus Steel Co. 6. Schroeder Fuel Co. 7. Chevron U.S.A. 8. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. 9. WA., St., Treasurer 10. The Wenatchee World 11. Grant Road Hardware 12. Cascade Gas 13. Bowman Distribution 14. Herb's Rental 15. S & D Paving 16.Elder Auto Parts 17. Columbia Concrete Products 18. S & D Paving POLICE 1. Wenatchee Petroleum 2. Chevron U.S.A. 3. Texaco 4. Wells & Wade 5. Grant Road Hardware 6. Elder Auto Parts ' 7. Police Chiefs & Sheriffs Inform 8. City of Wen., Dept. of Police 9. Dick's Towing & Repair 10. Cascade Chevrolet Co. 11. Travel Expense Revolving Fund June Per diem 23.47 it 11 46.93 46.93 56.32 56.32 June 1980 Wages 314.16 June 1980 Withholding Deposit 1 592.80 " 11 Social Security 1 823.92 2nd Quarter Industrial Insurance 960.02 2nd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 174.53 1 months service CCity Hall 30.67 Insulating Ceiling City Hall 362.25 July Law Books 35.00 Office Supplies 151.49 Office Supplies 39.88 Lights for Court Room & City Hall 84.67 2 Months Service 14.00 Paper for copier 71.25 1 months service & long distance calls 117.90 2nd quarter Liquor Profits 100.36 20th Payment Copier 139.48 June 1980 Withholding Deposit 339.60 June 1980 Social Security Payment 336.16 2nd quarter Unemployment Payment 47.46 2nd quarter Industrial Ins., Payment 283.88 Repairing Street Sweeper 10.04 Pump for unleaded gas tank 365.93 Gas Credit Card charges -Seattle Sander 43.45 Gasoline 211.31 Traffic Signals Maint. 386.31 Publication 6 yr., street plan 10.00 Misc. parts for storm drains 12.60 1 month service Shop 1.20 Screws Street Signs & Part for Sweeper 76.78 Jack Hammer Rental 1 36.96 15.54 Tons Hot Mix 375.29 Misc. Parts & Supplies 25.65 Products for repairing storm drains 413.23 10% Retained on Greenbriar 635.00 Gasoline 422.61 Gas Charges returning van Spokane 13.14 Gas Charges & Tire Repair 63.96 Misc. Parts Gas Tank 92.05 Misc. Parts Gas Tank & Rake for Park 18.12 It " " ", Police Cars & Park 19.07 1980 Edition Law Enforce. Adm. 24.50 Prisones Board & Room 300.00 Tow Truck Service 21.53 Window Crank for Police Car 6.89 Bill Brooks School Seattle 156.98 6L'6 6uLgsLuL;030gd s,-aaLLM AOPP 'LL bb'L6Z suEO aOLLod 9 luel se0 uo Aogel •;da0 '1S aag04euaM '3 do '3 '9L Zs'£Z 1.ALgs w.ao;Lun L sASP0.a8 'SL OZ'b ALeda.A a.Atj aoLAJaS S,33L0 'bL 00'0£ 3uawL'ed 086L aun0 gseM ae0 s,oXeN '£L 00'sb Ja3La4S of paJanLLap shop £ 448LOOS auewnH kaLLPA 'uaM 'ZL 03n3NI1N00 33I10d