HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/5/1980 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING May 5, 1980 'Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Councilmen present were as follows: Darrell McNeill, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, Hartley Beeler and John Plfugrath. Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Councilman, Hartley Beeler said P.U.D. would give the City credit for light #72 which has been out for quite some time. Ken Shamberger, Director of Chelan -Douglas Council of the aging told the Council they will be receiving a State Grant for 6 vehicles and will need 20% matching monies. Two of the vehicles will be used in the East Wenatchee area and he was requesting 15,040.00 from Chelan County, City of Wenatchee, Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee. The Council agreed to help with a portion of these monies if the Counties and the City of Wenatchee would contribute their share. Mr. Shamberger said he would 'contact the City at a later date. These monies will payable in Jan. of 1981. Councilman, John Pflugrath said he had received a quote of 400.00 from Overhead Door for insulation and two quotes for a furnace/air conditioner from Ace Metal. After some discussion, he waid he would have the specifications ready so the City can open bids June 2nd. Motion was made by Ray Duncan to call for bids for the furnace, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Councilman John Plfugrath said Mid State Cleaners asked if 2 or 3 parking spaces in front of their business could be posted 15 minute parking. It was the final opinion of the Council that every business on Valley Mall Parkway would be making the same request as this was tried before and resulted in many problems. Authorization was given by the Council to purchase a gas pump if one could be found for 350.00 or less. Also, John Plfugrath and Dan Reeves said they would get some more quotes for a 500 gallon new gas tank. Ray Duncan and Peggy McArthur will be attending a meeting concerning financing of Social Security May 21st at the Franklin House. 'Mayor Lannoye read a letter from the Douglas County Fire District accepting the budgeted amount of 40,000.00 for the 1980 fire contract between the City and the Fire District. It was the unanimous decision of the Council to join with Douglas County in creating •RLsnOwLueun passed pup LLLaNOW LLaJJ Pp Rq papuoOaS pau.AnoCpe aq 6uL4aaw ayj 4e44 UOL40w a apPw Ja Nag RaLIJRH `ssauLsnq aayqan} ou 6uLaq aaayl •aRouuel 4saiao3 .aoRPW Rq rapao 01 PaLLeO ULP6e SeM 6ULlaaW ' sasod.and Lauuos.aadjo; paLLeo aq UOLssaS PasOLO a 4P44 passe aRouuel JOkeW •UOL;aaPdaad ape,apd ALagj 6UL,anp dLay ALay} Aol -4um4aedao aOLLOd ayq 6uLlueyl y6LH %AC 4uau4se3 `J040aaLo PUPS ayl woa} .aal3aL P Pea,a aRouuel AOSeW •epua6P 4sLZ aql uo joeq .aaj4ew SL44 4nd 04 PaISP SPM 3,aaLo ayl •6uLn,aas MOU uawaLlua6 843 30 Om4 aOeLda.a 04 saySLM LLounoo ayj 3L PJPOO ay4 uo an.aaS 03 aJLsap ,aLay; P84POLPUL 44oq Rpauua� ,aagaH PUP mPJDOW 33Lp •paOPLdaa aq 4uaw;snCpy jo p,aeog ayj uo saagwaw oml 4ey} pa4sa6bns 43aLLLW •uW •6uL498w LLounoo }xau ay} 42 sjuawwoO JO SUOL4sa6bns JLay3 anL6 pue wa44 MaLna.a LLounoo ay4 jpy4 palse pup ;uawq,aedap 6ULUUPLd a44 uL 6ULsn aq LLLm ay swaol mau om3 4nogp POILP4 438LLLW LLIS •ain4Lpuadxa sLy'4 apnLOUL ;ou pLp ;a6pnq aOLLod ay4 se ga6pnq L86L ay} UL pauueLd aq oq anPy PLnom R,aPLes P 4Lal qnq a6P9Hw Pup sasuadxa Inogp AaLLn3 LLaN `Raua031y y4Lm )OND pLnom Ray; pLPs LLounoo ayl RzI3 ay4 Rq pLed aq R,ap}ajoaS aOLAJaS LLnLO ay} Rq pa.a.anOUL sasuadxa PUP R.APLPS P jeg4 pa4sanba,a UOLSSLwwoO aOLAJBS LLnLO ayj AOJ 6uL�Pads `s.aamog 3ay3 ' RLsnowLuPun passed pup yge.a6nJLd uyop Rq popuooes `ueouna Rea Rq aPPw SPM ULOC 04 UOL40W •6UL48aw LLounoo 4xau ayq 4e pa4dopp aq M m 4L UOL}nLosaa ao aOueULp,ao UP samel UOLgoP SL44 dI •Rlunoo sPL6noo 3o Paay a@40 PuaM 4se3 a44 uL }OLaIsLo auOZ Lo.a3uOO POOL) P BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MAY 5, 1980 EXPENSE 'CURRENT 1. Ray Duncan April Per Diem 46.93 2. Darrell McNeill 23.47 3. Ed Rich 23.47 4. Hartley Beeler 56.32 5. John Pflugrath 56.32 6. Roberta K. Burnap Wages 326.31 7. Employment Security Dept. OASI Social Security Payment 1 818.82 8. Security Bank of Washington Withholding Deposit 1 602.80 9. Pay'n Save Corp. 5 Sacks Weed & Feed -Park 115.25 10. Dependable Disposal Inc. April Landfill 17.00 11. East Wenatchee Water District 2 Months Service 14.00 12. C K C Leasing May Payment Copier 138.48 13. Sears Roebuck & Co. Curtain -Court Clerk's Office 18.47 14. Wa., St., Magistrates Assn. 1980 Dues for Judge Hamilton 50.00 15. DeForest N. Fuller May Payment Law Books 35.00 The Wenatchee World Publication Res. #1-80 49.44 '16. STREET 1. Employment Security Dept. OASI April 1980 Social Security Payment 297.49 2. Secuity Bank of WA. April 1980 Withholding Deposit 283.80 3. Elder Auto Parts Misc. Parts for Equipment 80.95 4. Chevron U.S.A. Solvent 132.83 5. North Central Chevrolet Co. Part repairing equipment 14.28 6. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Gasoline 179.41 7. Wa. State Treasurer March Traffic Signal Maint. 52.23 POLICE 1. Kayo's Car Wash April Car Washes - Police 30.00 2. North Central Chev., Co. Parts for Cars # 3 & 4 118.33 3. Wen. AMC/Jeep, Inc. Parts for repair 15.80 4. Jack Miller's Processing 12.70 5. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Gasoline 358.79 6, Lille, Jones & Mitchell, Inc. Bond for Harold Kirby 20.00 7. Dale's Automotive Parts & Labor Cars #1,3 & 4 85.64 8. In Print Certificate Forms 26.25 9. City of E. Wenatchee Street Dept. Labor for work done on Police cars 138.04 10. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Misc. Parts for repair 77.64 l 1 L SS'L£ 0861 S96PM 439 q 44S fipW 33a MW '0 *WM 'LL 3SN3dX3 1N3555